the attitude observed and described based on
theoretic studies.
2.3 Data Collection Techniques and
Research Instrument
The data in the form of information about the early
childhood ingenious on PAUD of Telkom Sandhy
Putra Ternate obtained through observation with the
observation instruments that provided. Observation
instruments contain a check list about activities that
are undertaken by children who are categorized in
early childhood ingeniouson Ternate Putra Sandhy
Telkom PAUD. Furthermore, the observation results
were analyzed a qualitatively accompanied theoretic
study of child development.
Base on the observational result the Puzzle game
with eleven indicators of observation instrument that
has been done, it can be drawn of discussion that
subject observed is B3’s students on Ternate Putra
Sandhy Telkom PAUD that amount of 31 peoples
with the range the age of 5-6 years, as follows:
1. There are three students do the game is good, so
it can be concluded that they have excellent
talent. A more prominent talent of all three
students is their cognitive ability. This is in
accordance with the understanding of
ingenious/aptitude according to Widodo
Judarwanto (2007), aptitude is the of intellectual
ability or intelligence which include intellectual
ability of music, mathematics, physics,
chemistry, electronics, information technology,
language, sports and various levels of
intelligence in various other fields that his ability
is way above average child her age. Based on the
observation results and the opinion, so can be
stated that the child had a good talent that can be
developed positively in the futures.
2. There is good eight student’s judgment, that the
students have high imagination and creativity
high anyway. This is in accordance with the
ingenious understanding that expressed by
Renzulli (2002), ingenious is an interaction
between of the general ability and/or specific, the
responsibility level towards a high task and a
high creativity level. While the notion of
creativity, according to Munandar (Trisno
Yuwono, 2003:330), is the ability to create new
combinations based on data, information or
elements that exist. Based on an observation
results and the opinion, so be stated that the child
had a good talent that can be developed
positively in the futures.
3. There are seven students have a good talent. This
is in accordance with ingenious notion that
expressed by Galton (2002), aptitude is an extra
ordinary natural ability, that acquired from the
qualities combination that includes the
intellectual capacity, strong willingness, and
performance. Based on the observation results
and the opinion, so can be stated that the child
has a good talent that can be developed
positively in the futures.
4. There are six students have a good talent. This is
in accordance with the understanding that
expressed by Marison (Munandar,1982), the
aptitude of children include General intellectual
ability, ability, academic ability, the ability of the
creative thinking, ability in the arts, and the
ability on aspects of psychomotor or Connative.
Based on the results of the opinion and
observation may be stated that the child had a
good talent that can be developed positively in
the times to come.
5. There are five students have a good talent. This
is in accordance with the understanding that
expressed by Clark and Zimmerman (1984)
aptitude is a concept with biological roots, it's
explaining that high-level intelligentsia is a result
of advanced and fast integration from functions
within the brain, include cognition, emotion,
sensing, and intuition are then expressed in the
form of more skills involving cognition,
creativity, academic skills, leadership or fine arts
and performing arts. Based on the observation
results and the opinion can be stated that the
child had a good talent that can be developed
positively in the futures.
6. There is one student not seen meet all indicators,
based on the opinion of Clark (1986), aptitude is
special and wonderful universal characteristics
that are carried since birth and is the interaction
result of the environment influence. Aptitude
also is determined by the needs and culture tend
where the talented person was alive. From the
observation and opinion occurs a contrast so that
we continue to study the environment in which
the child resides i.e. parents or the surrounding
environment. Obtained information that the child
cannot do anything according to his will or
his/her preferences because of forbidden parents.
This has resulted in the child not able to