Students’ Attitude towards English Active Use at English Language
Education Study Program and English Letters Study Program of
Khairun University
, Abdulhalim Daud
, and Sunaidin Ode Mulae
Lecturer of English Language Education Study Program, Universitas Khairun, Ternate, Indonesia
Lecturer of English Literature Study Program, Universitas Khairun, Ternate, Indonesia
Keywords: Students’ attitude, Active use of English, Classroom.
Abstract: This research aims to find students’ attitude towards English active use of English language education study
program and English letters study program at Khairun University in classroom. Method of collecting data
uses qualitative research. Instrument in this research uses questionnaires. The questionnaires are consisting
of 40 items. Data analysis techniques used descriptive statistics. Subject of this research consists of 51
students and purposive samples. The result in this research indicates that the students’ attitude of English
Language Education Study Program and English Letters Study Program at Khairun University in classroom
shows Agree 41.76%, and then followed by Disagree 26.13%, Strongly Agree 20.29%, Strongly Disagree
6.96%, and No Attitude 4, 85%. This research recommends lecturers to encourage students using English in
the classroom actively.
Enhancement human resources at this time, English
language skills are needed to encourage Indonesia's
development in era of globalization. English is used
by the world community to communicate in the
fields of Science and Technology. English is also
used in the ASEAN Free Trade and the ASEAN
Economic Community (MEA). Therefore, English is
used to encourage the achievement the ASEAN
community competition. Khairun University hopes
to becomes a campus international standard in the
English Language Education Study Program and
English Letters Study Program of Khairun
University were as a pioneer to motivate students’
attitude in order to the creation and innovation in
using English actively. The students need to be
empowered their attitude towards English in the
According to Suwarno cited by Mulae and Nuria
(2017) proposed middle way in the form of language
trilogy in developing abilities languages, namely
regional languages as the first language, Indonesian
as a second language, and English as a third
language. The development of the language trilogy
is carried out in various sectors such as families,
communities, institutions, educational institutions,
and mass media. Hence, Students’ attitude English
Language Education Study Program and English
Letters Study Program of Khairun University are
encouraged to become Role Models.
Thus, the role of students of English is one of the
keys to the realization of social transformation in an
international standard. Assessment of students’
attitude in the English Language Education Study
Program and English Letters Study Program are
important to obtain more comprehensive in
encouraging English speaking students in the
The acquisition of second languages and foreign
languages are influenced by social and
psychological factors, including positive attitudes
towards oneself, positive attitudes towards the target
language, and positive attitudes towards the target
language user groups. The study of Suwarno, Kartini
and Darnoko cited by Mulae and Nuria (2017) states
there are significant correlation between students’
Asrul, ., Daud, A. and Mulae, S.
Students’ Attitude towards English Active Use of English Language Education Study Program and English Letters Study Program at Khairun University.
DOI: 10.5220/0008898301300135
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 130-135
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
attitudes towards mastery of English in interacting
students. The views of the researchers put forward
provide the reason that strengthening English in the
classroom is very necessary. Many factors make
English not actively used in classrooms; among
them, (1) no better policy in the use of English; no
regulations and leadership instructions that use
English in classroom becomes important for
students; (3) there are negative assumptions that
English can slow the pace of acceleration of national
and local languages. (Mulae and Nuria (2017).
Furthermore, the researcher formulated those what
are students’ attitudes towards actively use English
of Language Education Study Program and English
Letters Study Program at Khairun University?
2.1 Attitude Theory
Attitude is a response or reaction of someone to a
situation and object. The word attitude refers to the
shape of the body, the position of the body upright,
behavior or gesture, and actions or actions carried
out based on views (establishment, beliefs, or
opinions) as a reaction to the existence of something
or event. (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesian, 2008:
1303). Allport in Chaer and Agustina cited by
Riyanti (2017: 11) argues that attitudes are mental
and nerve readiness that are formed through
experience that gives a dynamic direction or
influence to one's reaction to objects and
The attitude is the result of a reaction to an object
and the conditions behind the information received.
Johnson in Rokhman cited by Riyanti (2017) argues
that attitudes are not formed because of the nature of
birth but are formed because of the process. This
shows that a person's attitude is based on
information received and processed by his common
Mastery of a language is strongly influenced by
one's attitude towards the language. Paker and
Erarslan (2015: 2) suggest that there are two factors
that influence the way a person learns language,
namely how often the language is used and has an
open nature to accept the language. Furthermore,
Lioa (2018) in his research divides students’ attitude
towards a language into three parts namely;
accepting, neutral attitude, and rejecting. Moreover,
Mulae and Nuria (2017: 150) argue that there are
several factors that influence a person or group in
using a language learned namely; positive attitudes
toward target language, positive attitudes toward
oneself, and attitudes toward target language users.
Mastery of a language by someone in one particular
language is strongly influenced by the attitude of the
person himself.
Suwarno, Sartini, and Darnoko (2006) said a
person's attitude towards a particular language will
influence the policies taken relating to that language.
This is in line with Woolard and Schieffelin (1994)
cited by Schwieter that the attitude that a person has
towards language is closely related to their
perception of the user of the language. Suek (2014)
also said almost the same that people who use more
than one language have a certain attitude towards the
language user; including attitudes towards the
language used as native speakers, second languages,
and attitudes towards foreign languages. The use of
language and attitude can be positive and negative.
A positive attitude towards the language will have
an impact on the use of the language itself.
2.2 Previous Research
Research on attitudes towards English conducted
Arasuli cited by Mulae and Nuria (2017) through
research on attitude toward English among policy
makers in the city of Bengkulu, informing the
condition of the attitude of senior officials more
comprehensively. His research was continued by
mapping the attitudes of senior officials in South
Bengkulu Regency with a focus on senior officials
in government and business institutions in Bengkulu
province. His research shows that the attitude of
senior officials in government and business
institutions in South Bengkulu is very good because
based on the tabulation of data on attitudes of senior
officials in government and business institutions
very extensive on English.
Then, attitude research was also carried out by
Asrul (2008) about the attitude of prestige students
towards the motivation to learn English in SMAN 1
Ternate. His research showed that the attitude of
students significantly affected the achievement of
learning English. His findings shown SMAN 1
Ternate continued to strengthen in maintaining
student attitudes towards the process of learning
English in classroom.
This research uses qualitative method because
variables measured using descriptive statistics to see
the students’ attitude actively use English in
classroom. Likert Scale outlined the Strongly Agree,
Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree,No Attitude, as
Students’ Attitude towards English Active Use of English Language Education Study Program and English Letters Study Program at
Khairun University
Alternative answer
Table1: Question and Answer Choices.
Choice value and alternative answer
3.1 Subject of the Research
The subject of this research took 51 students in
semester 7
Faculty of Teachers Training and
Education (FKIP) consists of 31 students, Faculty of
Letters 20 students. Data collection in this research
uses questionnaire. Students were determined based
on purposive sampling. The sample is taken based
on the subjective judgment of the researcher, where
the requirements are made because all samples are
students who have been taught from semester 1
to semester 7
3.2 Data Collection and Analysis
Data collection is used questionnaire. Questionnaires
were submitted to student in written form delivered
directly to student with the number of question 40
items. In closed questionnaires, the students are only
to choose in giving answer.
Students’ attitudes towards actively English use of
Language Education Study Program and English
Letters Study Program shows that there were many
indicators among Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree,
Strongly Disagree, No attitude. On each of these
indicators are presented a number of questions
randomized attitude statements from 40 attitude
statements given to students to answer them. Each
question statement is summarized on several
indicators that in this study the indicators of the
Strongly Agree attitude statement or very positive
statement given randomly on the statement of
attitude are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 27, 28, 29, 30,
31, and 32. Indicators of Agree or positive
statements can be randomly assigned to attitude
statements at number 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20,
21, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, and 40. Indicator
Disagree is negative attitude. Indicators Agree is
also given randomly at numbers 22, 23, 24, 25, and
26. Then the statement of the Strongly Disagree
English language is given randomly in number 7, 8,
9, 17, 18 and 19. Statements of no attitude are not
given questions about specific attitude statements,
but only look at the level of variation in student
responses in understanding the use of English.
Analysis of the attitude statement on all
indicators used the SPSS version 20. This research
founded that answering all questions the students’
attitude on categories Strongly Agree, Agree,
Disagree, Strongly Disagree, No attitude. Findings
on the Strongly Agree its indicator or a very positive
attitude in using English in the classroom are
illustrated on graph 1, the graph following can be
Graph1: Strongly Agree Indicators.
Graph 1 above illustrates that the answers of 51
students are very varied because the average student
in answering the questions shows the smallest value
of 2.05 and the largest of 3.01 with an average level
of 73.40% for each student. The average decline rate
overall item 69.08%. The overall statement of
strongly Agree or attitudes very like overall
illustrates not too significant using English in the
classroom. If converted in determining attitudes on a
scale the rating scale is between levels 61-90. This
shows that students of English Language Education
and English Litters like to use English in the
classroom and around the campus.
When viewed at the level of diversity, the
respondents showed a figure of 239.7%. This
number implies that the diversity of responses of
respondents to the attitude of using English is good.
So, also the attitude of respondent is very good
because the density in answering questions is very
significant at 0.30%. The value of the attitude Agree
or scale likes English education students and English
Litters illustrated in the following graph.
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
Graph 2: Agree Indicators.
In graph 2 above shows that the attitude of the
seventh semester students of English Language
Education Study Program and English Letters Study
Program at Khairun University illustrated the
number of items divided by the number of
respondents obtained by an average of 69% with the
diversity of each student at 322.3%, and their
density at 0.21%. This shows that every student in
the English Language Education Study Program and
English Letters study program is good at using
English actively in the classroom. The attitude value
Agree or likes in table 2 (two) 0.21% compared to
the attitude of Strongly Agree 0.30%. On chart 1 the
density level of the respondent's answer to theirs
attitude were very good. This shows that English and
English Letters Education students love to use
English actively in classroom.
In graph 3 illustrated that Disagree students learn
or use English in the classroom.
Graph 3.Disagree Indicators
Graph 3 above is illustrated that the seventh
semester of English Language Education and
English Letters Education at Khairun University is
Disagree on the use of English. The average level of
the item statement is 66.47% Disagree attitude for
each student. The average all students are in the
statement of Disagree 5.11% with diversity of
90.49%. An attitude scale the average is quite high
beyond the specified level, which is 31-60%. This is
also seen in the density level in responding to the
0.73% Disagree statement for all students.
Graph 4, students are measured by the indicator
of Strongly Disagree in using English in the
Graph 4: Strongly Disagree Indicators.
Graph 4 above shows the attitude of each student
on Strongly Disagree in using English in the
classroom. The average response of each student is
1.56 - 8.80 or 36.68%. The responses of all students
were 17.26%, with a diversity of answers of 0.75-
2.18 or 59.94%. Overall answer density is 0.61%.
This means that students do not use English in class
very high. Graph 4 above shows that the use of a
scale of the Strongly Disagree attitude of students
does not like to use English in the classroom does
not exceed the set standard of 21-30%.
The results of Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree,
Strongly Disagree, No Attitude analysis show that
all students like to use English in the classroom.
However, not yet in level Strongly Agree English is
actively used in the classroom. Here is illustrated in
some students who have the attitude of Strongly
Agree using English. It can be seen in the following
details on graph 5.
Students’ Attitude towards English Active Use of English Language Education Study Program and English Letters Study Program at
Khairun University
Graph 5: Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly
Disagree, and No Attitude.
The graph 5 above it is known that the seventh
semester students of the English Language
Education Study Program FKIP and the English
Letters Study Program FIB University of Khairun on
the use of English in the classroom included 10
students who chose the Strongly Agree or
20,29%,Agree 21students or 41, 76%,Disagree 13
students or 26,13%,Strongly Disagree 4 students or
6,96%, and No Attitude 2 students or 4,85%.
5.1 Conclusions
This study found that the attitude of Strongly Agree
students of FKIP English Language Education Study
Program and English Letters Study Program FIB
Kharun University, all chose to Agree to use English
in the classroom more, namely 41.76%, followed by
attitude Disagree 26.13%, Strongly Agree 20.29%,
Strongly Disagree 6.96%, and Not Attitude 4.85%.
This shows that seventh semester students of FKIP
English Language Education Study Program and
FIB English Letters Study Program Agree to use
English actively in classroom with the diversity of
each student at 322.3%, and its density is at 0.21%.
The use of English in the class include 10 students
choosing Strongly Agree or 20.29%, 21Agree
students or 41, 76%,Disagree 13 students or
26.13%,Strongly Disagree 4 students or 6.96%, and
Not Attitude 2 students or 4.85%.
5.2 Suggestions
This research still has many shortcomings, including
not accommodating relationships the influence of
attitude and motivation. So, the further researcher is
expected to be able to connect attitudes and
motivations in the use of language actively in the
classroom. The results of this study recommend to
the Program Study of English Language Education
Study Program and English Letters study program to
encourage students to use language actively in the
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Students’ Attitude towards English Active Use of English Language Education Study Program and English Letters Study Program at
Khairun University