Regulations of SMPN 7 Kota Ternate which should
not be violated by students have been arranged in the
form of school discipline, but there are still students
who violate those who do not comply with the rules
made by school such as being late, smoking, violating
the rules of clothing or hair, no follow the dhuhur
prayer in congregation and others.
The researcher conducted data collection using
questionnaires and spread to 32 students of SMPN 7
Kota Ternate. Based on the results of questionnaires
distributed to 32 students.Data obtained from several
types of rule violations that were often carried out by
students gave rise to teacher penalties for not making
public relations (78%), made noisy in class (75%),
cheating (68% ) disturbing other students (59%),
arriving late (56%) and forgetting to bring books
(52%) and smoking (35%).
According to the results of interviews conducted
by researchers, it was found that the violations
committed by both male and female students in SMP
7 Ternate city were quite numerous and varied, from
violations which were quite small to repeated
Based on the analysis conducted on the results of
interviews with teachers and principals and
questionnaires, it can be concluded that there are
various types of violations carried out by students in
the 7th Junior High School of Ternate. Violations that
occur are not making homework, smoking, coming
late and not being disciplined about the schedule of
activities in the school such as apples or morning
ceremonies and dhuhur prayers in congregation.
Dhuhur prayer activities in congregation are one of
the activities carried out every day by the school
which aims to shape the character of students of SMP
7 Kota Ternate.
3.3.2 Types of Punishment by the Teacher
In line with its main task as educators in schools,
teachers perform educational performance tasks in
guidance, teaching, and training. All these activities
are closely related to the efforts of developing
students through exemplary, creating a conducive
educational environment, guiding, teaching, and
training students. With developments and demands
that are developing today, teacher roles experience
expansion, namely as coaches, counselors, learning
managers, participants, leaders, and learners. Ternate
State Middle School 7, the punishment given to
students who commit violations varies, it is seen from
the violations of what students have done. Students
who commit minor offenses will be given a sentence
in the form of advice not to commit another offense.
In reality students do a lot of moderate and moderate
budgeting. Whereas severe violations are rarely
carried out by students. The teacher's efforts are as
a. Giving a Warning to Students
Reprimand is needed as an effort to improve
behavior. Some things that must be considered in
reprimanding them are being directed to students who
violate existing rules, reprimand is done to avoid
warning that is rude, reprimand is given to students
who are not disciplined. Student discipline is
inseparable from students' negative behavior which is
increasingly alarming. It is undeniable that the
teacher is an important component in shaping student
behavior to be better and can direct students to
improve discipline on existing rules.
Based on the results of a field study with interview
techniques to the Principal and the teacher in getting
the data that there are operational Standards to
provide penalties for students. The first sequence is to
give a warning to the students concerned. If the
reprimand has not been found to change behavior,
then the School or the teacher will instruct parents to
call parents to come to school. It is expected that with
the intervention of parents, students will not repeat
the undisciplined behavior they did.
b. Giving Punishment to Students Who Break the
The success of achieving student discipline is not
merely seen from the absence of violations
committed by students. Students who have high
discipline are students who have obedience,
awareness of rules that have been determined by the
school, students who violate the rules will be
punished. Giving punishment to students who violate
school rules is an attempt by teachers to increase
student discipline to comply with the rules that have
been made by the school. penalties are given to
students who commit violations such as being late,
not carrying out school work, violating clothing rules
and even punishment for students who are found
smoking and sucking on glue.
Based on the results of the questionnaire analysis
distributed to students, there were several penalties
applied by teachers in SMP N 7 Kota Ternate. Of the
32 respondents, the students who filled out the
questionnaire were given physical punishment data
that were often obtained by students by hitting using
rattan (90.6%), pinching (90.6%), lifting garbage
(84.3%) and picking up garbage (78.1%). While