area of the circle by using Jigsaw cooperative
1.3 Research Benefits
This study is expected to be useful for: Principals,
Teachers, Lecturers and Parents as input on learning
outcomes and learning activities of students in 6th
grade of SDN 38 Ternate City.
Learning and teaching activities are the processes
carried out by teachers and students when learning
takes place and productive learning activities will
produce good learning outcomes. Herman (2002:
10), that every teaching and learning process always
produces learning outcomes. The problem faced is to
what level of learning outcomes have been achieved.
According to Zain Aqib (2013: 65), learning
outcomes are when someone has learned and there
will be behavioral changes in that person. For
example, not knowing being aware and not
understanding being understanding.
The learning process is a psychic / mental
activity that takes place in active interaction with the
environment which produces changes that are
relatively constant and traceable. This behavior
change is a learning outcome that covers the
cognitive, effective domain, and psychomotor
domains (Uzlifatul Janna 2010: 4). The principle
underlying the assessment of learning outcomes is to
provide hope for students and teachers to be able to
improve the quality of learning. Quality in the sense
of students becomes effective learning and the
teacher becomes a good motivator.
Jhon M. Keller as quoted by Mulyono
Abdurrahman (2002: 46) holds that: learning is
strongly influenced by two kinds of input, namely
personal input groups (personal inputs) and input
groups that come from the environment
(environmental inputs). Another opinion expressed
by Muslims in the Journal of Research in the field of
education mentions the factors that influence
learning, namely:
Learning strategies, one of the strategies that can
increase student involvement in the learning process
are: pre-learning, information presentation, student
participation, evaluation, and action go on.
Students' cognitive style, habit of acting that is
relatively fixed in receiving, thinking, solving
problems, or in information. From various
descriptions of the factors that influence learning can
be grouped into two, namely internal factors and
external factors. Internal factors are factors that arise
from within the students while external factors are
factors caused by external stimulation of students so
that students are affected or conditioned by these
external factors.
2.1 Cooperative Learning Model of
Cooperative refers to the learning model in which
students work together in small groups helping each
other in learning. Most involve students in groups
consisting of 4 (four) students who have different
Lukman (2009: 26) states that the basic elements
of cooperative learning are as follows:
a. Students are responsible for everything in the
group as their own.
b. Students try to see that all members in the group
have the same goal.
c. Students must share the same tasks and
responsibilities where members of the group.
d. Students will be subject to an evaluation or gift /
award which will also be applied to all group
e. Students will be asked to account individually
for the material handled in the cooperative group.
f. Students are various leaders and they need skills
to learn together during the learning process.
2.2 Steps of the Jigsaw Cooperative
Learning Model
The steps of the Jigsaw cooperative learning model
are as follows:
a. Students are grouped with 4-5 people
b. Each person in the team is given different tasks
and assignments
c. Members of different teams with the same
assignments form groups new (expert group)
d. After the expert group discussed, each member
returned to the original group and explained to
the group members about the sub-section they
e. Each expert team presented the results of the
Discussion of the