Table 4: Data measurement of soil resistance each variables (temperature, humidity and ph).
No. Temperature
Humidity (K) Soil
Soil pH (pH) Soil
1. 26°C 322.477 Ωm 25% 743.157 Ωm 5.82 51.491 Ωm
2. 23°C 216.025 Ωm 50% 667.884 Ωm 5.33 26.898 Ωm
3. 20°C 135.658 Ωm 70% 593.746 Ωm 4.82 13.978 Ωm
4. 18°C 77.639 Ωm 100% 409.637 Ωm 4.27 8.616 Ωm
21.75°C 187.95 Ωm 61.25% 603.61 Ωm 5.06 25.25 Ωm
Based on the table above, you can illustrate the
graph of the resistivity values of the soil types of each
variable (temperature, humidity and pH) in Figure 3:
Figure 3: Graph of soil resistance according to temperature,
humidity and soil pH.
Based on the results of the prototype of the
temperature, humidity and soil pH measuring
instrument as a tool to analyze the resistance of soil
types in the grounding system, it can be concluded as
follows: 1.) The effect of temperature on soil type
resistance is proportional where any decrease in
temperature decreases the value of soil type with
value the highest type of resistance is 322.477Ωm at
a temperature of 26 ° C and the lowest resistance
value is 77.639Ωm at a temperature of 18 ° C. 2.) The
effect of humidity on the resistance of soil type is
inversely proportional where every increase in
humidity there is a decrease in the value of soil
resistance with the highest soil type resistance
743,157Ωm at 25% humidity and the lowest
resistance value 409,637Ωm at 100% humidity. 3.)
The effect of soil pH on soil type resistance is directly
proportional to any decrease in soil pH there is also a
decrease in soil resistivity value, with the highest soil
type resistance value of 51,491Ωm at pH 5.82 and the
lowest soil resistance value of 8,616Ωm at pH 4.27.
4.) The prototype of soil temperature, humidity and
pH measuring instruments can work well and is
suitable for use because each sensor only has an error
percentage of less than 1%.
After conducting research, there needs to be
further development for prototypes of soil
temperature, humidity and pH measuring
instruments, so the authors suggest the following: 1.)
In selecting sensors, the level of accuracy in reading
data must be considered so that when applied in an
error value tool produced is not too large. 2.) The
prototype made is expected to be further developed
with more integration of functions.
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