ree (4) 33 38,82 %
Amount of 85 100%
Based on frequency distribution of learning
motivation, the frequency distribution of answers
provided by questionnaire respondents showed that
respondents who stated that the assessment strongly
disagreed was 0%, meaning that no one answered
the category at all, there were 8 respondents who
answered No Agree or 9.41%, there were 44
respondents or 51.76% who agreed and 33
respondents or 38.82% who answered strongly
The most frequency of learning motivation,
indicated by 51.76% in the agree category that
learning motivation increases in mathematics
learning through literature and at least 0% or
strongly disagrees.
4.3 Normality Test
From the above output based on the Kolmogorov
Smirnov test, the Sig value is 0.478> 0.05, it can be
concluded that the data is normally distributed. The
table describes the results of statistical tests on the
dissemination of motivational data in mathematics
learning through literature with the Kolmorogov-
Smirnov one-sample test technique. From the table it
appears that the mean = 91.7529, standard deviation
= 6.71690 and a significant level of all sides with a
confidence level of 5% is 0.478. If the H1
hypothesis is formulated, it is normally distributed,
and H0 is an abnormal distribution. Then H1 is
accepted if p> 0.05, and H1 is rejected if P <0.05. In
table 5.5 shows that p = 0.478> 0.05. So H1 is
accepted, meaning that the motivation to learn
mathematics through hybridization of literary works
is normally distributed.
With the hybridization of mathematics in this
literary work it can be a refresher for both fields of
science, and especially for mathematical students
who can understand mathematical concepts from
different angles. In other words, the hybridization of
mathematics in literary works can be a stimulus that
can encourage mathematics students to better
understand mathematical concepts. This can also be
proven by the results of filling in student
questionnaires which show that there are 0% stated
strongly disagree, 9.41% or as many as 8 students
disagree, 51.76% or as many as 44 students agree,
and 38.82% or 33 students stated strongly in
Based on these data it can be illustrated that there
are 51.76% of students who can or more understand
mathematics through poetry, and make them want to
know a lot of things about mathematics, and there
were 38.82% of students who were enthusiastic
about learning mathematics after attending the
workshop, and said that mathematics lessons were
very interesting. While there were 9.41% who
disagreed because they were still having trouble
finding words in making poetry.
The introduction of mathematical hybridization
in literature to the 85 students in the fifth semester
(five) at the Department of Mathematics Education
through a workshop wih two presenters in the fields
of mathematics and literature, and also a poetry
reader who would read mathematical poetry. The
presentation of mathematics at this workshop was
devoted to the beautiful side of mathematics in
everyday life. As expressed by Soehakso who is the
first mathematics professor in Indonesia, that
mathematics has a very interesting pattern, he often
said that mathematics is like the prettiest girl in the
whole world.
The literature presentation at this workshop
focused on one of the literary works, namely poetry.
According to the Son (2010) the essence of poetry
does create, because with and through poetry
someone creates his own world, namely a world that
contains a picture of a particular atmosphere, a
certain impression, and certain messages both
outward and inward.
Mathematical hybridization in literary works is the
unification of mathematics and literary in the form
of mathematical poetry. In the stage of creating
mathematical poetry, students are guided by using
the experiential learning model, which is a method
that is suitable for poetry writing skills because this
method requires students to process their
experiences according to the imagination, creativity,
and skills of each student by further exploring
students' thinking without harmful effects that can
be stated in the form of writing (Munawaroh et al,
This is also supported by Wahyudi (2009) who
states that humans have the potential of the soul, that
is, humans do not just forget the experience. Even
the experience in his life settles in his life settling in
him. The deposition of experience is placed in the
deepest human mind. Humans have the potential to
be able to process that experience in the process of
imagination and make it in the form of literary
works. Literary works are born from the creative