activities to write down the names of each at the
beginning of the answers delivered. The purpose of
writing the name is to see the development of
student abilities from week by week. Some student
answers submitted through the mentimeter are as
Student A: The effort is done by not throwing
garbage in the sea and giving a warning not to
throw-in of garbage in the sea. Student B: The effort
is to maintain cleanliness in the sea, by taking
organic waste to be recycled. Student C: The effort
taken is not to throw-in of garbage in the sea, and to
give information to the fishermen not to use
explosives or chemicals in the fishing. Student D: A
work that can be done is that we do not make the
water flow to the sea so that the water that has been
mixed with dirt or other chemicals is not forwarded
to the sea. Student E: The effort is by not throwing
garbage in the sea as well as the use of waste in the
sea by recycling.
Based on the overall answers of students, it was
shown that ARS ( Mentimeter ) is an effective media
in increasing student involvement in classroom
learning activities (Funnell, 2017). Although there
are obstacles related to the internet network, all
students actively participate in learning activities.
This is indicated by student participation in
expressing their opinions through Mentimeter.
Good communication will occur if the recipient
of the message understands what is conveyed by the
sender of the message. Therefore, it is necessary that
all components involved in a communication play a
role in order to have good communication. The
success of communication can be seen based on the
smoothness and coherence of negotiations between
all components/participants towards the desired goal
(Forrest, 2008). One of the indication of whether a
communication is effective or not is to look at the
process of interaction means that occurs between
learning plans, learning, and the experience and
understanding of the students after learning (Olteanu
and Olteanu, 2012). This shows that the preparation,
the process, and the results are a unity of success of
communication. The teacher's preparation in
choosing the right form of communication will
direct the success of improving communication
Besides being able to be used in ARS learning
activities it is possible to use it in measuring
students' initial abilities before learning activities
(pre-assessment), measuring student attitudes,
assessing whether students have completed assigned
reading and continuing the next steps of learning
activities, allowing students to confirm conceptual
errors, improve students 'memory of the material,
test students' understanding, contribute to fair
assessment, facilitate peer discussion and
interaction, and increase student attendance in the
classroom (Duncan, 2005). Therefore, this media
should be a new alternative in solve learning
Mentimeter is a student response system or some
people prefer the term Turning Point or Clickers. A
web-based system like this reduces the burden on
lecturers because students can use their own mobile
phones to participate in internet learning activities
by entering six-digit codes to participate in
answering questions or assignments. Lecturers no
longer need to give a set of questions or collect
answers that have been done manually by students.
This reduces waste of time that can be used for
further learning. Questions that can be made in
Mentimeter can be multiple choice, open questions,
or scale. Mentimeter also provides a menu for
lecturers to check the check to which students
understand the material they have explained.
Therefore, lecturers can do remedial or repetition of
material, if the student's understanding of the
material explained by the lecturer is felt to be
Research has shown that the use of media such as
mentimeter is useful for students to be able to
actively participate in learning activities. Mentimeter
can show answers to questions at that time. Users
also don't need to download and need to also install.
We only need to visit the Mentimeter website and
we can participate easily using a cellphone, tablet, or
The ability to communicate in each student is of
course different. However, mentimeter have been
able to demonstrate their communication skills. If
this learning activity is done regularly, the student is
expected to improve their good communication.
Communication that occurs in the classroom is one
indicator of the success of a lecturer in managing
learning activities. However, all students also play
an important role in the communication process.
Therefore, students need to be good communication
skills. There are some skills needed by students to be
active and able to accept the opinions of others in
learning. There are paraphrasing, checking
impressions, and using "I" messages (Arends and
Kilcher, 2010). Paraphrasing is communication skill
needed by students to convince yourself to
The Effect of Mentimeter Application on Enhancing Studentsâ
Z Communication Skills through Environments Issues