Implementation Lesson Study to Improve Teacher’s Pedagogical
Competences in SMKS Pembangunan Ternate
E. Purwati
, B. Alhaddad
, S. Yunita
Geography Education Study Program, Khairun University, Ternate, North Maluku, Indonesia.
Early Childhood Education Study Program, Khairun University, Ternate, North Maluku, Indonesia.
Indonesian Language Education Study Program, Khairun University, Ternate, North Maluku, Indonesia.
Keywords: Implementation, Lesson Study, Teacher Pedagogy Competence
Abstract: Teacher as curriculum developer has to constantly improve their competence in supporting his profession,
especially at vocational high school which the output must be able to be absorbed by the industry has not
fully shown the good result. This is due to the teacher’s competency that is not trained consistently in
accordance with the demands of the applicable curriculum. The implementation of teacher development
model has not been able to maximally improve teacher competencies because the coaching model that has
been carried out by schools is still an accidental form. The purposes of this study are: (i) To know the
implementation of lesson study to improve teacher’s pedagogic competence at SMKS Pembangunan
Ternate (ii) To know the teacher’s response to the implementation of lesson study. This research is a quasi-
experimental one group pre-test and post-test design with questionnaire data collection techniques,
observation, and interviews. The results of the measurement tests that have been carried out indicated that
there is an increase in teacher pedagogical competencies (teachers' insights about students, ability to
develop learning tools and ability to manage class room learning) after being given lesson study coaching.
The response given by the teachers at SMKS Pembangunan was very good and benefited greatly from the
implementation of lesson study.
Development in the field of education requires
continuous and systematic quality improvement
efforts. Teachers who are given responsibility for
vocational secondary education are no exception.
This is due to global demands that require output
from a vocational secondary education to have high
adaptability and competitiveness in order to be able
to meet market needs in business and industry.
One of the main competencies needed by a
teacher in carrying out its functions according to the
Law is pedagogical competence. But in fact,
competencies that should be mastered by the teacher
are not in accordance with the real conditions in the
school. Indicators that indicate that the teacher's
pedagogical competency is inadequate, namely; first,
the results of evaluations conducted in the form of
either internal or external supervision indicate that
these teachers still need training and mentoring to
improve their pedagogical competencies. This can
be seen from the results of observations of the
supervisors who gave a lot of input to the teacher in
terms of improving the quality of learning in the
classroom. Second, the administration of learning
devices used in the learning process is incomplete.
Third, the relevance of the formulation of learning
designs made by teachers is not fully appropriate.
Fourth, learning carried out by teachers in the
classroom still uses conventional learning.
Theoretically, there are many models of
coaching that can be done to improve teacher
pedagogical competence. However, coaching efforts
that are predicted to be able to answer the problems
experienced are by applying lesson study. Lesson
study is one model of the professional development
approach through "learning from practice". In lesson
study, the teachers formulate learning objectives;
collaboratively working on "learning research";
observe, document and discuss student responses to
learning; and review the learning. The activity is
collaborative learning. So, lesson study becomes a
consistent and effective process for improving
teacher pedagogical competence (Perry et al, 2009).
Purwati, E., Alhaddad, B. and Yunita, S.
Implementation Lesson Study to Improve Teachers’ Pedagogical Competences in SMKS Pembangunan Ternate.
DOI: 10.5220/0008897400560059
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 56-59
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
1.1 Training of Lesson Study
Lesson study is a program to improve the quality of
Japanese-style learning which is considered to be the
key to Japan's success in improving the quality of
education (Stigler & Hiebert in Widodo et al,
2007).Lesson study is one of the strategies for
teacher professional development. The teacher group
develops learning together, one teacher is assigned
to carry out learning, the other teacher observes
student learning. This process is carried out during
learning. At the end of the activity, the teachers
gathered and asked questions about the learning that
was done, revised and compiled the next lesson
based on the results of the discussion. So that it can
be said that, lesson study is a model of educator
professional development through the study of
collaborative and sustainable learning based on the
principles of collegiality and mutual learning to
build a learning community (Santyasa, 2009).
Pedagogic competence is a skill or ability that
must be mastered by a teacher in seeing the
characteristics of students from various aspects of
life, both moral, emotional, and intellectual. The
implications of this ability certainly can be seen
from the teacher's ability to master the principles of
learning, ranging from learning theory to mastery of
teaching materials.
According to the rules about the teachers, that
teacher pedagogical competence is the ability of
teachers in managing learning of students which at
least includes: understanding insight or educational
foundation, understanding of students, developing
curriculum/syllabus, learning design, implementing
learning that is educational and dialogic, utilization
technology in learning, evaluation of learning
outcomes, and development of students to actualize
their various potentials.
This training and mentoring are given in 2
stages, namely; socialization stage by giving an
understanding of the lesson study concept to all
teachers. Preparation of learning design, application
of the design and reflection on the results of the
open class. The second stage is to provide intensive
assistance to the teacher model in compiling future
mapping. Implementing the design in class and then
with other teachers reflecting to redesign it again
based on reflection analysis.
Figure 1: Future Mapping English Language Subject.
At the time of drafting the learning plan (future
mapping), other subject teachers were involved so
that the atmosphere of the discussion became more
collaborative and the positive results were seen in
the results of the learning design. The collaboration
is very helpful for the model teacher to share and
give constructive input to each other for improving
the next lesson. Collaborative lesson study provides
benefits for teachers and students. The form of
benefits obtained by the teacher is to give the teacher
the opportunity to think more carefully about the
goals and material to be learned by the students.
Building capacity through collegial learning, which
is mutual learning about things, that are perceived as
lacking in knowledge and skills for guiding students
(Abizar, 2017)
Implementation Lesson Study to Improve Teachers’ Pedagogical Competences in SMKS Pembangunan Ternate
The thing that was felt differently by the teacher
involved in lesson study compared to the training
model that had been followed before was in the
process of designing learning scenarios that did not
touch on the needs and difficulties faced by students.
In lesson study design, it was seen that target
participants were targeted by the methods/models of
treatment to be applied in learning. Learning
scenarios designed to directly lead to how to help
target participants (low ability) can resolve the
difficulties and understand or complete learning
materials at that time.
This research is a quasi-experimental one group
pretest-posttest design with questionnaire data
collection techniques, observation, and interviews.
This research only measures the impact of the
implementation of lesson study on groups of
teachers sampled. The pre-test was given to the
teacher before lesson study training was conducted
to measure teacher pedagogy knowledge. After the
teacher gets lesson study training, a post-test is
conducted. Then the data is processed by using
To find out the teacher's ability to design
learning is done with training before lesson study
after lesson study is applied. Then to find out how
the teacher's response to the implementation of
lesson study in the school was conducted by
Figure 2: Design of research
Based on the result of the results of the significance
of the pretest for data normality test show 0.99> 0.05
which means that the data obtained from the results
of the teacher's pretest were normally distributed.
The data obtained from the teacher's posttest results
show 0.871> 0.05 which means that the data are also
normally distributed (table 1).
Table 1: Data normality test.
Teacher's pedagogical competence in the knowledge
aspect during the implementation process of lesson
study teachers' understanding of students is better.
The teachers become more observant in identifying
learners' difficulties. They can make learning
solutions according to the needs of students. The
design of learning ability, the teacher make
formulation of learning objectives has met the
principles of audience, behavior, conditioning, and
degree. The model teacher began to be trained in
translating the scientific approach into the learning
process. Another positive benefit obtained by the
teacher is the creation of a culture of collegiality,
which is how between teacher colleagues can freely
share to improve the quality of their respective
abilities. The awareness of mutual learning
relationships between teachers, so it does not make it
more awkward for other teachers to learn from each
other and complement each other's shortcomings.
And the most important thing that changes in the
school felt was the formation of learning
communities even though it was still limited to one
small group.
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Gains In Physics:Possible Hidden Variable In
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Santyasa. I.W. 2009. Implementasi Lesson Study dalam
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ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
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Peranan Lesson Study dalam Peningkatan
Kemampuan Mengajar Mahasiswa Sebagai Calon
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Implementation Lesson Study to Improve Teachers’ Pedagogical Competences in SMKS Pembangunan Ternate