The Role of Elderly- Special Garden
as a Social Interaction Space for the Elderly Community
in Semarang City
and Andi Purnomo
Architecture Department, Engineering Faculty, 17 Agustus 1945 University Semarang
Jl. Pawiyatan Luhur, Bendan Dhuwur – Semarang 50235
Architecture Study Program, Civil Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Semarang State University
Gedung E12, Kampus UNNES Sekaran Gunungpati Semarang 50229
Keywords: Elderly, Geriatric, Elderly garden.
Abstract: Healthy living in old age is a dream for the elderly. This elderly health supports the increasing life expectancy
of Indonesian people. The success of the current development can be seen by the increase in life expectancy
that has an impact on the increasing number of elderly people. Indonesia belongs to an old structured country
because the elderly population reaches more than 7% (who provisions) of the total population. Central java
ranks third of the five provinces in Indonesia with the largest number of elderly, but currently does not have
a park specifically for the elderly and does not have an elderly regional regulation. This fact is quite ironic
because the elderly people actually have the same rights as other citizens in the use of public open space. Thus
the role of public open space for the elderly will be very supportive in the process of improving health quality.
The elderly need interaction with the public, in this case the elderly need for social interaction space in the
form of public space that is an elderly park. This study aims to create integration between geriatric science
and architecture in the planning of elderly parks and develop criteria for planning elderly gardens. The method
used is qualitative where to search data by means of purposive sampling and sampling area. The findings of
this study are in the form of an elderly garden planning criteria that can be used as a basis for the preparation
of the elderly regulation. By providing a special room for the elderly, it is hoped that it will improve the
quality of life of the elderly and make Semarang city an elderly friendly city.
According to the Republic of Indonesia Act number
13 of 1998 the meaning of the elderly or the elderly is
a community that has reached the age of 60 (sixty)
and above.
Based on population projection data as shown in
Figure 1, it is estimated that in 2017 there will be
23.66 million elderly people in Indonesia (9.03%). It
is predicted that the elderly population in 2020 (27.08
million), in 2025 (33.69 million), in 2030 (40.95
million) and in 2035 (48.19 million). With almost 24
million elderly people in 2017, Indonesia is included
in the old structured country because the elderly
population reaches more than 7% (WHO provisions)
of the total population.
Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency,
SUSENAS 2015 is available. 19 provinces (55.88%)
of Indonesia have an old population structure. From
the Figure 2, it can be seen that the three provinces
with the largest percentage of elderly are DI
Yogyakarta (13.81%), Central Java (12.59) and East
Java (12.25%).
Figure 1: Population development in the world.
Hetyorini, . and Purnomo, A.
The Role of Elderly- Special Garden as a Social Interaction Space for the Elderly Community in Semarang City.
DOI: 10.5220/0009008301900194
In Proceedings of the 7th Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and Application on Green Technology (EIC 2018), pages 190-194
ISBN: 978-989-758-411-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 2: Percentage of elderly population in Indonesia
Central Java ranks second out of the five
provinces in Indonesia with the largest number of
elderly, but until now they do not have an elderly
garden. While East Java and West Java, which ranks
3rd and 8th, have an elderly garden. This condition
should receive attention from the provincial
government of Central Java where the increasing
number of elderly population will also affect the
implementation of development.
Healthy living in old age supports the increasing
life expectancy of Indonesian people. The purpose of
human life is to grow old but stay healthy (Darmojo,
2004). With the development of technology in the
health sector, life expectancy in the coming years
increased from 66.7 years to 70.5 years (Kodim,
Some of the factors that have caused humans to
age with all their problems have been studied in
geriatrics (medicine) or advanced health sciences
which are also related to psychological and social
aspects. On the other hand, the elderly (elderly) need
interaction with the public, in this case the elderly
need for social interaction space in the form of public
open space in the form of an elderly park.
Elderly residents are part of the population of a
city which basically has the same rights in the
utilization of public open space (public space).
Mulyandari (2011) said that public space is basically
a container that can accommodate certain activities /
activities of the community, both individually and in
groups. Kevin Lynch (1981) in Good City Form
describes that a good place is a place that is
comfortable and convenient for its citizens, adults,
young children, people with physical limitations, etc.,
in this case, including the elderly or the elderly. The
city must be able to accommodate the needs of its
The city of Semarang itself has a park that can be
accessed by the general public including: Minister's
Park Supeno, Serasi Park (Ungaran), Tabanas Park,
Gajahmungkur Park, Simpanglima Park, Parang
Kusumo Park (Tlogosari), Srigunting Park, Semarang
Park Indah, Diponegoro park, park Jl. Kawi,
Pandanaran park and others. But all these parks only
provide little space and even no access for the elderly
and disabled. Public open space is mostly just as a
place of recreation and complementing the contents
of the city and its existence does not answer the needs
of the community for public open space that serves as
a means to improve the quality of life of citizens.
In terms of the availability of public open space in
the city of Semarang compared to the area and
population, it can be said to be very lacking.
Especially in terms of requirements, quality and
access to the elderly (disabled) and disabled people.
Some of the above need to get serious attention from
the Semarang City government amid the rampant
construction of malls and apartments.
The main problem is the extent to which the
Semarang City government can accommodate the
needs of the elderly for public open spaces in
accordance with the requirements. The purpose of
this study is to create an integration between geriatric
science and architecture in planning an elderly park
and preparing criteria for planning an elderly garden.
The urgency of this research is that the planning or
design of public open space is not only supported by
architectural science and urban planning, but more
precisely with the support of other fields of science
which are still related, in this case geriatric science.
2.1. Method
The method used is qualitative where qualitative
methods are used to identify and explain the data
obtained based on existing conditions and the results
of the data collection are reviewed to be analyzed
further through the principles of geriatric disciplines
and public open spaces so that findings can be
obtained. Whereas in reviewing based on the
standards or regulations that apply, the normative
method is used.
2.2 Data Collection Method
The method that will be used in data collection refers
to the methodology used which is qualitative, where
from the existing data then categorized into certain
themes to facilitate the analysis. Data collection is
done through direct observation and interviews.
Observations are carried out directly supported by
secondary data sources (literature, photography and
The Role of Elderly- Special Garden as a Social Interaction Space for the Elderly Community in Semarang City
sketches) and observations from selected respondents
(indirect observation). While the interview activity is
the primary data source which is obtained from
parties who directly provide data in this case the
elderly community respondents through a question-
and-answer process. To explore the data from the
respondents selected the type of free guided
interview, where the interviewer makes the main
issues that will be studied (guided) as a guide in the
interview process while in the interview process is
free speech.
2.3 Materials and Tools
The research material was obtained from the
collection of materials from supporting data sources,
namely: material from literature / literature sources,
material obtained from planning objects and material
obtained from resource persons / respondents while
the tools referred to here are equipment that used in
conducting surveys that serve to assist in the data
collection process.
2.4 Samples and Respondents
The sampling method is not chosen randomly but
uses certain considerations (purposive sampling) with
the intention that the sample taken can be
representative that can provide clear information /
images so that the number of research samples is not
determined in advance.
Then as a population is the elderly and parks in
the city of Semarang. The connection with the
problem in the planning area is the snowball sampling
technique that is extracting data through in-depth
interviews from one respondent to another and so on
until the researcher does not find new information.
Another factor in determining the sample is the
informant in this case the respondents who have
special criteria, namely the elderly and visitors to
parks in Semarang City. The selection of respondents
can develop according to the needs in obtaining data.
2.5 Data Analysis
Data analysis will be done is making abstraction
based on data that has been collected and then
categorized. The data analysis process is carried out
since data collection or since the first time in the field.
Furthermore, after all data has been collected,
intensive and extensive data analysis is carried out
after returning from the field.
The study was conducted on 3 (three) parks in the city
of Semarang, including parks: Pandanaran, Gajah
Mungkur and Sampangan. Each of these parks has its
own peculiarities based on the location, history, area,
facilities, service area and the needs of the local
community for public open spaces. So far these parks
have been very supportive of the public's need for
public open space even though in terms of the total
needs of the people of Semarang City the public open
space that is comfortable is still very far away which
is about ± 7% of the 20% recommended conditions
(Permen PU, 2008). Based on observations from the
3 parks, only Pandanaran Park was designed using a
ramp that could be accessed by the elderly and
disabled, but the ramp was still far from the required
requirements. Table 1 shows the study conducted on
the object of research based on the park's service to
the elderly and disabled.
From the results of the analysis above obtained a
basic criteria for planning a special elderly garden in
the city of Semarang that combines the planning
requirements of the elderly garden in terms of the
field of architectural science and the requirements of
a place that can be accessed by the elderly in the field
of geriatrics. Criteria for elderly parks based on the
above studies are as follows:
The area of the park and the number of elderly
The planned park area must be based on the
number of elderly people in an area and the possibility
of increasing the number of elderly people. This will
support in terms of comfort where park users are not
only the elderly, but people who do not have special
needs will also take advantage of the park. Minimum
garden area is 0.30 m2 / urban village population.
Ease of access to the park.
Access to the elderly park must be taken into
account considering that the elderly and disabled have
the limitations of traveling to the park. Limitations in
terms of physical conditions and limited facilities for
going to the park. Access to the park must be as easy
as possible and as close as possible to residential
Park security.
Parks that are planned must be safe, meaning safe
against crime. Because elderly people have
limitations, the location of the park should not be in
crime-prone areas.
EIC 2018 - The 7th Engineering International Conference (EIC), Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and
Application on Green Technology
Table 1. Result of the research on park service for elderly
and disabled.
Study Location
Location 2
Location 3
Area 9.07 km
0.70 km
0.98 km
63,707 7,259 62,375
Garden Area
19,122 2,178 8,713
Garden Area
Accesibility easy easy easy
with too
steep RAM
In not good
Railing Not
Disable path Not
Available Available
Noise Medium Very Noisy Very Noisy
Available Available
Vegetation Enough Less Less
Pollution No
Very high Very high
Lighting not
at night
at night
at night
Parking Not
Parking for
parking for
Bus Stop Available Not
quite hot
quite hot
Special parking space.
The park must have a special parking area for the
elderly and disabled who are safe and comfortable
and adjacent to the park. The park must be accessible
from the parking lot to enter the elderly park. The
location of the parking lot is attempted to deal directly
with the park.
Bus stops and crossings.
The location of the public transportation stop must
be close and go directly to the park. The stop must be
continuous with the crossing for easy access to the
Availability of RAM.
Ram must be available from the highway to the
sidewalk and from the sidewalk to the park, as well as
to the toilet. Ram is the most important means for the
elderly and disabled to make it easier to reach the park
and reach higher or lower places. Ram must have the
required degree of slope that is not more than 7.
Away from noise.
Parks must be far from sources of noise because
the elderly need comfort and tranquility in the park.
By feeling comfortable, the elderly can move without
Park material.
Materials that are used in planning an elderly
garden should not be slippery for the safety and
comfort of elderly activities, made of safe or special
material. Some parts of the floor serve as a means of
reflection, the width of the road in the park is
sufficient and there is a color as a marker.
Types of plants.
Selected types of plants that are not harmful to the
elderly, have aesthetic value, can produce O and
improve environmental quality. There are enough
shade trees, directing plants, ground cover and
aesthetic plants.
Provision of railing in the park.
Railing is needed in the park to help facilitate the
activities of the elderly in the park and in the toilet.
Away from pollution.
The location of the park must be far from
unwanted pollution and has cool air.
Coloring to mark the edges of stairs and stairs
above and below. Color as a differentiator of the path
between the elderly and disabled and the path for
normal visitors.
Lighting in the park.
The amount of lighting inside and outside the park
is sufficient and not dazzling.
The Role of Elderly- Special Garden as a Social Interaction Space for the Elderly Community in Semarang City
Facilities in the garden.
There is a rest area (sitting group, bench) and it is
not too far apart. The toilet has a hand grip and is
easily reached, the toilet floor is not slippery. The
drain is good to prevent slippery floors. Can be added
to flower beds for wheelchair users (special designs)
or other additional facilities that can be used by the
elderly. Toilet that is easy to reach.
The provision of elderly parks is not only able to
accommodate elderly activities in open spaces, but
there is a need for provisions or criteria that are
suitable as a special park for the elderly. Some things
that can be taken into consideration in developing the
criteria for an elderly park should not only be based
on architectural aspects but also look at geriatric
science in which there are important parts that are
needed by the elderly for a public open space or an
elderly park as their place to move, interact social and
improve health and fitness.
Observations show that the existence of parks in the
city of Semarang is still limited to formality in
providing facilities for the elderly and still not in
accordance with the recommended conditions. From
some observations it turns out that only Pandanaran
park provides ram for the elderly and disabled, even
though the existing ram (1: 5) does not match the
minimum standard of the specified ram (1:12).
Completeness of park facilities has not been fulfilled
properly, especially parking problems and visitor
convenience. So far the existing parks can only be
accessed by people who do not have physical
limitations. Planning for the elderly garden and the
Elderly Regional Regulation must be realized as soon
as possible considering the increasing number of
elderly people in Semarang City. Planning an elderly
garden must see the physical and psychological needs
of the elderly which also involve geriatrics.
Minimum area requirements for each village are not
in accordance with prescribed standards.
Badan Pusat Statistik – Sensus Penduduk Nasional 2007.
Badan Pusat Statistik Republik Indonesia, 2010. Data
Sensus Penduduk 2010, Indonesia.
Darmojo, B. & Martono, H., 2004. Buku Ajar Geriatri,
Balai Penerbit Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas
Indonesia, Jakarta.
Kodim, N., 2009, “Penapisan Gangguan Fungsi Kognitif di
Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Primer”, Jurnal
Kedokteran Indonesia, Vol. XXXV, No. 7.
Lynch, K., 1981. Good City Form, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology.
Mulyandari, H., 2011. Pengantar Arsitektur Kota, Andi,
Neufert, E., 2002, Data Arsitek-Edisi 33, p. 101, Erlangga,
Kementerian Sosial Republik Indonesia & Badan Pusat
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EIC 2018 - The 7th Engineering International Conference (EIC), Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and
Application on Green Technology