paperwork of regulation. The previous study by
(Manu et al. 2018) pointed this factor categorized into
the high category in implementing HSE in Malaysia,
but in Vietnam and Cambodia, this factor categorized
into the moderate category similar with the result of
this research.
Financial is one of the obstacle factors in
implementing HSE in the construction project.
According to Mohammadi et al. (2018) project cost
would be increased up to 15% if there is an accident
in the project. Although in this research, this factor is
not included in 3 the highest obstacle factors in
applicating HSE, but the range average still more than
4 (in Likert scale which used 4 means high). This
means financial is one of the important factors in
applicating HSE to the project. (Manu et al., 2018)
mentioned that is important to allocate price in
covering HSE requirement in every project.
Furthermore Mohammadi et al. (2018) argued that the
financial in the project can reduce by cutting of the
safety budget, unfortunately, this can lead to polemics
in Indonesia where many procurement systems are
more using the lowest price bidding system than best-
value method. High demand for implementing HSE
in the project but not balanced with a qualified
finance as the result of procurement system chosen
will result in financial pressure in the project.
Then, Contrary with previous study, respondent
asses insufficient safety training in 3 lowest obstacle
factor influencing the application HSE in the
construction project. While the previous study
pointed safety training as one of the most critical
factors for effective implementation of safety
programs in construction project (Bavafa et al.,
2018). Similar with Bavafa et al, according to
Mohammadi et al. (2018) HSE competency,
including safety experience, training, and education,
is one of the main factor influencing safety
performance in the construction project. Furthermore
Mohammadi et al. (2018) pointed out that in the end,
the age and experience of the workers as the
important factor to make safety condition in the
construction project. This also contrary with the result
that asses low labor education as the lowest obstacle
factor influencing the application of HSE in the
construction project in Indonesia. The gap between
this research with the previous study may happen
caused by the different perception of the respondent.
(Gunduz & Ahsan 2018) pointed out that the
perception of safety changes with more safety
experience. In this research, most of the respondents
are from category 5 to 10 years experience while the
respondents in the previous study are having more
than 10 years experience in the construction project.
Furthermore, there are any 2 kind obstacle factors
that having a mean average less than 4 but still almost
in the high category, a thigh schedule and low labor
education (mean average 3.83 and 3.80). According
to Mohammadi et al. (2018) the work pressure factor
includes production pressure, work overload, fatigue
and burnout, working pace, working time, overtime
work and schedule delay. Additionally, the previous
study pointed out that tight schedule can make
workers only focus to complete the work quickly
despite their knowledge of the possible outcomes
(Mohammadi et al., 2018).
The last obstacle factor is low labor education, the
previous study mentioned that different individual
with different educational and different background
experiences will approach safety in the different way
(Provan et al., 2018). Unfortunately, in project there
are a number of people with any kind of educational
background whose active participating to the project,
but almost construction workers are employed for
their skill of education are low which it can be barriers
to the application of HSE in project (Harvey et al.,
2016) added with and contract system which used
limits opportunities to invest in people. So it is needed
for any person in charge may emphasize to make sure
all individual including subcontractors to follow
safety protocol and are integrated with safety culture
during the project.
This study has identified a total number of 10 obstacle
factor influencing the application of HSE in the
construction project as perceived by the private
sector. i.e lack of attention to safety by workers, lack
of attention to safety by main contractors, problem
sub-contracting, an absence of safety provisions in
the contractual clause, lack of integration of safety in
the construction activities, rule and regulation,
financial pressure, insufficient safety training, tight
schedule, and low labor education. This research
showed the highest obstacle factor influencing the
application of HSE is Lack of attention to safety
protection by workers. While the lowest obstacle
factor is low labor education. The outcome of this
study would help the construction and safety
professional on assessing and quantifying the safety
obstacle factor the application of HSE also it can be
used to manage HSE risk efficiently and effectively
for the construction project in Indonesia.