Analysis of Practicum Implementation in Laboratory and Its
Problems in Biological Learning at MAN 1 Tidore
Nurmaya Papuangan
, Nuraini Sirajudin
, and Nurti Abd. Samad
Biology Education Study Program, Khairun University, Jl. Bandara Baabullah Kampus 1, Ternate-North Maluku,
Teacher at MAN 1, Kota Tidore Kepulauan, Indonesia
Keywords: Practicum, Laboratory, Biology, Tidore.
Abstract: Biology is a complex science related to how to find out about nature systematically, so that biology is not
only mastery of the collection of knowledge in the form of facts, concepts, or principles but also is a process
of discovery. One characteristic of biology learning is the presence of practical activities that can be carried
out both in the laboratory and in nature. Through practical activities, experience will be gained including
cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. However, in reality not all teachers can use the laboratory in
biology learning at school. This study aims to obtain information on practical labors in the laboratory and
identify problems in biology learning. Data collection research using observation and interview methods of
practicum activities in terms of analysis of Basic Competency 4 (KD 4) from curriculum 2013 (K13). The
results of the analysis of the practicality of laboratory activities in biology learning in MAN I Tidore were
categorized as low with the percentage of laboratory practicum implementation for class X of 45.45%, class
XII 38.8%, and in class XII of 14.28%. The problems faced by biology teachers in the implementation of
practical activities in the laboratory are the lack of availability of materials and tools in practical activities,
the availability of guidance, and the teacher has not been able to utilize materials and other tools as a
substitute for tools and materials in practical activities. Teacher assistance in the preparation of practicum
guidelines that utilize natural materials and used goods solutions to improve lab activities in the laboratory.
School is the main means in education to be able to
develop all potential, creation and self-actualization.
Schools can function properly if supported by
supporting facilities and infrastructure, one of which
is a laboratory. The existence of a laboratory in
secondary schools is a must in modern education.
The laboratory has become one of the supporting
facilities for learning activities. With the existence
of a laboratory, students can develop technological
capabilities through the equipment in them. Students
are easier to find the learning resources they want.
The existence of a laboratory through practical
activities in schools can support learning activities
and can achieve educational goals both in the
cognitive, affective and psychomotor fields
(Hofstein, 2007).
Learning by applying theory in the form of
laboratory activities (practicum) can improve
process capability, ability to solve problems and
increase students' interest and attitudes towards
learning. The laboratory is very necessary as a place
to learn to provide real experiences to students as
one of the factors supporting the implementation of
learning. Laboratory activities not only aim to
improve the theory, but students can find their own
knowledge (Feyzioglu, 2009).
Practical activities in the laboratory are used as a
way for students to easily understand the material
and can build knowledge by experiencing their own
process or experiment. The higher the involvement
of students in practical activities the higher the
achievement of students' understanding and process
skills (Widayanto, 2009). This can be interpreted
that through laboratory activities, students can build
their own knowledge of facts, concepts, and theories
contained in biological material so that it can last
longer in the memories of students.
Biology learning can not only be done in the
classroom. One characteristic of biology learning is
Papuangan, N., Sirajudin, N. and Abd. Samad, N.
Analysis of Practicum Implementation in Laboratory and Its Problems in Biological Learning at MAN 1 Tidore.
DOI: 10.5220/0008900002370241
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 237-241
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the presence of practical activities that can be carried
out both in the laboratory and in nature. Many
complex biological concepts that require an activity
to facilitate students in understanding the concept.
Practical activities are very suitable to facilitate
students to learn through direct experience.
Practicum provides an opportunity for students to
get a picture in the real situation of what is obtained
in theory and sensory contact occurs. In addition, in
practical activities students do not just observe
directly but must live, be directly involved in the
actions and be responsible for the results. The
laboratory is a place where the teaching and learning
process takes place with practical activities
involving interactions between students, equipment,
and materials. Suprayitno (2010) suggests that the
teaching and learning process through practical
activities in the laboratory is expected that students
can learn, gain direct understanding and experience
about the nature, secrets and symptoms of natural
life that cannot be explained verbally.
Judging from the material aspects, biology has
specific material characteristics that are different
from other fields of science. Biology examines
living things, the environment and the relationship
between the two. Biological material is not only
related to scientific facts about natural phenomena
that are concrete, but also related to things or objects
that are abstract such as: chemical metabolic
processes in the body, hormonal systems,
coordination systems, etc. The nature of the material
objects studied in biology is very diverse, both in
terms of size (macroscopic, microscopic such as:
bacteria, viruses, DNA etc.), affordability (polar,
desert, tundra, etc.), safety (bacteria / viruses that are
pathology), language (use of Latin in scientific
names), etc. Thus to design biology learning various
supporting tools are needed such as: the use of
learning media, laboratory facilities, etc.). The
characteristics of biological material require high-
level thinking skills such as thinking critically,
logically, analytically, sometimes even requiring
combinatorial thinking (Rustaman, 2010).
In fact, not all laboratory activities in biology
learning in schools can be implemented and
implemented properly. There are teachers who rarely
use laboratories in biology learning, laboratories that
are not equipped with tools and materials that can
support the implementation of learning in the
laboratory, poor management of laboratory
management, teachers have a large number of lesson
hours, teachers have less creativity in developing
practical activities , lack of support from schools and
there is an assumption that biology learning
activities in the laboratory are not important and
learning activities in the laboratory take a long time.
Some of these things can be found both in schools
that have a well-equipped laboratory and a
laboratory with enough or even less trapping.
Research analysis of practical implementation in the
laboratory and its problems in biology learning is
carried out in the months of August - October 2018.
The research was conducted at the Tidore 1 State
Islamic Middle School. This research uses
descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The
qualitative approach in this study resulted in
descriptive data covering the state of the laboratory
and the implementation of lab work in the laboratory
as well as the problems in biology learning. The
results of this qualitative approach analysis will be
described as they are without the intention of
making conclusions that apply to the public. The
object in this study focused on biology teachers in
class X, XI, and XII and laboratory managers.
Analysis of the implementation of practical activities
in biology semester and even semester X, XI, and
XII. Stages of research include; laboratory
observations, interviews and filling out the
questionnaire on laboratory work.
This research is directed at the implementation of
practical activities in the laboratory based on basic
competency analysis (KD 4) in curriculum 2013
(K13). This research was conducted in the school of
MAN 1 Tidore with the research subjects being
biology teachers in class X, XI, and XII. This study
focused on practical activities in the laboratory in
odd and even semester and the problems faced by
the teacher in their implementation.
3.1 Observation of MAN 1 Tidore
MAN 1 Tidore is one of the schools that has
implemented the 2013 curriculum (K13). Laboratory
observations show that MAN 1 Tidore has a
laboratory building that is separate from the
classroom, but the laboratory is a joint laboratory
named the Science Laboratory. This means that the
laboratory is used for Biology, Physics, and
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
Chemistry practicum activities. It has an
administrative room and a practicum room that can
accommodate 25-30 practitioners, a practicum room
equipped with a stone table and a tub of water. Has a
storage area for tools and materials, but has not been
well organized. Having tools and supporting
materials for biological practicum activities that
have not been able to fulfill the overall
implementation of practical biology activities both
in class X, XI, and XII.
Laboran is one of the components in a laboratory
organization that is very important to support the
implementation of the management of a laboratory.
The MAN 1 Tidore Laboratory does not have
laboratory assistants who can assist both the
administration and cleanliness of laboratories and
assist teachers in preparation and implementation of
practical activities. This leads to preparation,
implementation, and cleaning of practical activities
carried out by the teacher themselves assisted by
students. So that time both for practicum activities
and teacher teaching time and student learning time
is not well implemented.
3.2 Implementation of Practical
Activities at the Laboratory in
Biology Learning Class X MAN 1
The results of the analysis of Basic Competence
which is devoted to KD 4 class X there are 11 KD
points 4 out of 10 material including: 1) Biological
scope, scientific method, and work safety; 2)
Biodiversity; 3) Viruses; 4) Bacteria; 5) Protists; 6)
Fungi; 7) Plantae; 8) Animalia; 9) Ecosystems; 10)
Environment. In the elaboration of 11 Basic
Competencies 4, 16 practicum activities were
obtained and 11 of them were practicum activities
which were carried out in the laboratory. The results
of the analysis obtained five practical activities that
can be carried out in the laboratory or amounted to
45.45% of the implementation of biological
practicum activities in the laboratory. Based on the
Guttman scale analysis with two criteria (Yes and
No), the use of the laboratory in the implementation
of practical activities in class X biology learning is
in the low category.
The use of laboratories in practicum in the
laboratory in class X biology learning is in the low
category. This is due to several problems faced by
teachers, namely:
1. The existing laboratory building is a joint
laboratory that is used for biology, physics, and
chemistry practical activities.
2. There are no tools and materials needed in
biological practicum activities on certain
3. There is not enough time in the implementation
of practicum activities, so the teacher often adds
student study time outside the normal schedule.
4. Teachers have not been able to replace materials
or tools in practical activities with other tools or
materials that can support the implementation of
practical activities.
5. The LKS used by the teacher is the LKS
available in the book, there has been no effort
from the teacher to design the LKS itself so that
it can utilize natural materials to replace
chemicals and the use of used goods to replace
lab equipment in the laboratory.
3.3 Implementation of Practical
Activities in the Laboratory in
Biology Learning Class XI MAN 1
Analysis of Basic Competence (KD 4) biology class
XI obtained 14 points of basic competency 4 in 11
biological materials taught. From the KD 4, there
were 25 experimental / practical activities, 18 of
which were practicum activities carried out in the
laboratory. The results of analyzing laboratory use in
the practical implementation of class XI biology
learning were obtained in 7 activities carried out.
Thus there were 38.8% of practicum activities
carried out in the laboratory in class XI biology
learning. Based on the Guttman scale analysis with
two criteria (Yes and No), the use of laboratories in
the implementation of practical activities in biology
learning class XI is in the low category.
The low percentage of laboratory utilization in
the implementation of practical activities in biology
learning in class XI is caused by:
1. The existing laboratory building is a joint
laboratory that is used for biology, physics, and
chemistry practical activities.
2. There are no tools and materials needed in
biological practicum activities on certain
3. There is not enough time in the implementation
of practicum activities, so the teacher often adds
student study time outside the normal schedule.
4. The reduction of time from 3x45 'lesson hours to
2x45' lesson hours
Analysis of Practicum Implementation in Laboratory and Its Problems in Biological Learning at MAN 1 Tidore
5. There is a demolition / renovation of the
building, the laboratory is used as a class for
other subjects.
6. Teachers have not been able to replace materials
or tools in practical activities with other tools or
materials that can support the implementation of
practical activities.
7. The LKS used by the teacher is the LKS
available in the book, there has been no effort
from the teacher to design the LKS itself so that
it can utilize natural materials to replace
chemicals and the use of used goods to replace
laboratory equipment.
3.4 Implementation of Practical
Activities in the Laboratory in
Biology Learning Class XII MAN 1
Biology learning material in class XII as many as
10 material with details of Basic Competency (KD
4) as many as 10 points of competence and as many
as 16 experimental / practicum activities. The results
of the analysis were 7 experimental / practicum
activities which were carried out in the laboratory
and only 1 practical / experimental activity was
carried out. This means that there are only 14.28%
of practical activities carried out in class XII. Based
on the Guttman scale analysis with two criteria (Yes
and No), the use of the laboratory in conducting
practical activities in class XII biology learning is in
the low category. Just like practicing practicum in
class XI, the low utilization of laboratories in the
implementation of laboratory activities is caused by:
1. The existing laboratory building is a joint
laboratory that is used for biology, physics, and
chemistry practical activities.
2. There are no tools and materials needed in
biological practicum activities on certain
3. There is not enough time in the implementation
of practicum activities, so the teacher often adds
student study time outside the normal schedule.
4. The reduction of time from 3x45 'lesson hours to
2x45' lesson hours
5. There are demolition / renovation of buildings,
laboratories are used as classes for other
6. Teachers have not been able to replace materials
or tools in practical activities with other tools or
materials that can support the implementation of
practical activities.
7. The LKS used by the teacher is the LKS
available in the book, there has been no effort
from the teacher to design the LKS itself so that
it can utilize natural materials to replace
chemicals and the use of used goods to replace
laboratory equipment.
The process of discovery (scientific work) in
biology learning in the form of practical activities is
needed to strengthen students' understanding of the
concept. This is because practicum provides an
opportunity for students to discover for themselves
the facts needed to improve their understanding of
material that has been learned through direct
experience. This is in accordance with the learning
experience revealed by Shea (2000) in Sumiati and
Asra (2011), that students learn 10% of what they
read, 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see,
50% of what seen and heard, 70% of what he said
and 90% of what he said and did. So the learning
experience directly carried out by students through
practicum is certainly able to increase their
understanding of the subject matter.
Figure 1: Percentage of Implementation of Practicum in
the Laboratory on Biology Learning in Man I Tidore.
The graph above is an illustration of the
implementation of practical activities in biology
learning in the laboratory. The picture above shows
that the percentage of implementation of practical
activities in MAN I Tidore is in the low category.
Practical activities in the laboratory in class X have
a greater percentage than those in class XI and XII.
This is caused by several factors that hinder the
implementation of practical activities that can come
from the school or from the teacher itself.
Although formally practicum has become a
component in science learning especially biology, it
seems that practicum implementation in schools is
still not optimal for achieving learning goals. Just as
found in MAN 1 Tidore, laboratory use in the
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
implementation of practical activities in biology
learning both in class X, XI, and XII is categorized
as low. This is caused by the lack of availability of
laboratory facilities, the unavailability of guidance
for all practical activities, no laboratory staff in this
case is laboratory staff, and there has been no
teacher effort to design their own practical activities
using natural materials and used goods that can
replace materials and practical tools which does not
exist so practicum activities can be carried out.
Simamora (2012) explains that some of the
problems that are often encountered in the field that
cause obstruction of practicum activities are
inadequate biological laboratory facilities,
unavailability of tables and chairs in the laboratory
that are in accordance with the number of students,
lack of practical guidance, no clear practicum
schedule, the ability of teachers in the
implementation of biology labs is still lacking and
there are no laboratory special officers.
Seeing the problems that exist in MAN 1 Tidore
related to practicum in the laboratory in biology
learning is a complex problem and related to the
school management system, then a solution that can
be done to help biology teachers in terms of
laboratory practice in guiding and training teachers -
the teacher in designing his own practical activities
with a more simple and systematic approach to the
demands of K13. The practicum guide design is also
made by utilizing natural materials and used items
that are available and easily available.
The implementation of practicum activities in the
laboratory in biology learning is categorized as low
both in class X, XI, and class XII. Lack of tools and
materials, limited time for practicum activities, and
not yet available practicum guides prepared by the
teacher become a problem in learning biology at
MAN 1 Tidore.
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