Using Ornaments to Enhance Students’ Proving Skill in Geometry
Joko Suratno
Mathematics Education Study Program, Universitas Khairun, Ternate, Indonesia
Keywords: Ornaments, Proving skill, Interactive geometry software.
Abstract: There are a large number of geometry ornaments that we can find in everyday life. On the other hand, the
use of these ornaments in mathematics learning, especially geometry, was still very limited. Geometric
patterns or ornaments that there can actually be used as a source of learning mathematics that are full of
creativity. Students who learn by means of these ornaments will become more active and increase their
interest in the learning activities. In addition, learning with ornament media will enhance students' creativity
in making new ornaments, making problems, and solving them with various approaches. Ornaments can
also be used as a tool to develop students' skills in proving. Proof is an important part of mathematics. Proof
is a tool for understanding mathematics. However, many students have difficulties to learn proof. Most
students cannot construct a proof. It might be possible to define learning environments for mathematics
classroom that are apt to enhance students' proving competencies. This study is literature review about who
to proof geometry properties through the activity of constructing geometry objects or ornaments using
geometry software. Interactive geometry software (IGS) is also called Dynamic Geometry Environments
(DGEs) is a computer program that allows user to create and manipulate geometric objects. Cabri II Plus is
one example of IGS that is specialized in two-dimensional programs from around 30s of similar software .
This interactive geometry software has several advantages including being able to make learning geometry
more meaningful, can justify a number of concept errors, and the numerical and numerical capabilities of a
computer also provide a rich learning environment so students can experiment. Exploration experience
using this software also has a good effect on students’ mathematical proof. Apart from that, working with
interactive geometry software has several advantages compared to working manually, including in terms of
accuracy and time.
Ornaments or symmetrical patterns in geometry
cannot be separated from ethnomathematics.
Ethnomathematics is the mathematics used by
community groups/cultures, such as the community
cities and villages, groups of workers/laborers,
professional groups, children of a certain age,
indigenous people, and many other groups
recognized by the group's general goals and
traditions (D’Ambrosio, 2006). In addition,
ethnomathematics also related to research that
connects mathematics or mathematics education and
its relationship to the social and cultural
backgrounds, namely research that shows how
mathematics is produced, transferred, disseminated
and specialized in various cultural systems (Zhang
and Zhang, 2010).
One study of cultural systems in
ethnomathematics is called the second strand (Vithal
and Skovsmose, 1997). The ethnomathematics study
at the second level discusses mathematics in
traditional culture. Many kinds of traditional cultures
around us are using mathematics. The culture,
among others, may include geometric patterns and
more can be found at various ornaments and
buildings such as ornamental patterns in the mosque
as a place of worship for Muslims.
There are a lot of geometric patterns in Islamic
culture (Abas, 2001). The ornamental patterns are
divided into three groups, namely, Calligraphic,
Arabesque, and space filling patterns. Most
characteristics of these patterns are in the form of
stars and roses. Therefore, geometric patterns or
ornaments in various buildings can be used as a
source of learning mathematics that is full of
Suratno, J.
Using Ornaments to Enhance Students’ Proving Skill in Geometry.
DOI: 10.5220/0008899201940199
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 194-199
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Geometric ornaments are a rich source of
creative applications in geometry. Students who
learn by means of these ornaments will become
more active and increase their interest in the material
being taught. In addition, learning with ornamental
media will enhance students' creativity in making
new ornaments, making problems and solving them
with various approaches (Verner, Massarwe and
Bshouty, 2012).
Enhancing students’ proving skill by creating
ornaments using interactive geometry software is the
first step in increasing the study of
ethnomathematics. The final hope in this study is the
further development and use of this tool in
increasing the creativity of both students and
teachers in mathematics learning.
2.1 Interactive Geometry Software
Interactive Geometry Software (IGS) is also called
Dynamic Geometry Environments (DGEs) is a
computer program that allows user to create and
manipulate geometric objects. IGS can be divided
into two types, namely two-dimensional (2D) and
three-dimensional (3D) programs. Cabri II Plus is an
example of 2D program from around 30 similar
software. The Cabri Geometry was originally
designed at IMAG, a collaborative research
laboratory between the CNRS (National Center for
Scientific Research) and the University of Joseph
Fourier, in Grenoble, France. Jean-Marie Laborde
started this project in 1985 which aims to facilitate
teachers in teaching geometry (Brainville, 2007).
Interactive geometry software has several
advantages including being able to make learning
geometry more meaningful, can justify some
conceptual errors, and the graphic and numerical
capabilities of computers providing a rich learning
environment so students can experiment freely
(Ismail and Kasmin, 2007). This exploration
experience also offers hope in building a strong
spirit of intuition and geometry estimation that is
important in problem solving and theory
development in the branch of mathematics. In
addition, interactive geometry software is better
when compared to manual work because the right
images can be made in a short time.
2.2 Creating Ornaments
2.2.1 Ornaments on Stairs
This first ornament is located on the stairs that
connects the ground floor with the top floor of a
building (Figure 1). The shape of this ornament is
square, which are one main square and two squares
located in the middle. This ornament is the simplest
ornament compared to other ornaments in next
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
The ornament is made by creating square of ABCD
with Regular Polygon tool located in The Lines
Toolbox. Next, creating a midpoint on AB, BC, CD,
and DA using the Midpoint tool. The four midpoints
are named with letters K, L, M, and N, respectively.
The four points are connected using the Polygon tool
to form the KLMN square. The KLMN square is then
rotated as far as 45
with point O as the center of its
rotation with the Rotation tool and forms PQRS.
2.2.2 Garden Fence Ornaments
This ornament can be found on the garden fence
(Figure 3). The shape of this ornament is the same as
the stairs ornament. Therefore, the steps for making
this ornamental frame are the same as the steps for
making stairs ornament. Next, using the Segment
tool, we can create US, BP, CQ, and DR segments,
as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 3.
Figure 4.
Using Ornaments to Enhance Students’ Proving Skill in Geometry
The next process is to remove the labels from
each point (these labels will be used to name the
intersection point between the KLMN and PQRS, the
purpose is only to facilitate the illustration of the
ornament manufacturing process). The process of
creating intersection points between KLMN and
PQRS can be done manually or can also be done
simultaneously using the Intersection Point (s) tool.
After this step, then next is naming the intersection
points as shown in Figure 5. Then points A and F, B
and E, C and H, D and G, B and G, C and F, A and
D, and H and E are connected with the Segment tool
so that shown in Figure 6.
Figure 5.
Figure 6.
The coloring of star ornaments located in the
middle of the image cannot be done in this process.
We need the Polygon tool to make the star. The
coloring of contents of an image can be using the fill
tool and the coloring of lines can be using color tool.
The result of the coloring is shown in Figure 7 and
coloring end of the entire ornament shown in Figure
Figure 7
Figure 8
2.2.3 Wall Ornaments I
The next ornaments are one of the two ornaments
that can be found on the walls of the building
(Figure 9). The level of complexity of these
ornaments is higher than the two ornaments
discussed earlier. In addition, this ornament is also
one of the ornaments that can easily be found in
various Islamic buildings. The reason for choosing
this ornament from the second ornament is because
this ornament has a higher level of difficulty
compared to the second ornament. In addition, the
reason for beauty is also used as a reason why this
ornament was chosen. There are any ways can be
done in designing this ornament. One of them is as
follows. The first, we can draw the square used as
the ornament frame using the Regular Polygon tool
and we name with ABCD. If observed, the main
shape of the ornament is an octagon. Therefore, we
can draw an octagon in a square that we made earlier
as shown in Figure 10.
Figure 9.
Figure 10.
The next process is to make the midpoint of each
side with the Midpoint tool and connect the points
by Polygon tool so that it forms a square. The square
is rotated as far as 22.5
with the Rotation tool with
the center of the polygon as the rotation axis. The
results of the rotation later rotated again and so on
until three times. Then connect a certain number of
points with the Segment tool with the intention as
the basis for making the next ornament, as shown in
Figure 11. The color of the octagon is changed to
another color so that the polygons that will be
created later have a different color from the octagon.
After that, a new multi-faceted aspect has been made
whose line thickness has been changed like a pond
in Figure 12.
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
Figure 11
Figure 12
Polygon on Figure 12 rotates as far as 45
so that it
looks like Figure 13. Furthermore, the lines and dots
that are not needed are hidden by the Hide/Show
tool and with a few modifications, ornament was
finish. Products in this process are shown in Figure
Figure 13.
Figure 14.
2.2.4 Wall Ornaments II
The following wall ornaments are the most
complicated ornaments patterns (Figure 15). In
general, this pattern has a ten-sided star in the
middle of the ornament and a five -sided star on the
edge of the ornament as a result of the pattern of
lines formed. One way drawing these ornaments is
as follows. The first, drawing the square and
irregular pentagon in it with the Regular Polygon
tool. Then the regular pentagon formed is rotated as
far as 18
with the center of the rotation angle in the
middle of the lot as shown in Figure 16.
Figure 15.
Figure 16.
The next step is to divide the right and left sides
of the square into four equal parts with the Midpoint
tool. After that, draw two parallel lines as shown in
Figure 17 which will be used as the initial pattern.
The two lines are then rotated one by one as far as
four times with the Rotation and Numerical Edit
tool with the rotating axis in the middle of the
polygon. The results of the rotation can be seen in
Figure 18.
Figure 17.
Figure 18.
The color of the two pentagons in the center of
square was converted. The goal is only to
distinguish the many facets of color that will be
made later. After that, many facets are made which
have thickened the size of the lines that look like
Figure 19 with the Polygon tool. Then the many
facets are rotated as far as 36
with Rotation and
Numerical Edit tool with a rotating axis in the
middle of many facets and produces Figure 20.
Using Ornaments to Enhance Students’ Proving Skill in Geometry
Figure 19.
Figure 20.
The next step is to draw five -sided stars that are
outside the two many facets that have been made
before. In this process, Segment and Ray The tool is
used to create the star details that are meant by the
choice of thickened green. The results of this process
can be seen in Figure 21. After that, lines and points
that are not needed are hidden with Hide/Show tool.
The final result of this process is shown in Figure
Figure 21.
Figure 22.
2.2.5 Using Ornament to Proof Geometric
We have created Figure 6 with interactive geometry
software. To teach student who to proof geometry
properties, we can create a task to students to prove
that FC|| GB. To prove that FC || BG we need to
construct a cycle through P and the center in the
center of square.
SQR = (inscribed angles subtend equal arcs)
QDR is an isosceles triangle
DQ = DR.
(b EQD = = 90
DQ = DR dan =
(vertical angles)
Similarly, we get:
SC = CR = RD = DQ = EP = PF = … .
CD = DE = EF = … .
In the , QE = QD, EF = DC
ED FC. Similarly, HA GB. from HA ED,
It follows that FC GB.
Ornaments that have been created in the discussion
were a small part of the geometric patterns that can
be found in everyday life. The use of these
ornaments in learning mathematics, especially
geometry is still very possible. Geometric patterns or
ornaments that there can actually be used as a source
of learning mathematics will be full of creativity for
students who learn by means of the ornaments will
be more active and increased interest in the material
being taught (Suratno, Ardiana and Tonra, 2018). In
addition, learning with ornaments media will
enhance students' creativity in making new
ornaments as well as looking for a variety of new
ornaments that one with access it via the Internet.
Teacher can use ornament to teach students about
proving. Similar studies related to geometric
ornaments both derived from Islamic culture or other
religions are still very open. Our next task is to study
and design a form of learning activities by utilizing
the results.
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
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Using Ornaments to Enhance Students’ Proving Skill in Geometry