The Influence of Self-regulation and the Gadget Utilization Intensity
as Learning Resources in the Era of IR 4.0 to Students’ Learning
Siti Sahronih
State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Self-regulation, Gadget, Students’ learning outcome
Abstract: The purpose of this research was to know the influence of self-regulation and the gadget utilization intensity
as learning resources in the era of IR 4.0 to studens’ learning outcome of VI class SDN Uwungjaya
Tangerang City School Year 2018/2019. The result of research showed that, there was influence of self-
regulation and the gadget utilization intensity as learning resources to students’ learning outcome. The
conclusion of this research were: (1) there is influence of self-regulation to students’ learning outcome; (2)
there is influence of gadget utilization intensity as learning resources to students’ learning outcome; (3)
there is influence of self-regulation and gadget utilization intensity as learning resources in the era of IR 4.0
to students’ learning outcome. The method that used in this research is ex post facto. Population of this
research was the 6th grade students of SDN Uwungjaya with total 32 students. The data in this research are
collected by using questionnaire, observation, and study documentary.
Education in many countries are continue to
experience development, no exception in Indonesia.
As a developing country, Indonesia currently
continue to try to do a variety of innovation
education. Similarly with the other developing
countries that are on the bottom of the rankings in
the world. According to data from the Organisation
for Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD) which is offered by The Guardian,
Indonesia is at position 57 of 65 countries. It has
certainly become an important note because it
includes in low position. Indonesia should
immediately do a lot in terms of improvements in
the educational world, especially in the field of
Education currently prefer the technology as a
medium as well as learning resources, especially in
the era of the industrial revolution as known as IR
4.0. Actually talking about the industrial revolution
and also the world of education, not only in
Indonesia that becomes the main point. In some of
the developed world is indeed any need for special
handling for example in tackling the development of
increasingly sophisticated technology, because
otherwise it could be dammed, it will provide a
dangerous impact.
The era of IR 4.0 gives a little too much
influence in diverse sectors, and the one of the sector
is education. It is characterized by the presence of
the use of IT in learning, internet as a learning
resources, etc. Learning with the use of IT is rated
more effective and efficient, for example, the current
e-learning has emerged which began to be applied in
a variety of schools as well as educational
establishments that already emphasis on learning by
utilizing the technology. Many schools are now
using a variety of facilities such as computers as a
medium of instruction, not even a school also rarely
requires that every student has a laptop or a
smartphone like gadget as source or media study at
any time required by the time the hour lesson.
The use of laptops, computer, smartphones, or
the other like which are comprehensive features as a
source of learning is very important indeed owned
by each student. But not infrequently also often
encountered at this time there are many gadget abuse
by students. Because there are so many feature of
gadget that can be used to the other thing, for
example the function of entertainment, and often it
makes many individuals are less able to control
Sahronih, S.
The Influence of Self-regulation and the Gadget Utilization Intensity as Learning Resources in the Era of IR 4.0 to Students’ Learning Outcome.
DOI: 10.5220/0008901900970102
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 97-102
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
themselves in the use of the wise. No exception in
children especially children aged elementary and
junior high school which still require a lot of
Children at the age of basic education or primary
school in Indonesia are now given much freedom in
the use of gadget. Because parents think children at
primary school age range is already have a
smartphone and they are have a freedom to do
everything with their gadget or smartphone.
Especially in some major cities that has a fairly high
level of busyness for its parent, any time it needs to
communicate with their children for example just to
pick up on schools or private. Actually, trying to
trust with our children to the use of gadgets is not
wrong, but things to look out for is how the parents
should give a guidance and direction so that the
child is able to control himself or herself.
Development of children in an era of IR 4.0 is
the transition of the millennial generation, which is
more than most understand about gadgets and how
to use it. On the Global Educational and Solution
Exhibition and Conference Indonesia (GESS) held
in Jakarta on September 26-28, 2018 one of the
interviewees said that the role of the millennial
generation children in an era of industrial revolution
was very important considering the generation has a
very easy access to do a variety of things with the
utilization of technology. But if not controlled
properly, it will negatively affect e.g. the
instantaneous habits of doing things without effort.
The existence of technology that is very close to
humans ever made all sorts of things that are easily
accessed by various circles cannot be dammed. Thus
one of the ways that still allow is to control yourself
in order to be able to choose from a variety of things
that are positive and negative. This is related to why
the self-regulation as part of the learning theory
developed by Bandura have roles that are quite
Basically if a child has a good self-regulation i.e.
how children are able to organize themselves and
discipline in doing a variety of things it will be easy
to control him in using a gadget that is good and
right, for example, they can reduce the intensity of
playing with gadgets for things that are not useful.
1.1 Self-Regulation
Development of IR 4.0 era highlights important
today especially in the development of technology in
the millennial generation. It is inseparable from the
role of children as the next generation. The existence
of technology, people are able to easily do many
things but the technology also can be dangerous if
not in regulation as well.
As the generation that currently exists on the IR
4.0, children still require a lot of guidance, for
example in the use of gadgets if it is used for things
that are useful for example as a source of learning.
However, if the children uncontrolled playing their
gadget it can make they have an asocial character.
The other negative impact of gadget are children can
easily imitate what their saw, especially for they are
in the concrete-operational as a period of the age.
This corresponds to the view that the behaviour of
the Bandura that a behaviour is performed by the
individual basically brought about results from the
interaction of environment and i.e cognitive schemas
that are owned by the individual themselves
(Suyono, 2013).
Self-regulation as the voluntary control of
emotional, attentional, and behavioural impulses in
the service personally valued goals and standards
(Sokol, 2013). Self-regulated behaviour also means
that when someone is able to organize herself then
that person as an individual capable of controlling
his behavior in various circumstances (Hergenhahn
& Olson, 2017), for example when a person is in the
environment is less good then with self-regulation is
capable of regulating itself in how should behave.
Self-regulation is a core aspect of adaptive human
behaviour that has been studied, largely in parallel,
through the lenses of social and personality
psychology as well as cognitive psychology
(Hoffman, Schmeichel, & Baddeley, 2012).
According to Bandura (1988), if an act merely
specified because of rewards and punishment as
well, then everyone would have a behaviour that
varies in accordance with the conditions
encountered. For it is necessary the presence of
settings from within him that is able to plan a course
of action as a form of planning in the future and has
value. It can also be seen from how someone
cognitively motivated himself so able to anticipate
the possibility of some of the actions which he gives
a positive impact.
1.2 Gadget Utilization Intensity as
Learning Resources
The development of a more advanced era makes a
lot of things a modern multi-purpose is no exception
in the field of education. Meet the era of IR 4.0 then
it is certain there are many developmental progress
in the field of education, for example, only the more
advanced learning in media as well as learning
resources used. Even in the few schools Indonesia
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
now have started many have a computer laboratory
for the means of teaching and learning at schools.
The gadget is basically a diverse range of
technology tools that make it easy for humans to do
a variety of activities. Some examples of gadgets is
smartphone, computer, headset, laptop, notebooks,
Gadget currently serves as entertainment can be
used as tools to play facilities for example, watching
television, communicate with social media, play
games, and still many others. With the many
functions it then doesn't close possibility if a lot of
people and also the children who love to play using
a gadget.
The use of the good and true gadget can provide
benefits. But if not controlled well it will be very
dangerous for children, because have a negative
impact. Because basically the kids became one of
the main highlights and it's important to note all
kinds of actions. According to Masterson (2007)
suggests that children are the most polluted due to
the less-educated TV impressions for example,
vulnerable to violent action and examples of
television. Masterson (2007) also asserts in his book
according to psychologists if children play computer
games that feature scenes of violence are far more
dangerous than watching television.
Although gadgets can be dangerous, but if used
properly there are many gadget also benefits if used
in accordance with needs for example, currently all
kinds of information easily accessible so that the
learning resources can easily be searched over the
internet. If the gadgets can be put to good use
especially in the world of learning, then the children
will easily find a wide array of learning resources of
the gadgets they have.
1.3 Learning Outcome
The results of the study are changes that happen to
the students include three domains i.e., cognitive,
psychomotor, and affective as well (Susanto, 2013).
A study done by the teacher then should have to be
able to touch the realm so that the third learning
objectives can be achieved. For it is need for
variation in learning so the goals of study can be
One of the ways that can be done is a teacher can
enable students to seek diverse range of learning
resources, currently the most close and allow is to
use the internet i.e. the use of gadgets.
The existence of the development of an
increasingly sophisticated era when it has become
the choice for using IR 4.0 era learning resource
with the utilization of existing technologies, with the
learning resources that are increasingly sophisticated
and versatile easy-to-get, then should be the result of
learning achieved ever getting better anyway.
However it should be noted that indeed the use of
gadgets is not completely correct and well used by
each individual.
The methods used in this research is the ex post
facto. Ex post facto is a research study to identify the
various existing incident and reviewing of various
factors that cause these events. This study used a
survey approach. According to Sugiyono (2010)
approach of the survey carried out for dancing a
variety of data scientifically by way of observation,
interview and questionnaire.
Observation and interviews required to figure out
the initial conditions, then the questionnaire needed
to further analyze the data. Questionnaire is a
technique of taking the data by giving a set of
questions to be answered, for the respondent through
the questionnaire then data collection techniques can
be more efficient (Sugiyono, 2015). The
questionnaire used in the study previously conducted
tests of validity in advance so that it can be said to
be viable. Questionnaire for several rounds of
questions from self-regulation consists of 30
questions, not valid as many as 8 so that the
remaining 22 questions. For a detailed questionnaire
intensity utilization gadget as a learning resource of
25 questions, which is valid for only 15 questions.
Review of the approach and steps in the study
then then be classified descriptive and verification
research. Such research is used to find out the
circumstances that then depicted through various
data from either the object or the subject of the
research, in addition verification done to know the
degree of the influence of variables on population
Before doing the research and data retrieval in
the SDN Uwungjaya Tangerang, researchers first
conducted a survey to find out how many students
have a personal gadget. The result of the entire class
VI students i.e. almost around 80% already have a
personal grant of gadget from his parents. Thus SDN
Uwungjaya be the right choice to do a study.
Researchers are also finding out the condition of
the school by conducting interviews and
observations related places of research. The result is
a requirement for some research shows that SDN
Uwungjaya suitable for research based on several
The Influence of Self-regulation and the Gadget Utilization Intensity as Learning Resources in the Era of IR 4.0 to Students’ Learning
criteria including: fulfilling the target population i.e.
personal gadgets that have amounted to 80% and
from the results of the interview they was very
happy using their gadget as a source of learning, will
be holding a computer laboratory, and also there is
wifi as the school facilities. Samples taken in this
study is the whole grade VIC as many as 32
The population of this research is the grade VIC
SDN Uwungjaya city of Tangerang on Jl. Dipati
Ukur, Uwung Jaya, Cibodas, Kota Tangerang,
Banten 15138. This research was 2018/2019 with
the number of students as many as 32 students. Data
collection on these studies using observational
techniques, interviews and question form.
Hypothesis testing is done using simple linear
regression and multiple linear regression.
Simple linear regression data testing using the
underway to find out whether or not there is a self-
regulatory influences and the intensity of use of the
gadget as a learning resource in the IR learning
outcomes against the 4.0 grade VIC SDN
Uwungjaya Tangerang city year lesson 2018/2019.
For subsequent hypothesis i.e. third hypothesis using
a linear multiple regression.
2.1 First Hypothesis
Based on the regression coefficient for the
calculation of the hypothesis, first obtained by the
equation Y = -9.002 + 1.076 X
. It can be spelled out
as follows:
1. a constant value of -9.002 can say if there is no
score of self-regulation (X = 0) then the average
of the score results of the study of -9.002.
2. Obtained coefficient regression to X of 1.076
then it is equal to an increase in the results of a
study of 1.076.
In addition the calculation of t
for self-
regulation i.e. of 5.463 > t
(2.042). Probability
value (sig) of 0.000 < 0.005. It means the H
accepted and H
is rejected. Thus it can be said self-
regulation effect significantly to the results of the
study. The relationship of self-regulation against the
learning outcomes including high enough on the
category of 0.076 with levels of determination or R
of 0.499. In other words, the influence of self-
regulation against the learning outcomes of 49.9%.
While amounting to 50.1% is affected by other
2.2 The Influence Self-Regulation (X
) to
Students’ Learning Outcome (Y)
In accordance with the acquisition of the data i.e. R
of 0,499 or otherwise influence self-regulation
against the learning outcomes of 49.9% then it is
proven the existence of significant influence.
Based on previous research ever undertaken by
Schunk & Zimmerman (2012) shows that self-
regulation giving effect on the achievement of
learning i.e. in cognitions, emotions, and behaviours.
In addition to other research done by Nur & Latief
(2016) shows that self-regulation also exert
influence on the outcome of learning math students
amounted to 52.9%.
The difference with previous research, this study
is viewable from the independent variables that
influence, that of research conducted by Nur and
Latief focus more on self-regulation against the
results of learning Math students while This study is
associated with the other independent variables also
affect student learning outcomes.
2.3 Second Hypothesis
A regression equation to the second hypothesis
gained Y= 33.378 + 0.978 X
. Can be outlined as
1. a constant value of 33.378 can say if there is no
score of self-regulation (X = 0) then the average
of the score results of the study of 33.378.
2. Obtained coefficient regression to X of 0.978 it
equal to an increase in the results of a study of
The calculation of t
for the intensity of use
of the gadget as a learning resource that is of 3.387 >
(2.042). Probability value (sig) of 0.002 < 0.005.
is rejected and thus H
is accepted, it can be said
the intensity of the use of learning resources as
influential gadget significantly to the results of the
study. The relationship of the intensity of use of the
gadget as a source of learning against the results of
the study included a fairly high on the category of
0.526 with levels of determination or R
of 0.277. In
other words, the influence of the intensity of use of
the gadget as a source of study results study of
27.7%. While amounted to 72.3% are influenced by
other factors.
2.4 The Influence of Gadget Utilization
Intensity as Learning Resources in
The Era of IR 4.0 (X
) to Students’
Learning Outcome (Y)
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
The calculation of the level of determination (R
) of
the intensity of use of learning outcomes against
gadget shows the number 0.277 or 27.7% effect on
the results of the study.
Studies with similar variables never done before
by Early (2018) indicate that the use of the gadget
i.e. especially smartphone along with the motivation
of learning can provide significant effects against
results student learning. Same is the case with
research conducted by Rozalia (2017) States that the
intensity of utilization gadget can affect student
learning achievements i.e. amounted to 67%. There
is a difference with this study i.e. can be seen not
only from the dependent variable which is measured
in previous research to know the accomplishments
of student learning, the use of any kind of research
methods and the different research before using the
quantitative approach with the design of the
correlational while in this study using ex post facto.
2.5 Third Hypothesis
After doing multiple regression analysis using
SPSS, then retrieved the data as indicated in the
following table:
Table1: Results of Multiple Regression Analysis with
iable B
ulation (X
) 1.018 6.779 0.000
Gadget utilization
intensity as learning
resources (X
0.878 4.790 0.000
Based on the table then the coefficient
obtained by regression equation Y = -39.914 + 1.018
+ 0.878 X
. Thus can be outlined as follows:
1. a constant value of -39.914 can say if there is
no score of self-regulation (X = 0) then the
average of the results of learning score -39.914.
2. The value of the coefficient of regression (b
for the X
was 1.018. In other words, any
addition of unit X variable self-regulation will
improve learning outcomes of 1.018.
The value of the coefficient of regression (b
) to
was 0.878. In other words, any addition of unit X
variable intensity utilization gadget as IR 4.0 era
learning resources will improve the learning results
of 0.878.
Table2. The Regression Coefficient of The Significance of
Test Results Of Multiple
Regre R R
F Sig. Conclu
ssion sion
.849 0.720 37.310 0.00 Signific
According to the table shown, then the results of
calculation of linear coefficient of double
significance test (test F) obtained the value F
, i.e. of 37.310 > 3.32. It means self-regulation
and the intensity of use of the gadget as an
influential learning resources together against the
results of the study. The result of the calculation
values for the coefficient of determination (R
) of
0.720. Thus self-regulation and the intensity of use
of gadget as learning resources provide the influence
of 72%, and the rest by 28% is affected by other
Based on the analysis of the data and also
interpretation, then from this research it can be
concluded a few things as follows: (1) Self-
regulation effect on student learning outcomes with
the relation coefficient of 0.706. Percentage of self-
regulation against student learning outcomes of
49.9%; (2) the intensity of use of the gadget as a
learning resource in the era of IR 4.0 retrieved
results correlation value of 0.526 with percentage
contributions influence of 27.7%; (3) the value of
determination (R
) of other words 0.720 influence
given by the self-regulation and the intensity of use
of the gadget as a learning resource in the era of IR
4.0 of 72%.
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ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning