This research is a qualitative research with literature
study method. According Sukardi (2017) literature
study conducted by each researcher with the main
goal is to find the foundation of the foundation or
foundation for obtaining and building a theoretical
foundation, frame of thinking, and determining
temporary suspicion or often referred to as hypothesis
research, so that researchers can understand, seek ,
organize, and then use library variations in the field.
By conducting literature studies, researchers have a
deeper and deeper understanding of the problems to
be studied. Various sources of literature that can be
used by researchers are journals, research reports,
scientific magazines, newspapers, relevant books,
results of seminars, unpublished scientific articles,
sources, letters, and others.
3.1 Science Literacy
Literacy is the ability of students to understand
something new and relate to previous understanding
to gain meaningful new knowledge. Science is natural
science that is certain. According to Suhendra Yusuf
(2003), scientific literacy is important to be mastered
by students in relation to how students can understand
the environment, health, economy, and other
problems faced by modern society that are highly
dependent on technology and the progress and
development of science. Windyariani (2017) aims at
science education to imply the need to teach students
to utilize scientific concepts that can be applied to the
environment, technology and society. It can be
concluded that scientific literacy is the activity of
using science and technology knowledge in analyzing
questions and summarizing existing facts to make
decisions and make changes related to nature in
everyday life.
Science literacy is very complex with students'
lives, which is related to character, knowledge,
understanding and culture. Sing Tang (2016), the
Standards for Science and Technical Subjects,
science teachers are expected to use their content
area. The expertise is to help students meet the
challenges of reading, writing, speaking, listening,
and language in their respective fields. A concrete
example of scientific literacy is reading, writing,
listening, speaking, seeing, role playing, digitizing
information, etc. In view of Morocco et al. (2008)
which is about competencies that need to be mastered
in the 21st century, namely a high understanding of
concepts, the ability to think critically, the ability to
communicate and collaborate, and the ability to think
creatively. Based on this goal, current literacy is not
just requiring students to master language skills but
competency of thinking, technology, scientific
competence and socio-cultural competencies.
Rustaman (2007) argues that science plays a role
in building the character of society and the nation due
to the rapid advancement of knowledge, the efficacy
of processes that can be transferred to other fields,
and also contains the value of values and attitudes
within them. By creating an environment that is
literate trains students accustomed to growing and
actively participating in their lives. With the
development of literacy learning goals, the standard
of literacy learning has experienced development.
Among them, early learning competencies are
emphasized on linguistic aspects in order to master
various forms of reading. Furthermore, the
competency to think in order to interpret and rethink
the reading so that it can be understood and
interpreted. Next the emphasis on social competence
in order to criticize various readings. Then growth
competencies to understand and apply in life.
Standards of ability that students must possess,
according to Stuart Jr. (2014) namely the standard of
reading ability; write; spoken language and linguistic
standards. Thus the standard of literacy learning
becomes a standard that is inseparable from various
learning in various scientific disciplines, especially
Here the teacher has a very important role in
literacy learning in schools. So the improvement of
pedagogical and professional skills in teaching must
continue to be improved in line with the current
development of literacy. Education is not only used to
have practical skills that can be used in the world of
work but the teacher is required to prepare students
who have high-level thinking skills that are used to
answer the challenges of the XXI century such as
finding problems, integrating, analyzing information
and solving problems and having superior characters
that are culture friendly and environment.
A big challenge for a teacher in creating quality
global education includes (1) construction of
meaning, (2) active learning, (3) accountability, (4)
use of technology, (5) improvement of student
competence, (6) certainty of choice, and ( 7)
multicultural society (Arends, 2012). The initial step
to answer these challenges the teacher must