Design of Employee Archive Application using Extreme
Programming Model at PT. PLN Persero Wilayah Suluttenggo
Arje Cerullo Djamen, Alfrina Mewengkang, Julyeta Paulina Amelia Runtuwene and Parabelem
Tinno Dolf Rompas
Department of Information Technology and Communication Education, Universitas Negeri Manado, Tondano 95618,
North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Keywords: Archives, extreme programming, data backup media, dossiers
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to design and buid an empoyee archive aplication of PT. PLN Suluttenggo
Regional Corporation. The software built in this study uses the extreme programming model approach. The
results, this application is able to present a series of benefits in the dossier filing process at PT. PLN (Persero)
Suluttenggo region. This archieve application system is able to increase the effectiveness of data usage, ease
data access, facilitate employees in reviewing dossiers, while providing security as a function as manual data
Every government or private agency has its own
archive management system, whether it is a
centralized model, decentralization or a mixed
archive management model (Bountouri, 2017). The
principle of centralization in archive management is
characterized by a centralized archive storage model
on a particular unit or central filing (Bhandarkar et all,
2016). This means that all archives of all units within
an agency/office are stored centrally in one particular
place/unit. In other words, under a centralized system,
all files in the organization are submitted in one place.
In contrast, the archive management system with the
principle of decentralization is marked by the
authority of each unit / department to manage and
store archives. This means that filing is carried out in
each department independently. The combination of
these two principles, decentralization and
centralization, can be referred to as the mix approach
to managing archives.
PT. PLN (Persero) in the Suluttenggo region as
the main object of this research, manages its archives
with a centralized principle, as well as managing
personnel dossiers. According to The Great
Dictionary of the Indonesian Language, dossiers are
defined as all documents or files regarding a case or
affair (Sugono, 2008). This dossier contains various
personnel data that are arranged chronologically,
consisting of; application data, family data, education
data, personnel tax and emoluments data, award data,
penalty data, assignment data, job data, rank data, and
personnel specific data.
The dossier filing system at PT. PLN (Persero)
in the Suluttenggo region is considered not effective
and efficient. PT. PLN (Persero) in the Suluttenggo
region has a total of 1557 personnels, consisting of
1367 men and 190 women. With a large number of
personnels, the company currently does not provide
backup media to support the personnel data which is
still in the form of hardcopy documents. Storage of
personnel dossiers is done manually using a shelf,
which is arranged based on the personnel's birth year.
Each shelf consists of several orders-maps and each
ordner-map contains archives of different personnel.
Conventional/manual storage system causes the
archive/data search process to be excessive time
consuming (Krisnanda et al., 2018) and has a high
complexity. The conventional/manual system has an
impact on the low effectiveness of data usage and
access, and increases the potential data loss or data
damage due to no back-up. Therefore a system to
store and manage records of personnel dossiers
effectively and efficiently becomes necessary.
Through this research, the requirements required to
built an archive management software for personnels
Djamen, A., Mewengkang, A., Runtuwene, J. and Rompas, P.
Design of Employee Archive Application using Extreme Programming Model at PT. PLN Persero Wilayah Suluttenggo.
DOI: 10.5220/0009010603210325
In Proceedings of the 7th Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and Application on Green Technology (EIC 2018), pages 321-325
ISBN: 978-989-758-411-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of PT. PLN (Persero) in the Suluttenggo region, will
be reviewed and designed meticulously.
This research sought to documenting the
building process and carry out continuous testing in
software engineering. Through this research, a
specific software will be developed for PT. PLN
(Persero) in the Suluttenggo region, which serves to
backup archival data, which are safer and more
accessible to personnel's.
The software built in this study uses the extreme
programming model approach. That is an approach in
software development to improve and simplify a
project to become more flexible (Anwer et all, 2017).
According to Pressman, the extreme programming
model framework is divided into four main activities,
namely; planning, design, coding and testing
(Pressman, 2001). These four activities will produce
a software based on the extreme programming model
concept as shown as Figure 1.
Figure 1: Extreme Programming Framework.
1. Planning
Planning is focused on getting an overview of the
features and functions of the software to be built.
Planning activity begins by collecting the images
or stories given by the client, which will be the
basic description of the software. A series of
images or stories are collected in an index, where
each point has its own values and priorities. Then
the application development team will determine
the estimated time and costs required for each
index. After all needs are met, the XP team will
determine the workflow of software
development before starting task development.
During the software development process, clients
can evaluate plans for software design. The XP
team will take into consideration, when the client
wants to make certain changes (from the plan),
before changing the features and functions of the
planned software.
2. Design
Design process aims to set the logic patterns in
the system. A good application design is able to
reduce dependence between each process on a
system. If one of the features of the system fails,
it will not collapse the system as a whole. The
design phase in extreme programming can be
considered as a technical guide in building
software based on the results of the planning
phase. In XP, the design process occurs before
and after the coding activity takes place. That is,
design activities are carried out continuously
during the application development process.
3. Coding
After completing the basic overview of the
software and compiling the overall application
design, XP recommends the creator team to
prepare a test unit module to test the features and
functions of the software, in accordance with the
description and visualization expected by client.
After the various test units have been completed,
the team activities continues to the intensive
writing of programming code (coding). XP
applies the concept of Pair Programming where
each task of a module is developed by two
programmers. XP perspective assesses 2 people
will be faster and better in solving a problem.
Furthermore, the completed application module
will be combined with the main application.
4. Testing
Although initial testing/trials have been carried
out at the coding stage, XP requires testing of the
entire application system. XP strictly requires to
keep checking and fixing all problems that arise,
even if it's just a small problem. Furthermore,
each developed module will be tested first with a
previously designed unit test module (Sasmita,
2014), until it truly shows satisfying
Employee personal data for special needs. Prototype
design of dossier application system at PT. PLN
(Persero), especially in the Suluttenggo region
performed with extreme programming model
approach. Figure 2 shows the following stages:.
EIC 2018 - The 7th Engineering International Conference (EIC), Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and
Application on Green Technology
Figure 2: Extreme Programming Phase.
An explanation of the stages of the extreme
programming model in this study, consisting of the
phases of planning, design, coding and testing.
1. Planning :
This is the most crucial stage, must be able to
capture and understand user criteria, as well as
software development planning. At this stage
there are three things that need to be done,
namely; do a problem analysis, build a business
process, and the last is to make an iteration plan.
2. Design :
The design and work plan is followed by the
development of application design which is
detailed in three stages, namely making Unified
Modeling Language (UML), interface and
3. Coding :
This phase is preparing a unit test that is used as
a reference for programmers to create
applications. This application system
development process is done using the PHP
programming language and MySQL database.
4. Testing :
At this stage the testing was carried out using the
Blackbox software testing.
The design results of personnels dossier
application system at PT. PLN (Persero) Suluttenggo
region, presented in the following details:
1. Login interface design
Figure 3: Login interface design.
Figure 3 shows user interface logins appear before
users manage and view data in the application. The
login process serves to verify every user who will
access the application. Users can login only if they are
registered as verified users in the system.
2. Home Interface
After logging in, the user will be directed to the home
page. Figure 4 and Figure5 show the home interface.
The home page contains information about storing
dossiers and information about PT. PLN (Persero)
Suluttenggo region.
3. Dossier Data Display
Personnels dossier application system is built to meet
user needs, therefore the dossier data Figure 6 shows
an example of a list of data displays related to
employee application data in the company.
Figure 4: Home Interface
Design of Employee Archive Application using Extreme Programming Model at PT. PLN Persero Wilayah Suluttenggo
Figure 5: Home User Interface
Figure 6: Dossier Data Display
The download feature serves to speed up the
access to dossier data in the company, compared to
the manual system that is currently still used. Of
course this feature will increase the speed of access to
data, in a much easier way.
4. Display of Dossier Recapitulation
Besides giving users access to download dossier
data, this application also provides an option for users
to print dossier recapitulation reports. Recapitulation
of dossiers contains a series of data personnel,
ranging from application data to current identity data
as shows in Figure 7. This feature serves to show what
data has been submitted by employees to the
company. Furthermore, the dossier recapitulation
report can only be printed by the data owner.
Figure 7: Dossier Recapitulation Report
This dossier recapitulation feature provides
easier access for personnel of PT. PLN (Persero) in
reviewing the completeness of their personal data. On
the other hand, it also makes it easier for companies
to review data, or manage
Dossier application system developed in this study is
able to present a series of benefits in the dossier filing
process at PT. PLN (Persero) Suluttenggo region.
This dossier application system is able to increase the
effectiveness of data usage, ease data access, facilitate
employees in reviewing dossiers, while providing
security as a function as manual data back-up.
PT PLN (Persero) Suluttenggo application
system dossier can now be used by users. This dossier
application system development process applies the
extreme programming model, with four phases: 1) In
the planning phase, researchers conduct problem
analysis related to research, then build a business
process and create a iteration plan; 2) In the design
stage, researchers make UML design consisting of
use case diagrams, class diagrams, activity diagrams
and sequence diagrams, followed by user interface
design and create a hierarchy of processes; 3) In the
coding stage, researchers implemented coding with
the PHP programming language and MySQL
database, and 4) In the final phase, researchers
applied software testing through blackbox software.
This research has several limitations, especially in
the absence of several features in the system.
Therefore, several suggestions were issued to
complement the shortcomings, while increasing the
development of Dossier application system in
subsequent studies: Improve the efficiency of the
search algorithm; Improve monitoring capabilities by
EIC 2018 - The 7th Engineering International Conference (EIC), Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and
Application on Green Technology
adding log access features for user activities in the
system; Add historical features to store deleted data.
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and Scrum. International Journal of Computer
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Standards, Policies and Tools. Chandos
Manisha Bhandarkar, Harish Masand, Aveg Kumar,
Kirit Patel, Jasraj Dhongde, Hitesh Gulati, Kirti
Mahajan, Hitesh Chudasama, Subrata Pradhan.
(2016). Archiving and retrieval of experimental
data using SAN based centralized storage system
for SST-1. Fusion Engineering and Design,
Volume 112, 991-994.
Krisnanda, M., Mewengkang, A., Rompas, P. T. D.,
& Togas, P. V. (2018, February). Job and
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North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. In IOP
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Roger S Pressman. (2001). Software Engineering - A
Practitioner's Approach, McGraw-Hill
Sugono, Dendy (ed.). 2008. Kamus Besar Bahasa
Indonesia. Pusat Bahasa. 4th edition. Jakarta: PT
Design of Employee Archive Application using Extreme Programming Model at PT. PLN Persero Wilayah Suluttenggo