changes in learning practices in English for Tourism
courses for students of English Language Education.
Based on the above description, the research title
was formulated: Improving Student's Writing
Ability Through CAR Based on Lesson Study
English for Tourism Subjects for students of English
language education courses (Teacher Training and
Education Faculty) Khairun-Ternate University
Academic Year 2017-2018.
2.1 Lesson Study
Lesson Study is an approach to improving the
quality of learning carried out by the teacher
collaboratively, with the main steps of designing
learning to achieve goals, implementing learning,
observing the implementation of the learning, and
reflecting to discuss the learning being studied for
improvement material in the next learning plan . The
main focus of the implementation of lesson study is
the activity of students in the classroom, assuming
that the activities of these students are related to
teacher activities during teaching in the classroom
(UNM-Malang, 2012)
LS According to Dudley involves groups of
teachers (in teams) who work together
(collaboratively) to plan, teach, observe and analyze
the teaching and learning process in "Learning
Research". (LS involve groups of teachers
collaboratively planning, teaching, observing and
analyzing learning and teaching in "research
lessons." (Dudley, 2014).
Furthermore, William Cerbin and Bryan Kopp
(2006) explain that by implementing lesson study,
lecturers will know how they can improve their
teaching skills in their fields of science so that the
process can contribute to the formation of a basis for
professional understanding.
The learning cycle / process with LS according
to Cerbin and Kopp (2006) is arranged as follows:
1. Formulating Learning Goals,
2. Designing research lessons
3. Designing lessons
4. Teaching and observing Research Lessons
5. Analyzing facts (Evidence)
6. Repeating the Process
7. Documenting lesson study
2.2 Tourism Brochure
Brochure is a media that has the value of
advertisements to offer something. Further definition
of brochure is a small magazine form that contains
images and information about a product or company
(Cambridge, 2018). The Tourism Council West
Australia (2018) added that brochures play an
important role besides flyers. Because consumers
need something that can be brought to refer to
something related to promotion or information
(Tourism council, 2018).
2.3 Descriptive Text
Descriptive essays describe the appearance, smell,
taste, feeling and sound of something. Descriptions
can also explain moods such as happiness, solitude
or fear. Descriptive is used to describe people,
places, days, times or seasons. Not only that,
descriptive essays also describe more from the
outside of people, such as character and character
(Wishon, 1980: 379). The same definition is
explained by Siswanto, (2005: 130) that descriptive
essays are exposures about people, places or things.
So it can be concluded that a descriptive essay is a
type of writing that provides an explanation and
describes the person in relation to everything related
to the inside and outside, exposes the place, a city,
country or region and describes something, both
objects, existence, type and shape.
In conducting this LS research, English For
Tourism courses will be taught with descriptive
writing material using tourism promotion media to
improve students' writing skills
This type of research is action research (class action
research), with the stages as follows:
1. Planning lesson learning (Plan)
2. Implementation of open lesson and reflection
(Do & See)
3. Observation of learning conducted by two
4. Evaluation of lesson study activities
The research data is taken from the recording of
the implementation of learning (observation), the
results of pre and post-test, evaluation and interview.
The learning process was also recorded using video
cameras for further analysis. The method used in this
study was a descriptive analytical method with a
qualitative approach.