7000 rpm, the use of compressed air tubes is more
economical fuel consumption compared to the use of
electric fuel pumps. That's because the air pressure
given by the use of pressurized air tubes is lower
than the use of electric fuel pumps. In contrast, at
6000 rpm engine speed, the use of electric fuel
pumps is more economical than the use of
pressurized air tubes. That is because the air pressure
provided by the electric fuel pump is lower than the
use of pressurized air tubes. In principle, both uses
function to regulate the fuel entering the combustion
chamber according to the working conditions of the
engine (KMHE, 2016).
Figure 3: Comparison of specific fuel consumption
using pressured air tube and fuel pumps.
Based on the results obtained in Table 2, Table
3, and Figure 3, it can be explained that the
performance of the four stroke motor which uses
pressurized air tubes is more efficient in consuming
ethanol fuel than the use of electric fuel pumps,
especially at 4000 rpm engine speed, 5000 rpm and
7000 rpm.
The performance of the engine produced by using
the pressurized air tubes at engine speed of 4000
rpm to 5000 rpm increase torque of 40% and
decrease at engine speed of 5000 rpm to 7000 rpm.
Increased power and specific fuel consumption
followed by increase engine speed. The use of
electric fuel pumps for engine speed of 4000 rpm is
more powerful than the use of pressurized air tubes.
At engine speed of 5000 rpm to 7000 rpm where
torque and power generated by using the pressure air
tube is greater than that of an electric fuel pump. At
6000 rpm engine speed, the use of electric fuel
pumps is more fuel efficient than pressurized air
tubes. The performance of the 4 stroke fuelled
ethanol engine is better by using the pressurized air
tubes as a whole than by using the electric fuel
The authors wish to thankful to head of engine
laboratory, IstAkprind Yogyakarta who helped in the
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