overlay thickness planning process with PdT-05-
2005-B deflection method, the software design
method of flexible pavement stretching (SDPJL),
comparing the thickness value of overlay due to more
load with thickness of planning, knowing the
thickness of the effective overlay layer with using
kenpave mechanical program of both methods used.
The research location is in National road North
Kalimantan, Bulungan precisely located on the
boundary roads Bulungan Tanjung Selor Sta 16 + 000
to Sta 18 + 000.
Obtained primary data by surveying the damage
to roads and fruit bunches weighing and measuring
tailgate loading and unloading at the site of FFB.
Secondary data is supportive data obtained from
the Planning and Monitoring Unit of the National
Road North Kalimantan.
Once the data is acquired then the next stage
analysis of both the analysis and planning
overloading Overlay, phases as follows:
The first stage manage the resulting data fruit
bunches weighing, measuring the volume of the
container box FFB and Volume tailgate using the
formula Density =
. So of the relationship
between the volume of the truck with a cargo of oil
palm FFB can be obtained. Furthermore, oil palm
FFB Freight transported by trucks is assumed to be 60
cm above the truck bed with a full payload, making
the scenario more payload carried by TBS load
variation of a high rise above the truck every 10
cm.dengan these assumptions can be made 7 more
payload scenarios so obtained a charge over each
Based on secondary data Roads Bulungan
Tanjung Selor limit is a class IIIA collector roads with
the heaviest axle load (MST) ≤ 8 tons. Damage Factor
) and (ESAL
) with the formula D
= (
, Configuration trucks axis palm with 1.2
L type truck front axis configuration with 34% and
66% rear axis. Can be calculated Equivalent Single
Axle Load (ESAL) Based on data from more payload
scenarios and formulas to find the value can be
obtained ESAL
for all scenarios and
Further analyzes Overlay design life based on the
cumulative results ESAL planning data and survey
data scenario more cargo truck field. Cumulative
ESAL calculated per year starting from the first year
until the end of service life with the traffic growth of
5% and a service life of over 10 years of age.
The second stage the planning process with a thick
layer of additional deflection method use Pd T-05-
2005-B and methods of road pavement design
software malleable (SDPJL).
Using the method of deflection Pd T-05-2005-B,
the Code was initiated by the Transport Infrastructure
R & D Center, Research and Development Agency
Infrastructure Development district. Guidelines
ex.Departemen a road Pavement Inspection Manual
revision by means of Benkelman Beam (01 / MN / B
/ 1983) and in addition to apply to the data deflection
allowed based tool Benkelman Beam. with this
method Overlay layer thickness is obtained in
accordance with the data obtained.
Using methods of road pavement design software
malleable (SDPJL), the calculation process with only
input required data and software will execute to
generate output roughness. Method additional layer
thickness was approved by the Ministry of Public
Works General Directorate of Highways in 2013
became Manual Design pavement No. 02 / M.BM /
2013. with this method Overlay layer thickness is
obtained in accordance with the data obtained.
Further analyzes of the high payloads Overlay
layer. By using methods Pd T-05-2005-B because the
method is flexible in its application VDF value,
according to the road conditions are analyzed,
whereas the method of Software pavement Road
Bending (SDPJL) can not be used because the data
VDF has been programmed.
Based on an analysis of more obtained load
scenarios resulting increase Overlay thickness of each
The third thos thick evaluate Overlay using the
program mechanistic Kenpeva of both the method
used to produce a thick layer of Overlay. This
program is the planning of pavement design software
developed by Dr.Yang H Huang, PE Professor
Emeritus of CIVEL Engineering University of
Kentuck. Software is also written in Visual Basic
programming language and can be run with any
version of Windows 95 or above, this program can
only be run in the Windows 95 operating system to
windows xp professional service park 2.
Program kenpave second edition 'Pavement
Analysis and Design' is a Windows version of DOS
substitute four programs Layernip, Kenlayer,
Slabship and Kenslap. Layerinp and Kenlayer an
analysis program for flexible pavements, while
Slabinp and Kenslab an analysis program for rigid