competency standards, basic competencies,
indicators, material standards, process standards, and
assessment standards.
During the implementation of literacy-based
learning in the class, eight literacy strategies are
identified as indicators of the success of literacy
applied. The activities are divided into 3 stages,
namely the opning activities (before reading), the
main activities (during reading), and the closing
final activities (after reading). At opening stage,
students are asked to think the purpose of reading
and predict the contents of the text. This activity is a
series of activities intended to increase the
motivation to read and activate the readers'
schemata. Nurhadi (2016) explains that the activities
of pre-reading can be activating schemata including
the activities to arouse students' prior knowledge of
a particular concept, predict text, identify
information, answer questions, connect to previous
learning, and give short questions. Abidin (2015:
146) states that effective teachers should be able to
direct students to use students' prior abilities (all
information, knowledge, attitudes, and skills
students have before reading) to process ideas and
messages obtained from a text.
The result of literacy-based learning shows that
most of the students are good literacy to read. There
are still students who are not able to read because of
the low reading interest. In contrast, the the results
of learning writing indicate students are still poor in
writing. Therefore teachers need to stimulate their
reading interest and the quality of student writing by
applying creative and fun learning models. Rukmi
(2013) states that there are several learning models
that can be applied in literacy learning. They are
TAI (Team Assisted Individualization) learning
models, STAD (Student Teams Achievement
Division), Two Stay Two Stay, and STL (Student
Team Learning). Especially for writing learning, for
example, the Jigsaw model, writing spin (Write
Around), TPS learning model (Think Pairs Share).
Besides that the teacher can provide learning media
such as multimedia. Hartati (2016) revealed that the
use of audiovisual media can develop students'
literacy skills.
Related to the obstacles faced in the literacy-
based learning process, the problem that needs to be
considered is the existence of adequate student
literacy skills, but there is no awareness of students
to improve the culture of reading and writing.
Therefore, through the school literacy program
students begin to feel like reading and writing. To
support the program, good school facilities are
important to create a literate school environment.
Based on the findings and discussion, it can be
conluded as follows:
a) Implementation of literacy-based learning in
third grade students of SMPN 1 Ternate is
divided into three stages, namely opening
activity, main and closing activities. The
learning is directed to reading and writing skills
and it follows eight types of literacy strategies
during the learning prosess. The literacy
strategies are predicting, identifying, making
connections, recording information, confirming,
revising / rejecting predictions, and evaluating
b) Learning outcomes show that almost all
students are able to achieve the standar score
specified in the KKM which is 7.5. However,
writing literacy results shows that students get
difficulties in writing.
c) Obstacles found in literacy-based are students’
low reading interest, difficulties in developing
literacy learning activities and improving the
quality of student writing, inconsistencies to
support school literacy movements program and
the lack of school facilities and infrastructure.
d) The offering solutions to overcome the
obstacles are stimulating reading habits through
increasing the quantity of visits to the library,
committing to runn the school literacy
movement set by the government, developing
more interesting learning activities by using a
various cooperative learning models, and
providing facilities that support literacy learning
by arranging comfortable libraries, setting
literacy classrooms , and creating literacy
We thank to the anonymous reviewer of this article
for their useful suggestions
Abidin, Y. 2015. Pembelajaran Multiliterasi. Bandung:
Refika Aditama
Alwasilah, Chaedar. 2005. “Kurikulum Berbasis Literasi”.
Accessed on 11 November 2008 at http://www.mail-,ht