Figure 4: Graphic Result (a) Mamdani Method, (b)
Sugeno Method
Mamdani method commonly known as min-max
method. The antecedents of the mamdani method
have a minimum form, while the combined
consequences have the maximum shape. Every rules
in the mamdani method is implication (causal). In
addition, the rules set of mamdani method are also
independent of each other (Setiadji, 2009). Thus, in
the resulting graph shown input from temperature
and humidity is small then the heater will work
optimally to supply heat.
The sugeno method is a fuzzy inference method
with representation of IF-THEN-shaped rules. The
outputs generated at the rule base stages are
constants or linear equations (Syarif, 2016)
(Wachdani, 2010). Collection and correlation
between rules will shape the inferences. Then, in the
defuzzification stage will be searched the average
value (Kusumadewi,2010). The resulting output is
The result of the simulation shows that there is no
significant difference. The mamdani method is
efficient in the use of electrical power with average
system workability. So, the drying time will be
slightly longer than sugeno method. While the
method sugeno able to make the system work in
incentives with the resulting power consequences
will be higher. Therefore, the use of fuzzy logic
control method mamdani or sugeno will be better if
adjusting the goals and desires to be achieved. If you
want fast time use the Sugeno method. But, if you
want to save power, it is better to choose mamdani
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