are in figure 4 efficient frontier. This is very
important for the company because if the company
has limited investment funds, then the company can
make the policy to invest funds with optimal variation
and can provide opportunities for parties from outside
the company to invest in each project in the "CDH"
portfolio. According to the efficient set theorem,
companies can choose the optimal portfolio "CDH"
that is located along the efficient frontier, depending
on how the company prefers risk.
Figure 4: Various optimal portfolios of "CDH" based on
investor preferences on the efficient frontier curve
The electricity industry has evolved from a
vertically integrated state-owned monopoly company
(not subjected to the normal rules of competition) to
a liberalized market where generators and consumers
have the opportunity to freely negotiate the purchase
and sale of electricity.
With the shift in the paradigm of electricity
supply, producers are faced with variations in the
choice of generation systems and character loads /
customers that are always dynamic.
Risks and Expected Economic returns are to be a
measure for producers to choose a combination /
portfolio of power plant systems to be operated.
By using the Markowitz efficient curve portfolio,
the optimal portfolio combination can be
determination. The optimal Portfolio model with the
Markowitz model chosen from the many efficient
portfolio alternatives that can provide a certain level
of return in accordance with the risk dared to be borne
by the manager.
Producers who dare to face risks will choose a
portfolio combination that is on the rightmost
efficient curve, and if you want to avoid risk the
producer will choose a portfolio combination that is
left most on the efficient curve
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