Figure 1: One of Students’ Paperwork.
Overall, the results of test in increasing students’
(primary school teacher candidates) understanding
towards mathematical concepts descriptively
showed that pre-test score of 36, 38 and post-test
of 78.055 with an ideal maximum score of 100 and
obtained normalized gain of 0.66 based on Hake
normalized gain classification, in Table 1 is
categorized as medium.
The level of the students’ achievement and
improvement in understanding mathematical
concepts who obtain DNR-Based Instruction
learning in solving problems related to a two-
variable liner equation system with an average of
78.055 and a standard deviation of 7.87 with an n-
gain of 0.66 with a medium increase category
shows that learning by using the DNR-Based
Instruction model has a positive effect on
achieving and improving students' mathematical
concepts understanding. The high contribution of
the DNR-Based Instruction learning models is
because the DNR-Based Instruction model has the
principles of duality, necessity and repeated
reasoning (Harel 2008a) which emphasizes the
mastery of content and student’s intellectual needs.
Duality principle considers that mathematics
understanding and thinking method, which is
called as Ways of Understanding (WoU) and Ways
of Thinking (WoT) (Harel 2008b). This principle
requires learning mathematics not only in
mastering concepts, theorems, evidence, rules etc.,
but it also directs learner to master the way of
Furthermore, the necessity principle states
that students will be interested in teacher’s
teaching if they find a necessity on the teaching
materials. Therefore, the DNR-Based Instruction
model highly regards on meeting student’s
intellectual needs (Harel 2010) Presenting and
marking student’s intellectual needs are indeed
difficult to do, but it does not mean that it is
improbable. There will be differences in teaching
methods or approach between teachers who have
the knowledge of teaching and mastering math
content with teachers who do not have that
knowledge. The principle of repeated reasoning
considers that repetition in mathematic learning
activities will improve student’s
concept/knowledge of mathematics. However
repeated reasoning is different with working on
repeated examples. Repeated reasoning
emphasizes on thinking method (Harel; 2001).
Thus the DNR-Based instruction model is a
learning model that strongly emphasizes the
aspects of mastering mathematical concepts, not on
the psychological aspects.
Achievement and improvement of students'
understanding towards mathematical concepts can
be improved through the DNR-Based Instruction
model, with an average achievement of 78.055.
Improvement value is categorized under the
average category.
Sincere gratitude would like to be given to the
students of Elementary School Teacher Education
Study Program, Ternate Khairun University who
were cooperating with this research activity.
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