assessment instruments that were developed related
to aspects of basic laboratory skills (psychomotor),
attitude (affective) in the practicum that are directly
related to workplace security and safety in the
laboratory, and knowledge (cognitive) about the
material in practicum learning measured from the
achievement of learning competencies. Development
of assessment instruments was done using the 4D
method (define, design, develop, and disseminate).
The initial stage of this development began with
defining the achievement of chemistry practicum
learning. The design stage was carried out in the
second step which includes; limitation of learning
achievement in chemistry practicum, designing a
lattice instrument for chemical practicum assessment
which includes psychomotor, affective and cognitive
aspects. At the development stage, a draft
observation instrument for psychomotor and
affective was done, test questions, answers and
scoring rubrics, allocation of working time, and
design of layout assessment instruments. In the
development phase, instrument validation and
limited trials were conducted for first semester
students of the 2018/2019 academic year, Chemistry
Education Study Program, FKIP, Khairun
University, Ternate. Instrument validation was
carried out with the belief data validation technique
involving 3 experts in the field of educational
evaluation. The validity of the observation
instrument psychomotor and affective aspects of
chemistry practicum was measured from Suitability
with learning outcomes, steps in chemistry
practicum, layout, and scoring. Whereas the validity
of the test instrument in the form of questions was
assessed from compatibility with learning outcomes,
clarity of language (sentence questions and
statements) in the questions, clarity of pictures and
illustrations of questions, suitability of time
allocation and scoring, and design and layout of
questions. While the dissemination phase by
publishing a competency assessment instrument that
has been declared valid and tested in this article.
3.1 Determination and Definition of
Learning Outcomes in Basic
Chemical Practicum
Chemical practicum for chemistry teacher
candidates at Khairun University was designed in 3
years of learning divided into 3 learning outcomes
each year. In the first year, the targeted learning
outcomes were to know and be able to operate the
glassware in the chemical laboratory properly and
safely, the learning outcomes in the second year
were to do chemical preparation and separation.
While learning achievement in the third year was
able to conduct analysis and synthesis of chemicals
(Rakhman, 2017). The research reported in this
article was more focused on developing the basic
laboratory chemistry competency assessment
instrument which was the learning achievement in
the first year of basic chemistry practicum learning
in the first year for chemistry education prospective
students. The achievement of basic learning in the
chemistry lab in the first year was to know and be
able to operate glassware in the chemical laboratory
properly and safely, described in 3 aspects of
assessment, assessment of cognitive, affective and
psychomotor aspects. In detail, the process of
describing learning outcomes in the assessment
aspect was presented in Figure 1. Flowchart of
assessment aspects of laboratory basic competencies
in chemistry practicum.
Basic competencies in chemical practicum for
chemistry teacher candidate students were translated
into 3 measurements, namely measurement of
cognitive aspects which includes measurement of
ability to recognize and understand symbols,
equipment and characteristics of chemicals in
practicum. The description of the cognitive aspects
was then derived in 4 measurement indicators
including; recognize and understand the symbol of
work safety and safety in the laboratory. This
indicator aims to measure the ability of students in
identifying potential risks of workplace accidents
that originate from the workplace environment and
knowledge in taking preventive actions against
potential risks. The second indicator was knowing
and understanding symbols that show the
characteristics of chemicals in the laboratory. This
indicator aims to measure the level of understanding
of students in recognizing the potential risks of
chemicals used in practicum. Both indicators related
to student recognition and understanding of the
symbols in the laboratory are a description of the
knowledge of workplace safety in the laboratory
(Ismail, 2016). While the third indicator of the
cognitive aspects, namely, the use of glassware in
the laboratory was intended to measure students'
knowledge of the types of glassware in the
laboratory that was used in chemical practicum. And
the fourth cognitive aspect indicator that was related
to students' understanding of preparation using
glassware in a chemistry lab in a laboratory is based
more on measuring student knowledge in organizing
glassware for practicum. What was meant by the
knowledge of organizing glassware for practicum is
the knowledge of students in using several glass