counsellor based on the results of observations
and observations made both outside the
classroom and in the classroom and then the
homeroom teacher and the BK teacher inform
the parents of the students at the time of receipt
of reporting the grade increase. RY also informs
the affective assessment of students during the
learning process. Whereas IS, IT, N and AD do
not inform affective development in both
homeroom and BK teachers.
Feedback delivery related to the affective results
of students. RY uses affective assessment as a
basis for giving feedback or feedback on
achieving affective competencies of students.
Whereas IS, IT, MM, N, and AD provide
feedback by doing remedials and re-asking
material that has not been understood by
students. So that it can be concluded that the
five social studies teachers do not understand in
providing feedback or feedback on the
achievement of affective learning outcomes.
The use of affective assessment results is based
on using the attitude observation sheet,
according to RY the results of affective
assessment are delivered to the BK teacher and
homeroom teacher, but if the process finds
unfavourable results on the attitudes and
behaviour of students then guidance is given.
Guidance on student attitudes was also carried
out by IT, IS, N, MM and AD. Based on the
results of interviews with the six social studies
teachers, it was stated that implementing the
results of the effective assessment, but in the
implementation, only RY showed the use of
affective assessment by observing the attitude
changes raised by students. This change in
attitude was observed and followed up at the
next meeting. The use of affective assessment
conducted by RY by reflecting learning and
exchanging seating positions of students.
From the description above, it can be concluded
that utilizing the results of affective research is
only done by one teacher namely RY by
observing the changes in attitudes raised by the
students and following up on the next meeting.
Based on the results of the study, it is known that
one (1) out of six social studies teachers is able to
formulate assessment plans for social studies
subjects tailored to the syllabus and lesson plans.
The assessment plan includes indicators of
assessment, assessment techniques, and ruptured
ratings. The formulation of achievement indicators is
used as a reference in determining the assessment
techniques and observation sheets used by the
teacher. This is in accordance with the standards of
assessment of Permendikbud No. 23 of 2016 which
is described in the Technical Direction of Director
General of Primary Education and the Ministry of
Education concerning the standard process which
states that achievement indicators are used as a
reference in the assessment.
The findings obtained by several social studies
teachers are still focused on cognitive assessment,
consequently, the affective assessment is ignored.
This can be seen in the RPP collected by the teacher
seen in the assessment technique which is still
focused on cognitive assessment. According to
Kratworl in Mardapi, 2008, if traced cognitive goals
has an affective component inside. Kratworl argues
that even though the subject matter refers to the
cognitive and psychomotor aspects, the affective
aspect is the integral part of the learning material. It
is intended that the teacher in carrying out the
assessment in learning, affective assessment also
becomes very important and should not be ignored.
Furthermore, the affective assessment techniques
chosen by the teacher are observation and
observation techniques in the form of observation
sheets. In developing the assessment instrument in
the form of an observation sheet, the teacher still has
limited abilities so that in the assessment of the
attitude of massive students it is narrative. Even
though there are many affective assessment
instruments that can be used to gather information
on the affective abilities of students, for example
questionnaires, interview sheets, portfolios,
(Sudjana, 2009) which are listed in assessment
journals, observations, interpersonal assessments
and self-assessments.
Based on the RPP collected by the teacher only
one social studies teacher lists journals, self-
assessments, evaluations between friends and
observations. According to the teacher, the journal
that was made was very helpful in the affective
assessment of the students. Furthermore, the
assessment instrument made is used by the teacher at
each meeting so that students can measure the
affective that often changes.
Based on the results of data collection it was
concluded that the implementation of affective
assessments on social studies subjects in the 6th
Public High School in Ternate City was not in
accordance with the planning in the syllabus and
The Assessment Process of the Teachersâ
Z Ability in Constructing an Affective Assessment for Social Science Teachers in SMA Negeri 6