Management Information System Development PKL Faculty of
Engineering of Universitas Negeri Semarang
Octavianti Paramita, Suwahyo, Didik Nopiyanto, Henry Ananta, Bayu Triwibowo, Mas’ul Fauzi
and Fathimah Nursa’adah
Faculty of Engineering, Semarang State University
Keywords: Development, Sim Pkl.
Abstract: The purpose of the research is to study the evaluation of the professional placement (PKL) administration
implementation using the administrative information system ( based on the user's perception
for the improvement of Professional Placement Information System Management (PKL SIM). This research
includes the study of input, process and output from the SIM PKL FT UNNES. The research uses evaluative
research method by using a series of system testing tables to determine the performance of PKL SIM based
on the flow carried out by each user. This study uses RUP model. RUP (Rational Unified Process) method is
an interactive system development stage specifically aimed for object-oriented programming. The results of
this study are the development of SIM PKL that has experienced improvement such as the content of
supervisors editing data, data synchronization with simpeg, data editing of group, and content that allows
letter printing. UAT Test Result is submitted to the perpetrators of the information system, that the coordinator
of study program and PKL administration in the department and the faculty shows that the results of SIM
PKL development are 100% well received.
PKL is a compulsory activity for diploma and
undergraduate students to gain experience,
knowledge, attitude, and skill in the world of work of
each study’s competence of program and skill.
Professional placement aims to allow students to get
work experience that is relevant to their disciplines,
to possess knowledge, attitudes, and skills in
accordance with each study’s competency of the
program. In order to improve the quality of
administrative management of professional
placement in the Faculty of Engineering, the
professional placement administration system that
has been carried out manually for years will be
upgraded to an online system. This need is based on
the development of UNNES which is IT-based and
the increasing administrative problem of the
professional placement. The limited number of
human resources in managing correspondence for all
students of the Faculty of Engineering and the
complicated administrative mechanism are the
reasons why this system is urgently necessary to be
The professional placement administration
system of Faculty of Engineering of UNNES is one
of the online administration systems of professional
placement run on UNNES and has been initiated by
the Faculty of Engineering. This system was self-
developed by the Faculty of Engineering students and
has been initiated since 2012. However, the system
readiness and implementation are constrained by
several internal problems of the professional
placement management in the Faculty of
Engineering. Having through the development of a
system and management of the professional
placement management information system, at the
beginning of 2015, this system began to be
implemented for administrative purposes of the
professional placement implementation in the Faculty
of Engineering. However, this system has not fully
responded to the needs of professional placement
administration in the Faculty of Engineering. It is
shown with the still many reports regarding the
weaknesses if this professional placement
management information system, either the flow of
the professional placement implementation and the
content of the professional placement management
information system itself. This evaluative report
Paramita, O., Suwahyo, ., Nopiyanto, D., Ananta, H., Triwibowo, B., Fauzi, M. and Nursa’adah, F.
Management Information System Development PKL Faculty of Engineering of Universitas Negeri Semarang.
DOI: 10.5220/0009011703890393
In Proceedings of the 7th Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and Application on Green Technology (EIC 2018), pages 389-393
ISBN: 978-989-758-411-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
comes from the information system practitioners,
which are the study program coordinators, Quality
Assurance Team of Faculty of Engineering and
professional placement administrators in the
department and faculty. Therefore, there is a need of
further research related to the performance of
professional placement management information
system based on the perception of its users to
contribute in the improvement of management and
administration of professional placement
management information system of Faculty of
Engineering of Universitas Negeri Semarang.
The method used in this study is RUP (Rational
unified Process) method, which is an interactive
system development stage specifically for object-
oriented programming (Rosa U.S, 2011, p.106). The
description of the 4 working stages of RUP is as
follows: (1) Inception Phase (beginning). This stage
is more about modeling the management and
administrative process needed and defining the
system requirements that will be made (Rosa AS,
2011, p. 109). In determining the problem-related
needs, several data collection techniques are used,
such as: a. Observation Study, it is a data collection
method by observing directly an object to be studied
in order to provide precise and clear information. b.
Interview Study. It is a data collection technique by
conducting Focus Group Discussion to the
information system practitioners which are study
program coordinators, Quality Assurance Team of
Faculty of Engineering and professional placement
administrators in the department and faculty, which is
conducted systematically. c. Literature Study. It is a
data collection technique of collecting information by
studying scientific books that support the research.
(2) Elaboration Phase (Planning). At this stage, the
researchers conduct analysis of problem, needs,
feasibility such as benefit and technical analysis,
makes a display interface design that will be used in
the system improvement, then conducts initial testing
of the new system. (3) Construction Phase
(Construction). At this stage, researchers conduct an
examination of inception and elaboration stages. This
is conducted to find out whether the design analysis
and planning are in accordance with the aimed needs.
In addition, there will also be a problem and needs
analysis which is then put into the programming
language so that it becomes a complete system and
could be used to support the company's activities. (4)
Transition Phase (Transition). At this stage, the
researchers carry out the deployment process, which
is a system installation activity made for the agency
and an activity where the researchers conduct system
usage training made for the prospective users of the
3.1 System Analysis
3.1.1 Problem Analysis
To identify the problems faced by the practitioners /
users of the professional placement management
information system, the researchers developed a
problem solving framework. The problem solving
framework used is the PIECES framework. Problem
analysis was carried out using the PIECES framework
(Performance, Information, Economics, Control,
Efficiency, Service). The problems occur are
identified using the PIECES framework as follows:
a. Performance
The administration department at the Faculty
level faces difficulty to manage the data of
advisors, because the data is not synchronized
with the one of UNNES. Thus, there needs to be
an edit menu either for name, title and rank.
b. Information
The Study Program Coordinator is not yet able to
obtain data about the places of professional
placement industry that they have cooperated as
well as their addresses, based on their respective
study programs.
c. Economics
To obtain data per study program, they still need
to check it in each study program, due to the
integrated system with the faculty data.
d. Control
The difficulty of the study program coordinators
controls the number of students who have already
implemented and who have not carried out PKL
activities per class
e. Efficiency
The administration section at the department and
faculty level still face difficulty in editing the
correspondence so that the service is still
f. Service
There is a complication in editing student data
into data of students joining professional
placement due to some error done by some
students in registering members in their group.
EIC 2018 - The 7th Engineering International Conference (EIC), Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and
Application on Green Technology
3.2 System Design
3.2.1 Problem Analysis
Researchers use Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) which is
a diagram that uses notations to describe the flow of
system data, which the use is very helpful to
understand the system logically, structured and
clearly. It is a normal thing that when describing a
contextual system, the first diagram flow data appears
is the interaction between system and external
entities. DFD is designed to show a system that is
divided into a smaller sub-systems and to underline
the data flow between both things above. This
diagram is then "developed" to find out more details
so that the models inside can be seen.
Once the DFD is arranged, the next step is to establish
the relationship between the existing entities with the
Relationship Diagram (ERD). The relationship of
ERD between entities is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).
ERD is used to systematically describe various
entities and data components in a system and the
relationship between each entity. E-R Diagram is a
modeling language in which the position can be
analogized as the story board in the film industry, the
blue print architecture of a building, miniature, and
others. In reality, building a system starts with a
planning. Modeling is a subsection of a planning,
which as a whole is one of the feedback to evaluate
the completion of a plan. E-R Diagram as a modeling
has at least some characteristics and benefits as
a. Allows an early analysis and system change,
which is cheap and fast
b. Provides an overview of the system that will be
made to facilitate the developers.
c. Produces good documentation for the client as a
material for discussion with the form of the E-R
Diagram itself, and
d. Becomes data dictionary for the database
e. Displays an overview of the relationship between
one entity to another and describes a database.
3.2.2 Interface Design
In the interface design, the user will see the main
menu page first. Figure 2 shows the display of the
main menu page.
Figure 2: Main Menu Page.
It is a page where the professional placement
management information system user either student,
supervisor, coordinator of study program and
administration officer at the department and faculty
level can enter the system by entering the user and
password. The authentication requirement appears in
login page of professional placement management
information system as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Login page of professional placement
management information system.
Figure 4 is a page where after login, the user can
use the available features prepared according to the
needs of each user.
Management Information System Development PKL Faculty of Engineering of Universitas Negeri Semarang
Figure 4: Homepage after login.
Figure 5 is a page where administration officer at
the faculty level can change the advisor data based on
the latest data.
Figure 5: Page of Lecturer Data Edit.
Figure 6 is a page where the administration officer
at the faculty level can edit the data of the advisors
based on the name of the lecturer, full name,
employee number, rank, class and functional position.
Figure 6: Page of Supervisor Data Edit.
Figure 7 is a page of the lecturer data that has been
synchronized with UNNES employee management
information system data.
Figure 7: Page of synchronized data of lecturers with
employee management information system.
Figure 8 is a page where administration officer at
department and faculty level can edit student group
Figure 8: Page of Student Group Data Edit.
Figure 9 is a page where the administration officer
at the faculty level can print the professional
placement related letters such as application letter,
assignment letter, advisor assignment letter, visit duty
letter and withdrawal letter.
Figure 9: Page of Detail Edit the Letters printing.
3.3 User Acceptance Test (UAT)
UAT assessment is submitted to the practitioners of
information system, which are the coordinator of the
study program, Quality Assurance Team of Faculty
of Engineering and the administration section of
EIC 2018 - The 7th Engineering International Conference (EIC), Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and
Application on Green Technology
professional placement in the department and faculty.
Based on the 3 questionnaires, the result shows that
the system is 100% accepted.
The conclusions from this research are: (1) problems
of the professional placement management
information system implementation according to the
users are: (a) Performance, it is when the
administration at the Faculty level has difficulty
managing the advisor data, since the data is not
synchronized with UNNES data. Thus, there needs to
be an edit menu in name, title and rank. (b)
Information, it is when the Study Program
Coordinator is not able to obtain data of places of
professional placement industrial that have been
collaborated as well as their addresses, based on their
respective study programs. (c) Economics, it is when
data collection of each study program is still done by
checking each study program, since the current
system still combine all faculty data into one
integrated data. (d) Control, it is the difficulty faced
by the study program coordinators in controlling the
number of students who have and who have not
joined professional placement activity per class. (e)
Efficiency, it is where the administration section at
the department and faculty level still has difficulty in
editing correspondence so that the service is still
inefficient, and (f) Service, it is when there is a
difficulty in editing student data in student
professional placement group data. This is due to
errors by some students who incorrectly entering the
members in their group. Meanwhile in the
development of professional placement management
information system, there are several improvements
in (1) the content of editing the data of advisors,
synchronizing data with employment management
information system, editing group data and content
that facilitate letter printing. (2) The UAT
Assessment Results submitted to the practitioners of
the information system, namely the coordinator of the
study program and the administration of professional
placement in the department and the faculty shows
the results of the development of professional
placement management information system which is
100% accepted.
The researchers deliver their gratefulness to
Universitas Negeri Semarang for the assistance in
implementing this research through the
Implementation Budget (DIPA) of Universitas
Negeri Semarang.
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Management Information System Development PKL Faculty of Engineering of Universitas Negeri Semarang