Risk Assessment of Gas Pipeline using Risk based Inpection and
Fault Tree Analysis
M. Oky Zuhdi Alwan Lubis, Achmad Widodo, Gunawan Dwi Haryadi
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia
Keywords: Gas Pipeline, Assesment, Fault Tree Analysis
Abstract: During the operational period on the gas pipeline network there are many potential damage that can result in
pipeline failure. The pipeline operators need to perform risk analysis by identifying the damage,
determining probability parameters, the consequences of pipeline failures and performing risk calculations
so as to know the pipeline network risk profile and the impact for the people, the environment, assets, and
reputation of the company. More effective inspections can reduce the risk level by reducing the frequency of
future failures, through corrective and preventive action. In general, the purpose of this method is to screen
all equipment in an operating unit of a facility to identify areas of high risk, calculate the risk value of all
equipment in the operating unit of the product calculation of probability of failure and consequence of
failure, determine the priority of equipment requiring inspection based on the calculation of risk, develop an
appropriate and effective inspection program and manage the risk due to failure of an equipment and
determine the mitigation method to reduce the risk. This study aims to conduct risk assessment that can be
used further to minimize the failure that occurs in gas pipeline. The method used is risk-based inspection
(RBI) to plan risk-based inspections by comparing probabilities and consequences, arranged in a risk matrix
to obtain the level of risk. And the root cause of failure is investigated by using fault tree analysis (FTA)
method which to identify the causes of failure in depth, identify weaknesses in a system, assess and propose
for reliability or security, to identify the impact of human error, prioritize failure contributors, to identify
effective upgrades to the system, to gauge the probability of failure and to optimize the test and maintenance
so that the prevention solution can be found. Potential risks that cause the failure are congenital defects, less
routine maintenance, operating frequency, easy to dust, material age, difficult to reach the places and less
reliable operators. So the cause of the damage is human, equipment maintenance and environment.
PT X is a gas transporter company which is a
consortium between a state-owned company and a
foreign company in operating distribution pipes in
DKI Jakarta area. The pipeline drains gas for
domestic industry needs. The onshore pipeline for
the domestic industry began operations in 1988. The
pipe which has a diameter of 16" is an API 5L-X52
pipe with a certain thickness that is adjusted to the
ROW (Right of Way) location class. During 14
years of the operational period there were many
potential damages which could result the failure of
pipeline. One of the pipe failure that occurred at the
end of 2010, the pipe has broken. A pipe rupture
occurs in one of the pipe segments located in Riau
area which results the supply of gas to an oil
company stopped. This incident became great
attention of the Indonesian government, because
with the rupture pipeline the national oil supply was
stalled which resulted in huge losses to the state,
pipeline operators company, or gas users.
The repair process that was carried out due to
the failure of pipeline caused the operation of the
pipeline and gas supply to consumers stopped for
several days. This has become the main concern of
management and the government to further improve
the integrity of the pipeline in pipeline operation. In
addition to the cessation of gas supply to customers,
failure in the gas pipeline transportation system,
both onshore and offshore, results in several risks
that endanger humans and the surrounding
environment in the event of a leak or explosion.
These failures can be caused by several factors,
including damage to the lining of the pipeline
(coating), duct pipe (denting), leakage (leaking),
Lubis, M., Widodo, A. and Haryadi, G.
Risk Assessment of Gas Pipeline using Risk based Inpection and Fault Tree Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0009006100430047
In Proceedings of the 7th Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and Application on Green Technology (EIC 2018), pages 43-47
ISBN: 978-989-758-411-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ruptured pipelines, or due to external interference
(third party activity) which can lead to pipe failure.
With that background, the application of risk
management and data / information management
that is applied in Risk Based Inspection (RBI) is
expected to be used as a system in developing
efficient and effective strategies in the operation of
pipelines to transport natural gas to customers.
Several studies and discussions have been
conducted to discuss risk management both in the
pipeline, platform and on systems that generally
have a high operational risk for gas companies.
Regarding the risk calculation method has been
discussed which presents an integrated quantitative
risk analysis method in the gas pipeline network
(Han Z.Y & Weng W.G, 2010). The method consists
of probability assessment, consequence analysis, and
accident risk evaluation. In addition comparative
risk assessments are carried out using qualitative and
quantitative methods. In the qualitative method,
index selection is based on statistical analysis of the
database of accidents that have occurred with the
calculation of weight according to the theory of
reliability engineering and the gray correlation
theory (Han Z.Y & Weng W.G, 2011) While the
quantitative risk assessment method, the possibility,
and consequences of different accidents are analyzed
and integrated.
The importance of pipelines that operate and
integrated well, a special strategy is needed so that
the pipeline network can operate properly and
safely. Risk analysis conducted in the RBI and also
the FTA discussed in this thesis is expected to help
pipe operators in determining the right method so
that the pipeline can operate properly and safely
through inspection, maintenance, and repair
activities (repairs if needed) which is carried out
regularly in accordance with certain rules and time
periods based on risk analysis (Tan Zhaoyang, Li
Jianfeng, Wu Zongzhi, 2011). In order for more
optimal implementation, it is necessary to integrate
well between the operating area of the pipe segment
with one another, whether from data, information, or
implementation schedule based on proper risk
priority analysis. The application of RBI and also
FTA can provide reliability and maintainability to
pipeline operations through proper inspection
strategies and maintenance procedures that can
minimize risks and provide added value and profit to
the pipe operator both in terms of availability and
pipe productivity..
This research was conducted to analyze the
risks in the gas pipeline. The field study was
conducted in one of the gas companies by collecting
data, measuring wall thickness on the gas pipeline
API 5L X-52 using a T-Gauge V, where the
measuring instrument has been calibrated. Data of
damage that has occurred previously was also
collected as supporting data. Preparing measurement
objects where there are 2 gas pipeline objects, GG
Macan - Citraland – Batas DKI line with a length of
7514 meters. Gas pipeline measurements are carried
out at the time of dismantling. Then the
measurement results data is collected, making a risk
assessment by calculating the probability of damage
and consequences of damage, identifying the cause
of the damage, then determining the appropriate
inspection step based on the results of the
calculation of the risk. The RBI method used in this
study is semi-quantitative based on the risk matrix.
And also the FTA method to find out the root cause
of the damage in detail. Once that is obtained, an
analysis process is carried out to get a careful
inspection plan recommendation.
Pipeline Risk Management is one of the systems
used to regulate the strategy of a pipeline network
system by looking at the potential risks that exist so
that the pipeline system can still flow fluid to
customers according to the specified capacity
nomination (Kent M.W, 2004). Every pipeline
operator or company that has a pipeline does not
want a work accident (zero incident target) as long
as the pipeline operates. Conducting pipeline
integrity management by looking at potential risks is
the main objective and all pipeline operators. This
method continues to be developed sustainably by
and for pipe operators by providing the necessary
information and then implementing it in an
integrated manner through practical programs that
have proven effective in the oil and gas industry.
The practical program is conditioned and applies to
all pipelines both onshore and offshore, depending
on the information data available. This method has
been refined into 5 steps, and their detailed
explanation is given below.
Step 1: Hazard Identification. Pipe integrity is
mechanically determined by the type and size of
defects / defects or the presence of anomalies in the
pipe. Understanding the mechanism and behavior of
defects is very important to make the right plan to
reduce the level of pipe failure and improve the
safety of pipeline operations.
Step 2: Fault Tree Analysis. This method is
carried out with a top down approach, which begins
EIC 2018 - The 7th Engineering International Conference (EIC), Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and
Application on Green Technology
with the failure or loss assumption of the top event
then details the causes of a top event until a root
cause failure (B. Vesely, 2002). FTA is a technique
to identify failures of a system. FTA is function
oriented or better known as "top down approach"
because this analysis starts from the top level and
passes it down. FTA is a technique for connecting
several series of events that produce another event
(Sunaryo, M. Aditya Hamka, 2017).
Step 3: Risk Analysis. The risk is the probability
of an event that can cause loss or failure or potential
failure. Whereas in general the danger is described
as a characteristic and a group that will cause
potential losses (Tan Zhaoyang, Li Jianfeng, Wu
Zongzhi, 2011) It is very important to make a
difference between danger and risk, because
basically risks can change without changing danger.
So the point is that risk can be reduced by
identifying and minimizing existing risks.
Step 4: Risk Based Inspection. Risk Based
Inspection is a method that uses levels risk as a basis
for prioritizing and regulating an inspection activity.
The potential advantage of this RBI method is that it
can increase the operating time and work of a
process facility where at the same time there is an
increase or at least maintenance at the same level of
risk (American Petroleum Institute, 2000) . The
purpose is to determine the possibility of an incident
occurring the probability and the impact of the
consequence also to identify defects or defects that
can cause large-scale accidents before they occur.
Step 5: Corrosion Rate Determination. Calcula-
tion of corrosion rate for pipes using API 570, the
formula for determining the corrosion rate is
determined by Eq. 1.
Corrosion rate =
Where :
= thickness at current inspection
= thickness on previous inspections
The data needed to calculate the corrosion rate is
the thickness measured at previous inspections, the
thickness measured at the current inspection, and
age inspection (K. Elaya Perumal, 2014). This
corrosion rate serves to determine the remaining life
of pipe. The remaining life can be interpreted as the
tolerance of equipment to the type damage. This
remaining life will determine the interval time for
next inspection. The formula of remaining life is
determined by Eq. 2.
Remaining life =
Where :
= thickness at current inspection
= minimum thickness that should
be owned by the pipe
Step 6: Calculation of ar/t. Ar/t calculation
(damage factor parameter) functions in determining
factors thinning damage. Determination of ar/t is
obtained from time (a), corrosion rate (r), and also
thickness (t). This calculation is equivalent to the
fraction of the wall loss due to thinning. The formula
for a /t calculation is determined using the Eq. 3.s
ar/t =
All data taken from PT. PGAS Solution in Jakarta.
PT. PGAS Solution provides limited data due to
classified confidential data from a company, so
Figure 1: Risk Based Inspection Process.
Risk Assessment of Gas Pipeline using Risk based Inpection and Fault Tree Analysis
based on the data obtained can use an analysis in the
form of semi-quantitative analysis. The type of
inspection carried out during inspection is in the
form of visual inspection. This visual inspection is
an external inspection that is inspecting from outside
of the pipeline. Because the results are in the form of
thickness data, this inspection uses a measuring
instrument, the T-Gauge V which is used to measure
the thickness of gas pipeline. Results of comparison
of each sample can be seen in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3.
Figure 2: WT vs Corrosion Allowance
Figure 3: WT vs Year Inpection.
The inspection interval carried out is every 300
meters where in each measurement 4 measurement
points are carried out every 90 degrees. Based on the
pipe installation process in 1998 with a pipe
thickness of 0.5, in 2018 showed a different average
pipe thickness. The average pipe thickness is 0.413.
The thickness of the pipe tends to decrease due to
thinning due to corrosion or commonly called
damage mechanism and also the thinning of material
FTA aims to identify the causes of failure in
depth, identify weaknesses in a system, assess and
propose for reliability or security, to identify the
impact of human error, prioritize failure
contributors, to identify effective upgrades to the
system, to gauge the probability of failure and to
optimize the test and maintenance. Failures that have
the highest risk level are analyzed to identify the
root causes of the problem based on the activity and
causes of other aspects that may be involved
Figure 5: Risk Matrix Analysis.
The analysis aims to reduce the possibility of a
risk where useful for controlling risk and minimizing
costs for controlling costs issued because of the risk
that might occur in the future. For effective
inspection and efficiently the inspection should be
based on the level of risk of the equipment.
G C‐ B
CorrosionAllowance(in) WT
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
G‐ C‐ B
Figure 4: Fault Tree Analysis.
EIC 2018 - The 7th Engineering International Conference (EIC), Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and
Application on Green Technology
Based on the specified risk rating and also the
calculation of the remaining life an equipment can
be prepared an inspection plan. Frequency of an
inspection carried out no longer than half the
remaining period of use of the device. This matter
because if a piece of equipment has reached the
remaining half of its life, then the device has needed
more intensive attention and further analysis to
decide whether the equipment can still be used in the
operating system or not.
The effectiveness of each inspection carried out
within the time specified is characteristics for each
damage mechanism. The highest amount of
effectiveness will be used to determine the damage
factor. If several inspections are carried out and have
value low effectiveness over a specified time period.
An effective method is by referring to the visual
inspection and the addition of an analysis using an
ultrasonic device to measure the thickness of the
To determine the right inspection method is to
see the mechanism of damage that occurs. In this
analysis, the damage in the form of thinning, namely
thinning of the wall thickness due to localized
Some methods that can be used are visual
examination, ultrasonic straight beam, eddy current,
flux leakage, radiography and dimensional
measurement. These methods are the most effective
method used for this type of thinning damage. Not
all of the above methods are used in their
application, this involves costs if all methods are
Gas pipelines are one of the most potentially high-
risk job sites that can cause workplace accidents to
minimize the possibility of damage occurring using
the RBI method and the Fault Tree Analysis method.
RBI to plan risk-based inspections by comparing
probabilities and consequences, arranged in a risk
matrix to obtain the level of risk. And the root cause
of failure is investigated by using FTA failure
analysis diagram method.
Potential risks that cause the failure of congenital
defects, less routine maintenance, operating
frequency, easy to dust, material age, difficult to
reach places and less reliable operators. Hazard
identification was used to identify the hazards that
have highest risk level, and FTA was used to search
for the root causes of those hazards
The author would like to express the gratitude for
the management of PGAS Solution for their kind
contributions in providing invaluable data and
information, and for granting permission to conduct
survey and site visits, so that the study could be
carried out successfully. This study was supported
by Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Diponegoro Unversity.
American Petroleum Institute, 2000. Risk based
inspection base resource documention. API
Publication 581. Washington DC.
B. Vesely, 2002. Fault tree analysis concepts and
applications. NASA publication.
Han Z.Y & Weng W.G, 2010. An integrated
quantitative risk analysis method for natural gas
pipeline network. Journal of loss prevention in
the process industries.
Han Z.Y & Weng W.G, 2011. Comparison study on
qualitative and quantitative risk assessment
methods for urban natural gas pipeline network.
Journal of hazardous materials.
Hu Yinan, 2016. Research on the application of
fault tree analysis for building fire safety of
hotels. ICONS.
K. Elaya Perumal, 2014. Corrosion risk analysis,
risk based inspection and a case study
concerning a condensate pipeline. Procedia
Sunaryo, M. Aditya Hamka, 2017. Safety Risks
Assessment On Container Terminal Using
Hazard Identification And Risk Assessment And
Fault Tree Analysis Methods. MARTEC.
Tan Zhaoyang, Li Jianfeng, Wu Zongzhi, 2011. An
Evaluation Of Maintenance Strategy Using Risk
Based Inspection. Safety science.
Risk Assessment of Gas Pipeline using Risk based Inpection and Fault Tree Analysis