Improving Students’ Writing Skill through Lesson Study-based
Classroom Action Research
Roswita M. Aboe
, Susana R. Bahara
, and Halida Nuria Ma’rus
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Khairun University, Ternate-Indonesia
Faculty of Culture Science, Khairun University, Ternate-Indonesia
Keywords: English for Tourism, Descriptive writing, Lesson study-CAR.
Abstract: This research aim at finding out (1) students ability in writing descriptive text through Lesson Study – based
Classroom Action Research (CAR) and (2) the impact of using Lesson Study- Based Classroom Action
Research toward the teaching of English for Tourism at students of English Language Education Study
Program, Khairun University. The method used in this research was descriptive analytic with qualitative
approach. Research subjects were one lecturer model, 2 observers and 38 students of English Language
Education Study Program. Technique of collecting data used were observation, interview, documentation
study and assessment test (Pre and post-test). The implementation of this research was conducted in three
stages utilizing the Guidelines of Action Research. The stages consist of Plan, do, see and reflection.
Beside observation result, the assessment test result showed that there is an increasing of students’ pre-test
result from 43.61score to 74.76 in post-test (the gain score is 31.15). Lesson study with Classroom Action
Research was proven effective to improve students’ ability in writing descriptive text of tourism brochure. It
also brought positive impacts toward the target (students and teacher) and at the same time improve
teachers’ pedagogic and professional competency in designing, planning and executing the lesson.
The development of information and technology in
the world of education requires the provision of
increasingly advanced and sophisticated learning
facilities. Mastery of media and technology in
learning is the goal of a quality learning process.
Teachers who have the ability to present learning
effectively will be able to attract students' interest
and motivation as well. In addition, to mastering
science and technology and to achieve learning
effectiveness of student cantered learning, a variety
of innovations and strategies are needed
continuously. As stated in one of the National
Education objectives, point 9 of the National
Education System Law No.20 of 2003, namely: "...
increasing national competitiveness by producing
graduates who are independent, qualified, skilled,
expert and professional, capable of lifelong learning,
and have life skills that can help him in facing
various challenges and changes ". This is able to
encourage the improvement of the quality of
learning which will ultimately result in Human
Resources (HR) or graduates who are able to
compete both at regional, national and international
levels (2003).
By doing so, trained educators will be able to
overcome educational problems. Among other
things, it can study, overcome or complete the
learning process through collaborative research
activities between prospective teacher-lecturers in
the Institute of Educational Personnel Educators
(LPTK) and teachers at the school.
The Lesson Study Program (LS) in this research
conducted by a group of English for Tourism
Subject lecturers where there is a topic of descriptive
writing (Descriptive Writing) using brochure media.
This LS activity was carried out because for the
English Tourism Course there had never been a
collaborative learning process. As explained by
Peter Dudley (Dudley, 2014) LS is a special
classroom action research where the learning
process is cantered on the practical development of
lecturers (teaching staff). (LS is defined as form of
classroom action research) focuses on the
development of teacher practice knowledge. Lesson
Study will be used as an alternative to encourage
Aboe, R., Bahara, S. and Ma’rus, H.
Improving Students Writing Skill through Lesson Study-based Classroom Action Research.
DOI: 10.5220/0008898901730177
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 173-177
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
changes in learning practices in English for Tourism
courses for students of English Language Education.
Based on the above description, the research title
was formulated: Improving Student's Writing
Ability Through CAR Based on Lesson Study
English for Tourism Subjects for students of English
language education courses (Teacher Training and
Education Faculty) Khairun-Ternate University
Academic Year 2017-2018.
2.1 Lesson Study
Lesson Study is an approach to improving the
quality of learning carried out by the teacher
collaboratively, with the main steps of designing
learning to achieve goals, implementing learning,
observing the implementation of the learning, and
reflecting to discuss the learning being studied for
improvement material in the next learning plan . The
main focus of the implementation of lesson study is
the activity of students in the classroom, assuming
that the activities of these students are related to
teacher activities during teaching in the classroom
(UNM-Malang, 2012)
LS According to Dudley involves groups of
teachers (in teams) who work together
(collaboratively) to plan, teach, observe and analyze
the teaching and learning process in "Learning
Research". (LS involve groups of teachers
collaboratively planning, teaching, observing and
analyzing learning and teaching in "research
lessons." (Dudley, 2014).
Furthermore, William Cerbin and Bryan Kopp
(2006) explain that by implementing lesson study,
lecturers will know how they can improve their
teaching skills in their fields of science so that the
process can contribute to the formation of a basis for
professional understanding.
The learning cycle / process with LS according
to Cerbin and Kopp (2006) is arranged as follows:
1. Formulating Learning Goals,
2. Designing research lessons
3. Designing lessons
4. Teaching and observing Research Lessons
5. Analyzing facts (Evidence)
6. Repeating the Process
7. Documenting lesson study
2.2 Tourism Brochure
Brochure is a media that has the value of
advertisements to offer something. Further definition
of brochure is a small magazine form that contains
images and information about a product or company
(Cambridge, 2018). The Tourism Council West
Australia (2018) added that brochures play an
important role besides flyers. Because consumers
need something that can be brought to refer to
something related to promotion or information
(Tourism council, 2018).
2.3 Descriptive Text
Descriptive essays describe the appearance, smell,
taste, feeling and sound of something. Descriptions
can also explain moods such as happiness, solitude
or fear. Descriptive is used to describe people,
places, days, times or seasons. Not only that,
descriptive essays also describe more from the
outside of people, such as character and character
(Wishon, 1980: 379). The same definition is
explained by Siswanto, (2005: 130) that descriptive
essays are exposures about people, places or things.
So it can be concluded that a descriptive essay is a
type of writing that provides an explanation and
describes the person in relation to everything related
to the inside and outside, exposes the place, a city,
country or region and describes something, both
objects, existence, type and shape.
In conducting this LS research, English For
Tourism courses will be taught with descriptive
writing material using tourism promotion media to
improve students' writing skills
This type of research is action research (class action
research), with the stages as follows:
1. Planning lesson learning (Plan)
2. Implementation of open lesson and reflection
(Do & See)
3. Observation of learning conducted by two
4. Evaluation of lesson study activities
The research data is taken from the recording of
the implementation of learning (observation), the
results of pre and post-test, evaluation and interview.
The learning process was also recorded using video
cameras for further analysis. The method used in this
study was a descriptive analytical method with a
qualitative approach.
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
1DSM 33
2REF 37
3RM 43
4IST 40
5STN 50
6JS 37
7IP 37
8MH 37
9FHA 50
10 VF 63
11 NMJ 37
12 YB 37
13 ELJ 40
14 LRLR 63
15 SP 47
16 ML 43
17 SN 40
18 MAR 37
19 RPAL 37
20 RFAH 60
21 IKSAF 67
22 JKALT 37
23 WAG 40
24 NJ 40
25 MLS 50
26 RAST 37
27 RPAL 37
28 DMER 40
29 INRO 60
30 AJAZ 37
31 RAD 60
32 DAHP 60
33 AHL 40
34 FSAM 30
35 NUR 37
36 SRIHAS 40
37 HSO 40
38 NSARI 37
Research Instrument
a. Observation sheet. Capture the pedagogical and
professional competencies that the teacher raises
during the learning process.
b. Interview guidelines to capture the views of
teachers taking the lesson study program and about
Lesson Study itself.
c. Learning Evaluation Sheet
d. Pre and post-test.
The implementation of Lesson Study-based
Classroom action research was conducted with
several stages.
At the first stage, the result of the observation
showed that From 36 students there were 76,67 of
students actively Experiencing knowledge, while
73.33% of them able to develop comprehension,
82% can communicate ideas, and 46.47 able to think
Observation Result /Stage I:
Students Learning Activity
No Learning Activity
Quantity of
1 Experiencing knowledge:
learning, finding out: students
observe and investigate,
and listein
2 Developing comprehension :
training, thinking creatively
and criticall
3 Communicating ideas:
communicating own ideas,
explaining, discussing,
presenting and displaying
their works
4 Thinking Reflecively :
commenting and summarizing
teaching and learning process,
correcting mistakes in
teaching and learning process,
summing up leraning subject
with own words
Besides observing the lesson, students were given
the pre-test about their comprehension on
descriptive writing using tourism brochure.
Students score from pre –test shown in the table
Table 1: Students Pre-test Score.
Students’ post-test score also showed a significant
improvement. While the total score of pre-test 1657
with the average score of 43.61, total post test score
2841 with the average score of 74.76 which is
categorized significant.
The post- test score shown below:
Improving Students Writing Skill through Lesson Study-based Classroom Action Research
Postest Score
1DSM 65
2REF 70
3RM 67
4IST 70
5STN 70
6JS 70
7IP 77
8MH 67
9FHA 73
10 VF 88
11 NMJ 70
12 YB 70
13 ELJ 67
14 LRLR 88
15 SP 75
16 ML 63
17 SN 70
18 MAR 67
19 RPAL 63
20 RFAH 88
21 IKSAF 90
22 JKALT 63
23 WAG 73
24 NJ 67
25 MLS 88
26 RAST 85
27 RPAL 70
28 DMER 87
29 INRO 90
30 AJAZ 85
31 RAD 85
32 DAHP 93
33 AHL 63
34 FSAM 63
35 NUR 77
36 SRIHAS 77
37 HSO 77
38 NSARI 70
Table 2: Students Post-test Score.
In the observation at the final stage, 80% of the
students able to experiencing their knowledge, and
in terms of developing comprehension, there were
73,73% of them, whereas 80% able to communicate
ideas, and 80 % able to think reflectively.
Observation Result /Stage III:
Students Learning Activity
No Learning Activity
1 Experiencing knowledge:
learning, finding out: students
observe and investigate,
and listenin
80 %
2 Developing comprehension :
training, thinking creatively and
3 Communicating ideas:
communicating own ideas,
explaining, discussing,
presenting and displaying their
4 Thinking Reflectively :
commenting and summarizing
teaching and learning process,
correcting mistakes in teaching
and learning process, summing
up learning subject with own
In terms of teaching and learning evaluation, 88
% students provided the highest score in lesson
plan clarity, and 80% gave good point in the
evaluation and grading process. While 60% students
considered the tasks given were beneficial for them,
56% obtained sufficient up-to date materials. In
terms of subject comprehension, 48% students
comprehend more than 60% of the subject taught.
Learning by applying tourism brochure in writing
descriptive text enhances students’ enthusiasm in
learning. As 66% of the students gave sufficient
feedback, 24% of them perceived their interest
reached good level.
Diagram 1: Teaching and Learning Evaluation.
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
In measuring the success of the implementation of
this research activity carried out using test
instruments and process assessment. Based on the
evaluation of this process, the results of the study
show that:
1. Lesson study has a positive impact on the
goal of improving the competence of the EfT
teaching lecturers, especially the competence in
designing and implementing learning (pedagogical
competencies) and subject matter competencies
(professional competencies).
2. LS activities for EfT learning are
recommendations for sharing understanding among
fellow lecturers, making evaluations from students
as recommendations for improving the quality of
teaching, complementing and sustaining each other
and can be used as collaboration between lecturers
and teachers in schools in an effort to improve the
professionalism of lecturers and teachers.
1. Lesson study based lesson study activities are
able to improve students writing descriptive text
in designing tourism brochures. The results of
the assessment indicated the post-test was higher
than pre-test score. From the observation
instrument, there are variations in student
activities that influence the implementation of
effective teaching and learning process.
2. Lesson study in the implementation of
Classroom Action Research has a positive
impact, regarding the objectives (students and
instructors) in improving the competence of the
English for Tourism lecturers, especially the
competence in designing and implementing
learning (pedagogical competencies) and subject
matter competencies (professional
competencies). Lesson Study activities opened
the horizons of teaching staff to be more open-
The Institute of Research and Community Service of
Khairun University of Ternate which has funded this
research through the University-Level Competitive
Research (PKUPT), thanks to the English Language
Education Study Program Coordinator, Lecturer of
Faculty of Letter and Science who was pleased to
provide support for conducting this research.
Students who have helped in conducting research.
Great thanks to the team of reviewers who are
willing to review this research articles.
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Improving Students Writing Skill through Lesson Study-based Classroom Action Research