The Performance of Anchor Model in Data Warehousing
Gladly Caren Rorimpandey, Jan Pieter Zwart, Julyeta Paulina Amelia Runtuwene, Ferdinan Ivan
Sangkop, Vivi Peggie Rantung, Parabelem Tinno Dolf Rompas, and Cindy Pamela C. Munaiseche
Universitas Negeri Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Keywords: Data Model, Data Warehouse, Anchor Model, Inferential Statistics, Post-Hoc Analysis, SQL Server
Abstract: Data model performance became one of essential to be future-proof criteria in data warehouse. The aim of
this research is to proof that the performance of Anchor Model as good as the performance of traditional
data models that used in data warehousing. The research method is inferential statistics which takes one
scenario to generate the sample of data by using SQL Server as the RDBMS. The performance result is
discussed by Post-hoc analysis. The experiment performed evidently shows that the Anchor Model has no
significantly different with Optimal Normal Form and Data Vault but it has significantly different with star
schema. It means the time execution in the SQL statement with more join tables will be shorter than the
SQL statement with less join tables. So, the companies that will design and develop data warehouse can be
consider to using Anchor Model as their data model in data warehousing.
A data warehouse is a database used for reporting
and making analyse. It focuses on the modelling and
analysis of data for decision hence data warehouse
typically provide a simple and concise view of
particular subject issue by excluding data that are
not useful in the decision support process (Kujur and
Oraon, 2016). Nowadays, many companies are using
data warehouse (Bassil, 2012). The reason are: a
data warehouse can help to manage large amounts of
data in a structured way, needing less time to read
and analyse them compared to regular data
Data model is the starting point for designing and
developing of data warehouses environment
(Rönnbäck et al.., 2010). Data model made the
designing of data warehouse become easier and
clearer. Inmon said it is like a roadmap of the data
warehouse development (Inmon, 2013). Data model
is used to support developers of OLAP, data mining,
and reporting system. Besides that, it acts as
documentation for the final data warehouse.
Therefore, data model performance is very important
to support the efficiency of data warehouse.
Anchor Model which the one of data model used
in data warehouses is a technique recently advocated
by Lars Rönnbäck. It uses 6 Normal Form (6NF)
databases which are generately expected to perform
badly. But, in October 2010 Lars Rönnbäck and
friends performed the result of their research that
Anchor Model performs substantially better than
databases constructed using traditional modeling
techniques (Rönnbäck et al.., 2010). More than that,
they claim however that query optimizers (SQL
Server) are so powerful that performance issues are
no longer important as for as table designs are
concerned. Our research that publish in early 2018
also found that lack of redudancy has influence to
the performance of data model in data warehouse, in
terms of accessing it (Rorimpandey et al.., 2018).
This reaseach is to extend the research of our group.
The aim of this research is to look into deep the
performance of Anchor Model in data warehousing
and compare with the traditional data model, such as
Star Schema, Data Vault and Optimal Normal Form
(ONF) by using post-hoc analysis. The scenario and
population method of this research will used same as
the previous research.
The method of this research is using inferential
method is inferential statistics which takes one
scenario to generate the sample of data by using
SQL Server as the RDBMS. This research is start by
designing queries for Anchor Model and others to
Rorimpandey, G., Zwart, J., Runtuwene, J., Sangkop, F., Rantung, V., Rompas, P. and Munaiseche, C.
The Performance of Anchor Model in Data Warehousing.
DOI: 10.5220/0009010102980302
In Proceedings of the 7th Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and Application on Green Technology (EIC 2018), pages 298-302
ISBN: 978-989-758-411-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved