Development of Web based Timetabling System
Olivia Kembuan, Gladly Caren Rorimpandey, Parabelem Tinno Dolf Rompas
and Julyeta Paulina Amelia Runtuwene
Department of Informatics, Universitas Negeri Manado, Minahasa, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Keywords: Web, Timetabling, Genetic Algorithm, Php, Mysql.
Abstract: This paper presents a case-study which applies genetic algorithm to Department of Informatics, Manado
State University timetabling system. The currently timetabling method is not efficient to solve the problem.
The aim of this research was to develop a web based timetabling system to optimize the resources using
genetic algorithm. The algorithm was tested with the real data containing 47 combined lessons data to be
scheduled into 40 timeslots and 8 rooms. The research method used is a design or experimental method.
Rapid Application Development (RAD) in system development life cycle (SDLC) model was used as the
system development methodology of this Timetabling system. PHP Programming language and MySQL
were used in this timetabling application. The results showed that the proposed timetabling system was
successfully minimize processing time and provide the optimal solution for the problem.
Timetabling scheduled courses or examinations is a
fundamental activity in educational institutions,
these must be assigned into appropriate timeslots for
students, lecturers, and classrooms subject to
constraints (Burke et al, 2007).
There are several categories of timetabling in
educational institution and these include master
timetabling, lecture timetabling, faculty timetabling,
examination timetabling, etc (Momodu and
Omogbhemhe, 2014). Of all the various types,
examination and lecture timetabling has more
difficulties than others during the timetabling
process because of the number of constraint and
resources involved.
This research concentrates on the planning lecture
timetable in the university.
This system presents an approach to interactive
timetabling used by Department of Informatics,
Manado State University timetabling system. There
are 4 student groups, 47 combined lessons data to be
scheduled into 40 timeslots and 8 rooms, with no
constraint with the room. However, for some certain
courses, there are also laboratory works to be
scheduled differently. It is also making the time
table harder. The details of the task mentioned that it
has the requirements of each (constraint) that must
be met, this causes the scheduling process to be
complex in its implementation.
Carter et al. (1996) introduced various searching
methods on constraint satisfaction problems and
demonstrated that this technique could be applied to
optimization problems. Landa (2004), explained
some of the steps that must be taken in order to
create an error-free timetabling in educational
institutions. The steps includes: (1) every college
needs to send a request for a certain number of days
and time slots to the administrative unit; (2) the
institution timetable officer from the administrative
unit will allocate each college a certain number of
days and available exam venues for each college is
based on the combination of the request number,
availability of resources and previous experience.
Experience has shown that there are never enough
resources to accommodate the demands of all the
college s and departments. The timetable officer also
reserves a number of “spare” slots for emergencies;
(3) each college then come up with a feasible
timetable using the resources they have been
assigned. Some colleges, further break down these
resources to departmental level and produce an
assembled timetable for the entire departments in
that college.
Although this research made it clear that this
timetabling system experienced several setbacks like
any form of error for a large number of courses.
Kembuan, O., Rorimpandey, G., Rompas, P. and Runtuwene, J.
Development of Web based Timetabling System.
DOI: 10.5220/0009010403170322
In Proceedings of the 7th Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and Application on Green Technology (EIC 2018), pages 317-322
ISBN: 978-989-758-411-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Also the process is time consuming and takes
several weeks to resolve which can slow down the
academic activities if not well handled.
The currently timetabling system is very time
consuming and resources optimization problems
occur due to insufficient room resources and lab
facilities. This method is not only inefficient in
terms of time but also requires precision in the
process because there are no error messages that
indicate the occurrence of class collisions or
mismanagement of lecture time. In addition, this
process is very susceptible to errors in its
implementation which, if an error occurs, can cause
problems in the lecture process in the future.
We identified the necessity of an automated
timetabling system. The problem with the
timetabling system itself, that it has a lot of variation
according with the policy of the institution. The
preparation of lecture schedules in the Informatics
Engineering Study Program includes determining
the number of classes opened, allocating lecture
halls and practice rooms, determining lecturers,
determining the length of the lecture, determining
the start and end hours of lectures, and determining
the day of lecture.
This study aims to find a more accurate solution
in the form of web-based lecture scheduling
software by applied the Genetic Algorithms. This
algorithm used computation using the principle of
biological evolution modelling that can provide
positive feedback to provide optimum results in
finding solutions. This application is expected to
help in scheduling lectures more efficiently, as well
as minimizing the occurrence of errors that usually
occur in the process of designing class schedules
that are done manually.
This paper will be divided into four main parts.
The first part discusses about some related works
and about genetic algorithm in solving scheduling
problem. The second part will be proposed the
methodology that used. The third part will be
architecture design of the system and discussion
after implementing the system. The last part will be
closed by the conclusion and also some suggestions
to improve the system. PHP Programming language
and MySQL were used in this timetabling
application. The result showed that the proposed
timetabling system was successfully minimize
processing time and provide the optimal solution for
the problem.
A Genetic Algorithm is based on populations of
solutions. Most genetic algorithms operate on a
population of solutions rather than a single solution.
The genetic algorithm generates other solutions,
which tend to be better, by combining chromosomes,
i.e. solutions, using three genetic operators that are
fundamental for selection, crossover and mutation.
The genetic search begins by initializing a
population of individuals. Initially a population is
created by some mechanism. Then Individual
solutions are selected from the population, then mate
to form new solutions. The mating process, typically
implemented by combining, or crossing over,
genetic material from two parents to form the
genetic material for one or two new solutions,
confers the data from one generation of solutions to
the next. Random mutation is applied periodically to
promote diversity. If the new solutions are better
than those in the population, the individuals in the
population are replaced by the new solutions. Use of
a genetic algorithm requires the definition of
initialization, crossover, and mutation operators
specific to the data type in the genome.
In developing a genetic algorithm, we must have
in mind that its performance depends largely on the
careful design and set-up of the algorithm
components, mechanisms and parameters. This
includes genetic encoding of solutions, initial
population of solutions, evaluation of the fitness of
solutions, genetic operators for the generation of
new solutions and parameters such as population
size, probabilities of crossover and mutation,
replacement scheme and number of generations.
Genetic Algorithm itself takes long time to be
executed and requires a certain machine
configuration. This can be a problem for execution
time. The second limit of the algorithm is the
importance of the random part. Due to a huge set of
solutions, the algorithm cannot guaranty to get the
best result or the achievement of a certain level of
2.1 Initialization
The initialization process is done by giving the
initial values of the genes with random values
according to predetermined limits.
In our research approach, inside the
chromosome, there is a gene for each activity in the
EIC 2018 - The 7th Engineering International Conference (EIC), Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and
Application on Green Technology
timetable system. This gene represents the course
schedule time of the activity. So, a chromosome is
actually an array of genes, each gene representing
the course schedule, room and time.
Set parameters of genetic algorithm including
population size, maximum iteration, mutation
probability and crossover probability. Then encode
an initial solution into a chromosome. Repeat this
step until the number of individual equals to the
population size.
To speed up the computation time, we restrict the
value of maximum generation with maximum value
2.2 Selection
Selection is another important factor to consider in
implementing genetic algorithm. It is a procedure to
select offspring from parents to the next generation.
According to the general definition, the selection
probability of a chromosome should show the
performance measure of the chromosome in the
population. Hence a parent with a higher
performance has higher probabilities of being
selected to next generation (Chen et al, 2008).
After generated Chromosome that has the highest
fitness, this chromosome has highest probability to
be selected for next generation chromosomes. We
are used random number to selection process.
2.3 Crossover
Crossover is an operation to generate a new
chromosome (i.e. child or offspring) from two
parents. It is the main operator of Genetic
Algorithm. The parent chromosome is chosen
randomly and the number of chromosomes that are
crossed is affected by the crossover_rate (ρc)
parameter. The pseudo code for crossover process is
given in Figure 1.
K = kromoson
cr = crossover_rate
Figure 1: Crossover Pseudo-code.
2.4 Mutation
Mutation is used to produce perturbations on
chromosomes in order to maintain the diversity of
population. The number of chromosomes that
mutated in one population is determined by the
mutation_rate parameter. The mutation process is
done by replacing gene that is randomly selected
with a new value that is randomly obtained. (Chen et
al, 2008).
First we must calculate the total length of gen in
The population. In this case the total length
generation is calculated by multiplying the number
of generation in Chromosome with number of
The research method used is a design or
experimental method. Rapid Application
Development (RAD) in system development life
cycle (SDLC) model was used as the system
development methodology of this Timetabling
RAD allows users to participate in an iterative
design and development process. Conceptually, the
project “loops” through the Design, Construction,
and Acceptance phases, followed by re-Design,
revised Construction, Acceptance, and so on. The
RAD approach has advantages, since it usually
achieves results quickly, the design is less abstract,
and users have assurance that up-to-date
requirements are considered. Its disadvantages
include difficulty in controlling the process and
ensuring the creation of an acceptable product.
Because, it was having precise requirements and
well understood milestones. Detail requirement
k← 0;
while (k<populasi) do
R[k] ← random(0-1);
if (R[k] < cr ) then
select Chromosome[k] as
k = k + 1;
Development of Web based Timetabling System
analysis was conducted at each different user
category getting help of admin of the current
timetable management system. RAD Stages
explained in Figure 2.
Figure 2: RAD Stages (Source from
RAD uses two types of methodology [Alan D],
Phased Development and Prototyping.
3.1 Stages of RAD
The Rapid Application Development path may be
adapted to different CASE tools and development
environments. This section briefly describes the four
stages of RAD (Alan, 2009).
Requirements Planning.
In this stage, there are some techniques that are
used to investigate requirement. There are
background reading, interviewing, and
As soon this project started, an interview was
set up with the Head of Informatics
Department and academic staff, which
provided me some internal and useful
information of the scheduling system in
Department of Informatics.
User Design.
In this stage the key users, meeting in
workshops, decompose business functions and
define entity types associated with the system.
They complete the analysis by creating action
diagrams defining the interactions between
processes and data.
In this stage, prototypes of timetabling system
are developed and shown the users for review
and revision. A plan for implementing the
system is prepared.
In the Construction stage, a small team of
developers, working directly with users,
finalizes the design and builds the system.
At this stage, we started developing programs
using php and implementing genetic
algorithms in it. We also prepared
documentation necessary to operate the
proposed timetabling system.
The implementation stage involves
implementing the new system.
Necessary adjustments to the hardware and
system software configurations are completed,
and instructions given to the academic staff
who will be operating the system.
This may include implementing bridges
between existing and new systems, converting
data, and training users. User acceptance is the
end point of the implementation stage.
Currently used data and method are in general based
on observation and interviewed result. There are 40
time slots ranges day from Monday to Friday at time
07:30 to 13.55. In the lecture data there is a
combination of course data, name of lecturer, and 4
class groups. There are 8 lecture rooms that can be
used with a capacity of up to 50 students.
Due to available resources and the necessity of a
web based automated system by campus; we used
PHP server scripting language for coding process.
The design phase is carried out to determine how
the system will be operated. This relates to
determining the hardware, software, network,
program display, forms and reports that will be used.
In addition, it is also necessary to specify the
programs, databases and files needed. This system is
database using MySQL. Accessing databases using
php MyAdmin, Apache servers and web browsers.
4.1 Database Design
Database is the platform used to store data in most
information systems which stores the data. Database
design follows a sequential order. These include the
inflow schema, Relational data model (Figure 3).
The database was designed using MYSQL due to the
level of functionality database can offer.
EIC 2018 - The 7th Engineering International Conference (EIC), Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and
Application on Green Technology
Figure 3: Relational Data Model.
File Design is a collection of interconnected
records, where the file can be manipulated. In
making the physical design (detail table) of a
Relational Database scheme (RD), take precedence
on the table containing on the side: 1) One (1), One
or Many (1 / N), and 3) Many (N). So in designing
the database for this Scheduling System there are or
use 9 (nine) files, namely 1) tb_day, 2) tb_hour, 3)
tb_time, 4) tb_course, 5) tb_lecturer, 6) tb_class, 7)
tb_schedule, 8) tb_room , 9) tb_result.
Timetabling application that is designed to have
one user access rights, administrator. The first output
of this system is the login form. On the login page,
the administrator/user can log in to the system by
supplying the right username and password. On that
same page (the login page) there exists a link to the
password retrieval page. The screen output is shown
in Figure 4. Below.
There are several management menus that can be
done by the user, such as: insert lecture time data,
lecturer data, course data, detailed lecture data,
generating schedules and viewing scheduling results.
(Figure 5 and Figure 6).
There are three variables in this timetabling
problem, namely kuliah (course schedule), ruang
(room), and waktu (time).
Figure 4: Login Page.
Figure 5: Management Page.
Below is the output page of the system which is
university examination timetable showing the
courses, the time and the respective examination
venues obeying all given constraints. In the output
page of timetabling system, there is a sorting feature
based on day, time, subject, number of credits, class,
lecture room, and lecturer name.
Figure 6: View Schedule Page.
In our experiment we generated data with
execution time averaged 68, 55 seconds and an
average memory usage of 10487.73 kb. The
effectiveness of the resulting time cannot be
compared to the usual manual scheduling. The
manual scheduling process usually takes more than
one week to process.
Development of Web based Timetabling System
This paper describes part of a research project with
the objective of developing a timetabling system for
Department Informatics, Manado State University.
Based on the research that has been done, it can be
concluded that the applications that have been
developed are expected to optimize and improve the
efficiency of the lecture scheduling process in the
Department of Informatics that was previously done
manually. The result showed that the proposed
timetabling system was successfully can produce
schedule without class collision, minimize
processing time which are provide the optimal
solution for the problem.
In the future, we plan to continue with further
application of the timetabling system at Manado
State University. We have already started to work on
the course timetabling problem for the Faculty of
Engineering, where there is an intent to have the
system used by all departmental schedule deputies
right from the start.
Our thanks go to the team of the Department of
Informatics at Manado State University who helped
us to get necessary data. I express my sincere thanks
to Mrs. Gladly Rorimpandey, Mr. Soenandar Milian
Tompunu Tengker, and Ms. Merry Liow for their
encouragement that made this paper possible.
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EIC 2018 - The 7th Engineering International Conference (EIC), Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and
Application on Green Technology