In addition to the uneven distribution of
distribution and teacher qualifications at each level
of educational unit, the implementation of human
resource management education department of
Ternate City still have many other problems such as;
(1). Planning of teachers (teachers) has not been
clearly visible for the short and long term. (2).
Planning and recruitment of educators (teachers) at
the Ternate City Education Office, the
implementation still depends on the provisions of
the Regional Personnel Board. (3). Recruitment of
educators (teachers) is not suitable to the needs (4).
Development of careers of educators (teachers) is
still limited and has not fulfilled the needs, (5).
Performance evaluation of teachers (teachers)
conducted is still lacking and not comprehensive for
all employees. (6). Compensation (incentive money)
outside working hours at the education office of
Ternate City is still low, (7). The education office of
Ternate City has not optimally imposed its function
as a technical coach in education in the region, (8).
Weakness of governance system characterized by
education funding has not been based on the budget
mapping allocation system for the needs of each unit
of education program, and (9). The administrative
and managerial capacities of education managers are
weak, contributing to the lack of public participation
and the business world towards the financing of
educational programs.
In addition, while the effort to increase
knowledge and skills through education and training
have not been well implemented, the focus of
attention is more on the education of increment such
as adum, adumla, sepama, sepamen, and sepati.
Furthermore, the number of teachers assigned to
university study assignments is still relatively small
for the S2 and S3 levels including technical and
functional education. Yet, those who participate to
improve their knowledge and ability in education
and training are selected based on their close relation
to the policy-makers, not on their ability and
potentiality. Moreover, there is a tendency of an
unclear career development effort that seems
unprofessional. It is so easy for teachers to be
transferred from one unit to another without any
clear consideration. A principal is dismissed from an
old position and placed in a new position without
being supported by a benefit analysis and
competency support meanwhile there are still many
teachers who have not qualified enough to be
certified due to their academic qualification (Kota
Ternate in numbers 2012, 19).
Based on those facts, the Education Office of
Ternate City, as an institution that has the authority,
is responsibility to seek and improve the
procurement of teachers in schools in Ternate. This
can be done by planning to enhance various skills
and expertise. Thus the Education Office of Ternate
City only received details of the needs of teachers at
each level of educational unit in their respective
regions. The results of this mapping will give input
whether the distribution of teachers in every level of
educational unit is proportional or not. The problem
is the extent to which the Ternate Municipal
Education Office map out to track the distribution
and availability of the teacher.
This paper describes the implementation process
of human resource management of educational staff
of Ternate City Education Office, by focusing on the
functions of planning, recruitment, career
development and performance evaluation. In theory,
the existence of human resources is very important
for an organization, both public organizations and
non-public organizations that have the same goal to
be achieved. The goal will be realized if every
organization by utilizing and empowering all its
This research was conducted at the Office of
Education of Ternate City, North Maluku Province.
This study lasted for four months starting from
January to April 2017. Research subjects or data
sources in this study consists of key informants and
informants. While the subject of this study consists
of Head of Department, Head of Sub Department of
Labor, Kasubdin Dikdasmen, Kabid. Peningkat
Quality Teachers & Education Personnel, Head of
Informal & Non-Formal Education Office of
Education, Head of Sub-section and Staffing,
Kasubag Prog. & Planning, Head of UPTD
Kecamatan, Principals, Teachers and School
Committees that can provide information relevant to
the focus of this research namely human resource
management of educators at Ternate City office.
The type of this research is qualitative descriptive,
using qualitative naturalistic approach, that is
describing human resource management of educator
by Ternate City Education Office, naturally,
complete in depth and intact. A naturalistic
Educators Human Resource Management at Department of Ternate City North Maluku Province