Analysis of Learning Management on School Inclusive Education in
Ternate City: Case Study of SMA 10 Ternate
Dewi Mufidatul Ummah, Andi Agustan Arifin, Bujuna Alhaddad
Early Childhood Education Study Program, Khairun University, Jln. Bandara Baabullah Akehuda
Ternate 97728 North Maluku Indonesia
Keyword: Learning management, Inclusion school, Student with special needs, Higher education
Abstract: Learning process in the classroom is one container for each individual in the process of learning to develop
IQ, EQ and SQ or skill, as well as the potential that exists in itself, without exception to student with special
needs. This study was carried out in the inclusion class in SMAN 10 Ternate of the existence as school
inclusive education require special management especially on the lesson. This study aimed to describe and
analyze: 1) learning management planning on inclusion class; 2) implementation of learning management of
Inclusion school; 3) learning assessment system of school inclusive education at SMAN 10 Kota Ternate.
This study used a qualitative approach to data collection techniques with structured interviews, observations
and study non participants or documentations study. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction,
presentation and verification. While data validity technique used triangulation and member check. The results
showed that the planning and implementation of the management of the school inclusion is already done, just
that there are some aspects that need improved as the competence of teachers, infrastructure and
learning devices. The result of discussion also found factors affect learning management derived from the
endowment factors (internal and external schools) and restricting factors of learning i.e. educators, funding
infrastructure and management of student with special needs.
Education is the right of every citizen, with no
exceptions. Education is a forum for every individual
in the learning process to develop IQ, EQ, and SQ as
well as the skills and potential within him. Education
does not always come from formal education such as
schools or colleges. Informal and non-formal
education also has the same role to construct
personality, especially children or students. The
Government of the Republic of Indonesia has
guaranteed the education of every citizen.(UU 20
tahun 2013)
In principle, each student has the right to get
opportunities to achieve satisfied learning
achievements. But in reality, there are several groups
get less attention, namely children with special needs.
Because of the perception of public those who have
physical or psychological deficiencies have different
needs than children in general, so they must be placed
in special schools with children who have similar
In the 1990s, there was a movement towards
special education in regular schools and general
classes, used in terms of integration, mainstreaming,
inclusive and normalization. The principle of
inclusive education is public schools that provide
education service systems that include children with
disablities learn together with their peers, in regular
school closest to where they live. So that through
inclusive education children with disabilities will be
given the opportunity to learn together with normal
children in regular class. It has implications for
fostering interaction and caring for others, especially
children with disabilities.
Moreover, inclusive schools are also places where
every child is accepted, becomes part of the class and
also other community members so that his individual
needs are met ". This is in line with the opinion of
Powel & Caseau (Farrel, 2008) which states that the
most important thing about inclusive education is
helping children in academic and social matters.
Learning process in the classroom is one part of
developing students' abilities and skills. Learning
relates to what material needed and meaningful in life
Ummah, D., Arifin, A. and Alhaddad, B.
Analysis of Learning Management on School Inclusive Education in Ternate City: Case Study of SMA 10 Ternate.
DOI: 10.5220/0008897300490055
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 49-55
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and an inclusiveenvironment, kind for learning
considered the needs, interests and desires of teacher
(Hidayat, 2009). It is often referred as child center
learning and not centered on achieving the
In learning process, teacher is the main part of the
class because the teacher plans learning activities in
the classroom, implements them, determines the
policy strategies that will be used in the classroom,
and makes decisions on solutions that will be used
when facing obstacles and challenges that occur
during the learning process. After the teacher, school
component is also important for optimizing the
education services of its citizens, because the school
is a place for students to develop to get various
knowledge and skills in their development.
Based on the result of interviews in a preliminary
study with one of the administrators of Education and
Learning (Pendidikan dan Pengajaran) of North
MalukuProvince,there were several schools that
administered inclusive education in North Maluku
Province and one of them was the 10th High School
of Ternate City located on Siswa street. This school
is the first school inclusiveeducation in Ternate, held
since 2007. It means that SMAN 10 Ternate city has
received children with disabilities and implemented
inclusive learning for approximately 10 years. At the
school, every student gets same educational
experience. Based on observations made there are
also several facilities provided by the school for the
learning process of children with disabilities, such as
a supporting laboratory.
Based on the description above, the researchers
have an interest in learning of inclusive schools that
provide learning opportunities for children with
disabilities. So, this study will discuss about
inclusivelearning management in SMA 10 Kota
Ternate. The selection of research locations based on
the reasons for the length of time SMA 10 Kota
Ternate became one of the schools providing
inclusiveeducation in North Maluku Province.
2.1 Type and Location of Research
This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative
approach. The location of the research is in SMA 10
Kota Ternate.
2.2 Research Subject
Respondents used by researchers to collect research
data in SMA N 10 Ternate city were principals, class
teachers, and students in the inclusion class. The key
instrument in this study is the teacher who becomes
the direct actor in the learning process.
2.3 Type and Data Source
The type of data needed in this study consists of
primary data and secondary data qualitative. Primary
data is data from interviews with informants. While
secondary data is documentation data and
observations before and after being in the research
2.4 Data Collection Techniques
Data collection is one of the important stages in
research. According to Soegiyono (2008), there are
two main things that can affect to quality of research
data, namely: (1) the quality of research instruments,
and (2) the quality of data collection. Therefore,
collecting research data must be designed in such a
way that the research produces and obtains valid /
valid data.
To obtain the data needed in this study, data
collection techniques taken consist of interview,
observation, and documentation.
2.5 Research Instrument
In this study, the instrument is the researcher himself.
After the research focus becomes clear, the research
instruments are developed in a simple manner that
can clear and be able to complete the data from
interviews, observation and documentation. Then the
form of instrument was developed through research
focus so that all information obtained becomes
accurate data needed in this study. The instruments
used are questionnaire, observation format, and
documentation analysis format.
2.6 Data Analysis Technique
The stages in data analysis taken in this study
included the following steps:
2.6.1 Data Reduction
After collecting the data, the steps taken by the
researcher were analyzing by reducing the data,
which summarize all the interview data, the results of
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
observations, and reviewing the documentation and
then choosing and taking the main things which were
focused on the problems that the researchers want to
study based on indicatorsdeveloped related to
learning problems students of SMA 10 Ternate
2.6.2 Data Presentation (Display)
The second main step of the data analysis activity was
presenting data. After reducing data, the researchers
presented the data in narration, meaning that every
fact and information obtained that occurs or that was
found by the researchers, was then narrated and given
an interpretation of these phenomena.
2.6.3 Data Verification
The third step of the analysis activity was drawing
conclusion. From the beginning of data collection, the
researcher startedto decide what something means,
noting order, patterns, explanation, possible
configuration, causal flow, and propositions.
2.7 Data Validation Technique
Checking the validity of the data is a very important
stage in qualitative research, because it determines
the level of trust in the results of the research that has
been done.
2.7.1 Triangulation
Triangulation at this stage was carried out source
triangulation, namely data obtained by researchers
from the result of interviews with primary data
sources, researchers proved the truth of the data by
interviewing several triangulators as a comparison so
that researchers can obtain valid data.
2.7.2 Member Check
At this stage the researcher returns to the field to
check all the data obtained from interviews,
observations, and documentation with the informant.
If the data can be received and approved, the
conclusions of the results will be made.
The location of the school is at K.H Dewantara Street,
Ternate Tengah District, Ternate City and border on
other schools. The school status isstate owned in 2010
which was previously named SMA PGRI and born in
1988. This school is a fairly old school in the city of
Ternate. SMAN 10 Kota Ternate is located in a
strategic condition because it is in education area
along with other schools and the location of the
school is easily accessible, because of its position on
the transportation route. In the 2014/2015 school
year, the school had 487 students divided into 15
study groups, which stood at ± 2400 m2, cared by 36
teachers and 6 laboratory assistants with minimal
education is S1.
SMAN 10 Kota Ternate has a vision of Creating
Students that excellent in Science and Charity and
compete nationally and globally. In addition, the
mission proclaimed is 1) Growing appreciation and
practice of the teaching of religion embraced as a
source of wisdom, 2) Forming superior and
competitive personalities that are intensive to all
school members 3) Carrying out teaching and
learning activities optimally oriented towards
achieving standardized competencies National and
Global, 4) Developing all potential students optimally
in both academic and non-academic fields, 5)
Establishing harmonious relationships between
school and parents / guardian of students,
communities, institutions and related institutions in
order to achieve an optimal school vision. Based on
the school's vision and mission, it is illustrated that
the mission carried out by SMAN 10 Kota Ternate is
the implementation and development of learning in
improving the quality of education.
3.1 Students’ Condition
SMA Negeri 10 Kota Ternate has 558 students. Data
of students’ condition in academic year 2007/2018
can be seen as follows:
Table 1: Number of students of SMAN 10 Kota
Ternate in 2018.
Class Total
X 189
XI 175
XII 194
Total 558
Source: Administration Data Report Book, April 2018
3.2 Description of Learning Management
3.2.1 Learning Plan
Based on the result of field study, information was
obtained that in the planning of learning, teachers
were actively seen in the preparation of learning
Analysis of Learning Management on School Inclusive Education in Ternate City: Case Study of SMA 10 Ternate
plans. In the sense that teachers of subject at the
beginning of each school have prepared their learning
plans on Lesson Plan (RPP). However, RPP made are
still general and not adapted to the inclusive learning
curriculum. Learning planning should be based on the
results of in-depth studies through collaboration
between national education goals, the needs of
students, community, parents, and the government so
that harmony and collaboration between the school
and the environment around will increase graduate
output and the quality of graduates. It means, in RPP
made by the teacher, it is better to include activities
for students with disabilities in the class.
Based on the results of the interview, the teacher
did not understand the inclusive program
implemented by the school. The lack understanding
of teachers isalso caused the teacher not prepare the
learning tools needed for inclusive students. The
success of a learning process is determined by careful
planning. Good planning makes half the success can
be achieved, the other derived from its
implementation. Based on the result of triangulation
interview, it was concluded that not all subject
teachers made lesson plans as expected in inclusive
school learning. Most of subject teachers did not yet
have the awareness to make a lesson plan kit
specifically for inclusive students.
This is partly due to the unevenness of
information and knowledge about inclusive schools
received by teachers, only two teachers were touched
by training and socialization about inclusive schools.
However, based on the system, the principal
conducted regular meetings every 3 months to
evaluate the learning done by the teacher while at the
same time look at the teacher's preparation in
conducting the learning plan.
3.2.2 Implementation of Learning
1) Teaching activities
In implementing the teaching and learning process,
generally, the teacher has made changes and
innovations in accordance with the development of
students. But the teacher has not involved analysis in
accordance with the development of the inclusive
students. They have used multimedia or with more
varied methods, but evaluation of students with
disabilities has not been found in concrete teaching
and evaluation activities. The purpose of the learning
process is still only to include students who have
disabilities in the learning process, not yet to increase
the competence of students in the class. So, school
implemented enrichment learning for children with
disabilities in extracurricular activities.
Extracurricular activities are institutional
activities that have an influence on teaching and
learning interactions in the classroom. Parties
provided space for students with disabilities to be
involved in extra-curricular activities, so students feel
the same and comfortable with the school
One of implementation of learning management
for children with disabilities is the aspect of guidance
and guidance of students at SMAN 10 Kota Ternate.
The school has created a student mentoring program
for capacity building or achievement. Guidance
activities carried out by the school were through
extracurricular activities. This activity received
attention from both school leaders and teachers.
According to the teacher, extracurricular activities
are: (1) providing art / dance programs, (2) holding
tutoring (3) holding social services (4) Red Cross and
Scout activities. Besides extracurricular activities, the
training of students with disabilities conducted by
teachers at SMAN 10 Kota Ternate is a religious
activity such as teaching students to commemorate
religious holidays such as Isra 'miraj, Maulid Nabi,
while for students who are non-Islamic also directed
to other activities in contact on developing students'
abilities and interests.
From the analysis carried out on the result of
interviews with teachers and principals, it can be
concluded that the implementation of classroom
learning by teachers is still lack of seeing specific
conditions of students with disabilities. Schools and
teachers tended to only target students to come and
socialize with their peers. However, students with
disabilities are designed to be more involved in
student coaching activities or extracurricular.
Students with disabilities were emphasized to
develop students' abilities and interests, so that the
school offered several activities outside the classroom
that accommodate their talents.
2) Completion of Teaching Learning Processes
The completeness of the teaching and learning
process, fully prepared by each teacher. Based on the
results of interviews, the school has prepared
facilities and infrastructure for completing the
implementation of learning. Infrastructure facilities
prepared such as special laboratory rooms,
classrooms, wheelchairs, and braille letters. This is
provided by the school to assist learning for students
with disabilities, although for now the facilities and
infrastructure are poorly maintained and used well by
the school. In addition, it was found data that students
with disabilities did not want to use the infrastructure
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
services because they were embarrassed by their
3) Evaluation and analysis of learning outcomes
Evaluation and learning outcomes are continuity
activities covering the teaching and learning process.
Teachers are expected to be objective, transparent and
accountable so that the learning outcomes obtained by
students as basic data that can be used as a reference
for future improvements.
Evaluation activities are conducted periodically,
regularly, and bookkeeping. The results arrived at the
reporting stage of the student evaluation results in
every semester which will be used both for the
internal needs of the school and as material for the
education report. However, data was found that the
evaluation for students with disabilities had not been
carried out by the teacher.
The teacher added, that evaluation for students
with disabilities had not been carried out because of
the lack understanding of teacher about the condition
of students in his class. So, it becomes the root of the
teacher not doing a good evaluation of learning.
Besides evaluations conducted by the teacher,
there were also evaluations conducted by the
principal. Guidance carried out by the Principal is to
supervise with emphasis on the improvement and
development of professional performance in fostering
students. Supervision carried out by the principal is a
quarterly meeting that oversees the learning process
carried out by the teacher. It was as stated by the
teacher of SMAN 10 Kota Ternate..
"... In supervising, Principals sometimes visits the
classrooms and makes individual contacts. Class
visits are not carried out routinely, sometimes there
are notifications, but sometimes without notification.
In individual contact relationships, principal always
provides direction and guidance (interview, 2010).
According to the researcher, supervision activities
carried out by the principal have benefits to the
teacher's personal and institutional improvement.
From the result of interviews, surveys and facts of
documentation obtained by researchers has shown
that there was no indication of the implementation of
learning management carried out by SMAN 10 Kota
Ternate as one of the schools implementing inclusive
schools in North Maluku.
3.2.3 Factors Affecting the Implementation
of Learning Management at SMAN 10
Kota Ternate
1. Supporting factors
Based on the result of the interviews, it was found
several supporting factors, the first is the enthusiasm
of the school to accept students with disabilities,
meaning that the school so far has never refused those
students. The second supporting factor is the presence
of teachers involved in several trainings.
The third supporting factor is the principal who
has enough concentration on inclusive education,
infrastructure that is supportive enough and the
enthusiasm of some teachers regarding the
implementation of inclusive education at SMAN 10
Kota Ternate.
2. Obstacle factors
Management of inclusive education institutions is a
must to be implemented so that education is a
consumption for every human being in Indonesia is
no exception. Because of the task as an inclusive
education school, the management is not separated
from several obstacles that must be faced.
The inhibiting factors in the management of inclusive
learning includes:
1). Educator
The existence of supporting factors that facilitate the
management of learning in improving the quality of
schools providing inclusive education, there were
also obstacle factors in the implementation of
improving the quality of inclusive education in
From the result of observations and interviews of
researchers in the field, it showed that in the
implementation of inclusive learning management
there were still several things that hinder:
First, educators feel that they are not ready to
undertake inclusion-based learning because there is
no socialization of the results of inclusive training
represented by other teachers.
The second factor, there is an indication that
teachers lack enthusiasm to carry out inclusive
learning due to the breakdown of the budget
disbursed by the education office to the school.
So, it can be concluded that the level of teacher
economic is less secure and the inequality of teacher
involvement in training will be an obstacle to the
development of schools provider inclusive program.
Analysis of Learning Management on School Inclusive Education in Ternate City: Case Study of SMA 10 Ternate
In addition, supporting factors involve the
community around the school to participate together
in developing and improving the quality of education.
Community involvement can be personal
participation in directing inclusive students. This
collaboration has a large influence in society because
its benefits can be directly felt by the community.
2). Funds and Facilities / Infrastructure
From the results of interviews with the principal, the
researchers found that the source of funds for SMAN
10 Kota Ternate came from Bantuan Operasional
Sekolah and also funds from the assistance of the
students’ parents. Because of the lack of funds
obtained so that some learning activities and learning
facilities are not optimal. The lack of funding and
infrastructure is an educational problem which in its
development is not smooth because it is caused by
lack of funding"... recommendations to convey to the
service, because honestly we were here to prepare
learning tools for children there must be operational
funding but around 5 year is no longer from the
government "
So, from the above opinion it can be concluded
that the problem of funds and infrastructure is very
important for the continuity of the inclusive program
at SMAN 10 Kota Ternate.
Based on the results of research and discussion
obtained several conclusions, namely :
1. Learning Planning based on curriculum
management and teaching at SMAN 10 Kota
Ternate is adapted to the K-13 curriculum, in
learning process teacher prepared the
completeness of teaching in lesson plans, enriches
or repairs, and evaluates and analyzes learning
outcomes. Italso still found teacher doing learning
planning in lesson plans that have not been in
accordance with the inclusive school curriculum.
2. The implementation of learning based on the
teaching and learning process carried out by
teachers had been carried out innovations based
on the development of students by using
multimedia. In addition, the teaching and learning
process was also enriched with the guiding
process of students carried out in extracurricular
activities and religious activities. However, there
were still teachers who do not analyze the
development of students with special needs.
3. The implementation of learning evaluations
conducted at SMAN 10 Kota Ternate has been
carried out fairly thoroughly for all students, but
for students with disabilitieswhere the format was
different from other students had not been used
4. The implementation of inclusive school learning
based on facilities and infrastructure at SMAN 10
Kota Ternate is sufficient, but there were still
shortcomings that still require attention from
stakeholders, parents and the government.
5. Implementation of the inclusiveschool program
based on special service management conducted
by the SMAN 10 Kota Ternate was involving the
community in collaborative activities and
supervision of students with disabilitiesin the
school environment, Principals as leaders always
supervise as efforts to develop teacher
performance in fostering students.
6. Factors that influence the implementation of the
inclusiveschool program at SMAN 10 Kota
Ternate are; supporting factors, namely the high
support and enthusiasm of the school elements in
guarding the Escorting Inclusive School, the
consistency of accepting studentswith disabilities,
the construction of the inclusiveschool teacher
development team and teacher enthusiasm to
explore the world of inclusive. The obstacle factor
was that educators who do not understand the
concept of inclusive, funds, facilities and
infrastructure are still lack, community
participation is not fully involved.
Based on the results of the research and discussion
mentioned above, then some suggestions were
proposed relating to the learning management of the
Inclusion School at SMAN 10 Kota Ternate as
1. The management of school inclusion needs
intense academic transformation
institutionally with the government, in this
case the Education Office of Province, so that
the implementation of the Inclusion School in
SMA N 10 Kota Ternate becomes a shared
responsibility and the success of the school
can be maximized.
2. Implementation of inclusive school learning
management is demanded by school
management professionalism. Management of
teaching related to the teaching and learning
process where the teacher must understand the
concept of inclusion and students with special
needs and their handling.
3. Implementation of the inclusive school is a
demand for democratization in the field of
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
education where the involvement of the
community must play an active role as
partners of the management in the context of
school development. In particular, those
involved as community representatives in the
school committee are expected to be more
optimal in understanding their respective
duties and functions, both technically and
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Analysis of Learning Management on School Inclusive Education in Ternate City: Case Study of SMA 10 Ternate