Literature Study of Science Literation with Strategy Sagu Sabu (One
Teacher One Book) to Answer the Demogrphic Bonus in XXI
Lina Sugiyarti
State University of Jakarta
Keywords: Science Literacy, methamphetamine, demographic bonus, XXI century.
Abstract: The main challenge in the world of education is education with the Graduates Competency Standards (SKL)
which are able to adjust to a higher level. Initial preparation begins with planting a culture of literacy in family,
school and community. All parties combined to welcome and reward with life skills in the XXI century. The
purpose of this research is to study and develop community literacy. Students who are accustomed to critical
thinking, creative, collaboration and communication. The method in this study is a method of literature study,
which examines several journal articles and books. In this study is the teacher as the end result of the
demographic bonus one of them who uses activities that are used for students through scientific literacy
activities. In this case a strategy that can be done one of them is by applying sago sabu (one teacher one book).
The teacher expresses science-based ideas and ideas in one book, as a guide in spreading the knowledge he
has and teaches it to students. The knowledge provided is very useful for students to survive competently in
the face of global challenges and challenges in the future.
BPS data shows that Indonesia gets a demographic
bonus from 2020 to 2035 with 70% of its population
in productive age, namely 15-60 years. This situation
is very beneficial if we prepare the young generation
well to welcome it, otherwise if we don't prepare it
will be a threat to this country. The preparation is
done by cultivating literacy activities ranging from
family, school and community.
Figure 1: Indonesian Demographic Graph (source:
Sugiyarti, L.
Literature Study of Science Literation with Strategy Sagu Sabu (One Teacher One Book) to Answer the Demogrphic Bonus in XXI Century.
DOI: 10.5220/0008899902320236
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 232-236
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This research is a qualitative research with literature
study method. According Sukardi (2017) literature
study conducted by each researcher with the main
goal is to find the foundation of the foundation or
foundation for obtaining and building a theoretical
foundation, frame of thinking, and determining
temporary suspicion or often referred to as hypothesis
research, so that researchers can understand, seek ,
organize, and then use library variations in the field.
By conducting literature studies, researchers have a
deeper and deeper understanding of the problems to
be studied. Various sources of literature that can be
used by researchers are journals, research reports,
scientific magazines, newspapers, relevant books,
results of seminars, unpublished scientific articles,
sources, letters, and others.
3.1 Science Literacy
Literacy is the ability of students to understand
something new and relate to previous understanding
to gain meaningful new knowledge. Science is natural
science that is certain. According to Suhendra Yusuf
(2003), scientific literacy is important to be mastered
by students in relation to how students can understand
the environment, health, economy, and other
problems faced by modern society that are highly
dependent on technology and the progress and
development of science. Windyariani (2017) aims at
science education to imply the need to teach students
to utilize scientific concepts that can be applied to the
environment, technology and society. It can be
concluded that scientific literacy is the activity of
using science and technology knowledge in analyzing
questions and summarizing existing facts to make
decisions and make changes related to nature in
everyday life.
Science literacy is very complex with students'
lives, which is related to character, knowledge,
understanding and culture. Sing Tang (2016), the
Standards for Science and Technical Subjects,
science teachers are expected to use their content
area. The expertise is to help students meet the
challenges of reading, writing, speaking, listening,
and language in their respective fields. A concrete
example of scientific literacy is reading, writing,
listening, speaking, seeing, role playing, digitizing
information, etc. In view of Morocco et al. (2008)
which is about competencies that need to be mastered
in the 21st century, namely a high understanding of
concepts, the ability to think critically, the ability to
communicate and collaborate, and the ability to think
creatively. Based on this goal, current literacy is not
just requiring students to master language skills but
competency of thinking, technology, scientific
competence and socio-cultural competencies.
Rustaman (2007) argues that science plays a role
in building the character of society and the nation due
to the rapid advancement of knowledge, the efficacy
of processes that can be transferred to other fields,
and also contains the value of values and attitudes
within them. By creating an environment that is
literate trains students accustomed to growing and
actively participating in their lives. With the
development of literacy learning goals, the standard
of literacy learning has experienced development.
Among them, early learning competencies are
emphasized on linguistic aspects in order to master
various forms of reading. Furthermore, the
competency to think in order to interpret and rethink
the reading so that it can be understood and
interpreted. Next the emphasis on social competence
in order to criticize various readings. Then growth
competencies to understand and apply in life.
Standards of ability that students must possess,
according to Stuart Jr. (2014) namely the standard of
reading ability; write; spoken language and linguistic
standards. Thus the standard of literacy learning
becomes a standard that is inseparable from various
learning in various scientific disciplines, especially
Here the teacher has a very important role in
literacy learning in schools. So the improvement of
pedagogical and professional skills in teaching must
continue to be improved in line with the current
development of literacy. Education is not only used to
have practical skills that can be used in the world of
work but the teacher is required to prepare students
who have high-level thinking skills that are used to
answer the challenges of the XXI century such as
finding problems, integrating, analyzing information
and solving problems and having superior characters
that are culture friendly and environment.
A big challenge for a teacher in creating quality
global education includes (1) construction of
meaning, (2) active learning, (3) accountability, (4)
use of technology, (5) improvement of student
competence, (6) certainty of choice, and ( 7)
multicultural society (Arends, 2012). The initial step
to answer these challenges the teacher must
Literature Study of Science Literation with Strategy Sagu Sabu (One Teacher One Book) to Answer the Demogrphic Bonus in XXI Century
implement student-based learning. Students
themselves find and define meaning, so that they are
trained to think highly of students. In line with
constructivism, it is assumed that students can
construct experience with new knowledge. Therefore,
learning events should be designed in such a way as
social and cultural activities where students construct
meaning interwoven through the learning media
provided by the teacher.
The challenge of both teachers must be to
determine active learning. In this case students are not
allowed to passively receive information from the
teacher, but students are actively involved in
appropriate experiences, and have the opportunity to
develop meaning and construct their knowledge.
The challenge of the three teachers must have
accountability means that they really master their
fields and are able to carry out learning directly. The
fourth challenge is that teachers must master
technology, in line with a paradigm shift from an
agrarian society to an industrial society, requiring the
application of educational technology in the learning
process, in order to develop the potential of students
in accordance with the needs of society.
The challenges of the five teachers must carry out
to improve students 'competencies in the form of IQ
and increase students' creativity in multiple
intelligences. The challenge of the six teachers must
determine the certainty of the place of teaching,
which is in accordance with the quality and ability of
education. The challenges of the seven teachers must
be able to teach in the situation of students who are
multicultural or culturally diverse. These challenges
can be addressed wisely, by doing self-reflection and
finding the best solutions to meet quality global
The efforts made by the government in responding
to the challenges of the 21st century are changing the
2006 curriculum with the 2013 curriculum. The
Ministry of Education and Culture (2013: 1)
explained that the 2013 curriculum development is
expected to produce productive, creative, innovative
and affective Indonesian people through attitudes
(know why) , skills (know how) and knowledge
(know what) are integrated. This effort was carried
out because the results of the survey showed that
Indonesia's literacy skills were always low. In
connection with this since 2000 literacy skills of
elementary and junior high school students in
Indonesia have been measured several times and
compared to other countries. In 2012, Indonesian
students are still ranked at the bottom with other
countries studied (TIMSS and PIRLS, 2012).
Based on the empirical data above, efforts to
increase students' literacy skills are applied in the
2013 curriculum, by integrating the content of
Indonesian language lessons with other study content.
Through an integrated and differentiated literacy
approach, students are expected to have better
attitudes, skills and knowledge competencies.
Therefore, the 2013 curriculum is not only oriented in
cognitive abilities, but also oriented towards
developing students' attitudes, skills and knowledge.
Based on this, the Ministry of Education and
Culture promoted the School Literacy Movement
(GLS) program which was prioritized from the
Nawacita program, specifically numbers 8 and 9
which are closely related to quality human resources
with high nationalist character and attitude. Ministry
of Education and Culture, (2016: 7-8) explains GLS
is a participatory effort or activity, involving school
citizens, academics, publishers, mass media and the
3.2 Sago Sago Strategy (One Teacher One
The teacher is the first person to create a literate-rich
school. Teachers are required to be professional in
conducting learning to answer the demands of the
times. It is appropriate for a teacher to transfer his
knowledge to students in the teaching and learning
process. Especially to succeed the GLS program from
the Ministry of Education and Culture is not only
focusing on students, but a teacher must be able to
become a literate student leader. Noble teacher
because of the work. Then work, O teacher, so
students reach the real point of literacy.
Interaction and practice of learning are always
intertwined between teachers and students, brilliant
ideas, interesting ideas, challenging science material,
fun learning methods, all of which can be recorded
and then used as reading sources that can be used as
inspiration for creative students. So, make writing it
as a means of literacy to share with students in
creating generations of character and excellence like
the teacher.
Hernowo (2006) said that nutrition-rich books are
ready to empower readers. In this case it means that
the book contains elements of stories in a coherent
way to attract interest and change readers, especially
students. Not that the book in question is a fiction
book, but the book is delivered in a language that is
easily understood by students, through open stories
and rich in meaning.
The role of the book is very important, namely that
it can educate students by moving students' thoughts
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
and perceptions. Through that, students can absorb
the nutrients contained in the book so that they can
closely close the brain cells of students. If students
have absorbed nutrition from the book, students can
achieve literacy activities in the form of the ability to
use language and images in a rich, diverse form, for
example reading, writing, listening, speaking, seeing,
presenting and thinking critically of ideas appeared
even students were able to rewrite ideas that emerged
after reading the nutritious book.
Come on the teachers, start writing. Tony Buzan
(2003) used the shedding method using the left and
right brains to initiate writing. Gabriele Rico (2000)
clustering so that what we spill can bring all of us out.
Let's start with pleasant writing techniques, freely
spill what you want to incise. Do this every day,
develop your writing in children's language. Start by
reading books, articles, journals related to science to
enrich your vocabulary in writing and sharpen your
memory of prior knowledge. Then ask questions in
yourself, write your answers with a light story but
focus on the answers. If this reading and writing
activity is honed every day, then you will be rich in
insight and language. So, you will be able to tell in
writing science textbooks that promote theoretical
discovery, insert certain formulas and lift the name of
the inventor, express ideas and facts. So that the
reader can finally be involved in science activities in
the form of understanding and taking all decisions
related to the surrounding environment and finding
solutions to any problems that exist.
Change for the better, be prepared to get out of
your comfort zone and enter the challenge zone. The
ideal time to adapt is 1 to 2 years, after which we will
become accustomed to these changes. How not, this
is all prepared on the basis of XXI century education
which not only builds knowledge, but also builds the
character, affection and skills of students. This is
believed to be the future children of the nation will be
more advanced and at least parallel with other nations
in the world.
3.3 Answers to the Demographic Bonus
of the XXI Century
Abidin (2015) argued that education in the XXI
century was like a woman with a beautiful face, she
was critical in intellectual, creative in thought, ethical
in association and character in life. All of that is the
result of something that is being fought for at this
time. The literate teacher is a teacher who is ready to
print students to be better than him, equip students
with life skills in the XXI century.
Abidin (2015) states that the initial concept of
struggle began with equality which was defined as the
ability to read and write, scholarship and increasingly
developed into knowledge. From the description, it
can be concluded with multiliteration namely
language skills related to context, culture and media.
Astuti (2016) believes that XXI-century society
needs people with knowledge of scientific and
technological issues. Therefore, the 2013 curriculum
is prepared to produce human resources that can
answer the challenges of life in the XXI century. 2013
curriculum is not just channeling knowledge, but
involves students directly in the process of
developing knowledge. The aspect of assessment
itself is not only to know the achievement of
knowledge, but as a source of inspiration for the
development of learning to find out the weaknesses
of students and seek efforts to improve subsequent
Abidin, et al (2017) indicate that there are five
basic capital building literacy schools namely
teachers, headmaster leadership, school programs,
facilities and infrastructure, and socio-cultural
community. Benitez et al. (2009) stated that the
development of a good school must begin with a
vision, which will shape the transformative
principals' leadership patterns. With a clear vision,
the principal can determine the mission, goals and
strategies that the multilaterate school wants to
achieve. School programs are realistic and can be
carried out on an ongoing basis, as well as giving
contextual meaning to students. Library, reading
corner is one of the literacy school facilities and
infrastructure, which is convenient for students in
reading. Literacy schools have the ability to develop
the potential that exists within the local community
through a network of education with the community.
Start pioneering multilaterate schools with what we
can do today, so that change can be done immediately
for the better future of students.
Literacy schools are schools that can facilitate
students to be able to fulfill their students'
competencies in facing the challenges of life in their
day. The teacher is the first person to create a literate-
rich school. Such teachers are professional teachers
who can work to develop their capabilities to create
multilaterate schools through science reading books
that they created for the golden generation.
Literature Study of Science Literation with Strategy Sagu Sabu (One Teacher One Book) to Answer the Demogrphic Bonus in XXI Century
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ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning