the research data before and after normal
4.3.2 Hypothesis Testing
This study aims to determine differences in learning
outcomes before (pre-test) and after (post-test)
through Gravity and Interstellar film media to
improve understanding of physics concepts in
learning English. The pre-test and post-test t-test is
to determine whether there is an increase in learning
outcomes. The study was said to be significant if t-
count> t table at the significance level of 5% and p
value <0.05.
Table 7: The results of t-test paired with pre-test and post-
Based on the table, the average post-test and pre-
test scores were 1,139. it obtained t-count > t-table
at a significant level of 5% (10.208> 1.69) and has a
probability value or p <0.05 (0.00 <0.05) which
means that there is a significant increase in scores
before and after watching the film.
Therefore, based on the results of the t-test it is
known that the average before (pre-test) is 55.69 and
after the post-test is 67.09, so that the increase is
11.62%, then the t-test is obtained by the t-count of
10.208. The value of t-table with df 34 at the
significance level of 5% is 1.69. Therefore, t-count >
t-table (10.208> 1.69) and the significant value is
smaller than 0.05 (0.00 <0.05). Thus, it indicates
that there is a significant increase in the score of the
learning outcomes of the sample class, namely the
fifth semester students of department of physics
education through film media with the aim of
increasing understanding of physics concepts in
learning English.
The following is a diagram before and after
students are treated by applying science film media:
Figure 5: Diagram of the Difference between Pre-test and
Post-test Student Learning Outcomes through Science
Film Media.
Based on the diagram above, it can be clearly
illustrated that learning English at the departments of
physics education by using Gravity and Interstellar
film as media can help students to improve their
understanding of physics concept.
Based on the results of data analysis and discussion
of research results, it can be concluded that:
a. Media science fiction films can be used in
learning English in the Department of physics
b. The use of Gravity and Interstellar film media
in learning English in physics education study
programs can be used to improve the
understanding of the concept of fifth semester
students of Physics Education Study Program.
c. The science fiction film media can also be used
in physics learning in general.
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