The Application Performance of Landslide Detection Devices based
on AT89S51 Arduino Microcontroller using Extensometer Sensor,
Humidity and Vibration of Solar Energy Supply
Yohanes Primadiyono, Sunardiyo Said and Suryono
Academic Staff of Electrical Engineering Universitas Negeri Semarang
Keywords: Early Detection, Landslide, Disaster Mitigation, Solar Powered.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to study the performance of early landslide detection devices based on arduino
microcontroller AT89S51. This is related to the frequent landslide hazards caused by high rainfall, improper
soil characteristics and soil tillage. Therefore it is necessary to preventive action is the existence of a tool that
is able to monitor or detect any cracks and soil instability that has the potential to landslides. This research is
carried out with a research and development approach. At the beginning of the study, the data needs analysis
of soil shifting parameters. The design of landslide detection devices is constructed based on research that
precedes and developed as needed in the field. Landslide early detection devices utilize extensometer sensors
(detection of ground shift), humidity sensors and vibration sensors and AT89S51 arduino microcontrollers in
the supply of electrical energy from the sun and equipped with GSM communication networks, and sirens as
a warning sign of landslides. The result of the design of landslide detection device can work well with some
limitations that is the maximum transmission signal coverage range of only up to 800 meters and soil moisture
sensor has a percentage error value of 2.89%. The test results indicate that the warning sign through the buzzer
will sound after 2.0 seconds from signal reception in the RX section, while the SMS gateway via mobile will
appear after 2.5 seconds from signal reception in RX. Solar cell as a power supply in the transmission (TX)
has a great benefit considering the location of TX is in the field, which is difficult PLN electricity but very
much got sunlight during the day. The result of converting solar light energy into electrical energy will be
stored on the akmulator / battery so as to provide energy requirements on the device at powered
for disaster mitigation.
In landslide areas, risk mitigation must often face
problemsrelated to economical resources,
environmental impact and logisticissues. This is
particularly true for structural counter-measures,
whichaim at mitigating the risk by reducing the
probability of failure (bolts,anchors, piles etc.), by
preventing the landslide from reaching theelements at
risk (barriers, ditches, retaining walls etc.) or by
reinforcingexisting buildings. On the other hand,
early warning systems (EWSs) are an alternative cost-
effective means to reduce the risk with a low
environmental and economical impact. In some cases,
for instance when a landslide is so large that it cannot
possibly be stabilized, theycan even be the only
solution. Indeed an efficient EWS should comprise
the following activities. (DiBiagio and Kjekstad,
2007): (a) monitoring, including data acquisition,
transmission and maintenance of the instruments; (b)
analysis and forecasting, which can be done by using
thresholds, expert judgment, forecasting methods and
so on; (c) warning, i.e. the dissemination of
understandable messages alerting for the impending
threat; (d) response, concerning if people are able to
understand and how they react to the warning.
Therefore the need for landslide detection equipment
that has the ability from the side of monitoring,
forecasting, warning and response in detecting the
movement of the soil to obtain information as early as
possible. This paper examines the application
performance of landslide detection devices based on
AT89S51 arduino microcontroller using
extensometer sensor, humidity and vibration of solar
energy supply.
Primadiyono, Y., Said, S. and Suryono, .
The Application Performance of Landslide Detection Devices based on AT89S51 Arduino Microcontroller using Extensometer Sensor, Humidity and Vibration of Solar Energy Supply.
DOI: 10.5220/0009012003930397
In Proceedings of the 7th Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and Application on Green Technology (EIC 2018), pages 393-397
ISBN: 978-989-758-411-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
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because text will be added electronically.
For a best viewing experience the used font must
be Times New Roman, on a Macintosh use the font
named times, except on special occasions, such as
program code (Section 2.3.7).
This research is designed using a "research and
development" approach that is a program that begins
a research needs analysis, then developed a
development program and test its effectiveness
(Sugiyono, 2006).
For the design of this landslide early detection
device in the first year through several stages as
1. Device design of solar cell landslide detection
equipment with extensometer, arduino soil
vibration sensor and soil moisture sensor.
2. Design of landslide detection based on
microcontroller AT89S51
3. Connection of telemetry radio landslide detection
device with GSM communication network (SMS
gateway), and buzer.
3.1 Result
After doing the research, the following results are obtained:
First, measurement of the output voltage of the solar
cell module. The result is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Test result of solar cell voltage.
06.00 – 09.00 16.00
09.00 – 12.00 21.00
12.00 – 15.00 23.00
15.00 – 17.00 15.00
17.00 – 19.00 4.00
Second, measurement distance of data delivery of
landslide detector. The result is shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Result of Distance of data delivery.
Distance of Data
Delivery (Meter)
Sent Not sent
1 1 0
10 1 0
20 1 0
30 1 0
40 1 0
50 1 0
60 1 0
70 1 0
80 1 0
100 1 0
200 1 0
300 1 0
400 1 0
500 1 0
600 1 0
700 1 0
800 1 0
900 0 1
1000 0 1
Third, measurement time taken of buzzer and SMS
gateway. The result is shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Result of time taken sounds of buzzer and SMS
Time taken
Sounds of
0 0 0
0,5 0 0
1,0 0 0
1,5 0 0
2,0 1 0
2,5 1 1
3,0 1 1
3,5 1 1
4,0 1 1
The component of hardware system is devided
into three parts. The first, front view Box contains
Microcontroller, BCR and Accumulator is appeared
in Figure 1. Second, transmiter box landslide
detection is appeared in Figure 2. Third, Sensors and
Component landsilde detection appeared in Figure 3.
EIC 2018 - The 7th Engineering International Conference (EIC), Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and
Application on Green Technology
Figure 1: Front view Box contains Microcontroller, BCR
and Accumulator.
Figure 2: Transmiter box landslide detection.
Figure 3: Sensors and Component landsilde detection.
3.2 Discussion
In this study telemetry function has been working as
expected, if there is a signal from the sensor
movement of the soil, vibration and soil moisture.
The system can work from battery source /
accumulator in charger using solar cell. This series of
early warning systems is supplied using a 12V
voltage from the accumulator battery. The arduino
board here serves to operate extensometer sensors,
ground vibration sensors and sensor sensors and
telemetry radios. If there is a signal input from the
sensor then the Tx part will send the signal to the
receiver part so that the siren will sound, so also SMS
Gateway will work sending sms warning to
handphone. The test results show that the sirine first
responds to 2.0 seconds after the receiver receives the
signal from the transmitter. For signals to mobile
phones the SMS warning takes 2.5 seconds after the
signal is received in the receiver / Rx. An early
landslide detection device is capable of transmitting
signals at a maximum distance of 800 meters between
the sender (TX) and the receiver (RX).
Land slide-based terrestrial detection software (land
slide) based on solar AT89S51 microcontroller as
disaster early information by using extensometer
sensor, soil moistur
Information by using extensometer sensor, soil
moisture sensor and ground vibration sensor. As for
warning of landslide through siren device and SMS
Design of landslide detection device can work
well with some limitations that is the maximum
transmission signal coverage range of only up to 800
meters and soil moisture sensor has a value of
percentage error of 2.89%. The test results indicate
that a warning sign through the siren will sound after
2.0 seconds of signal reception in the RX section,
while the SMS gateway via HP will appear after 2.5
seconds from signal reception in RX.
Solar module as a power supply in the
transmission (TX) has a great benefit considering the
location of TX is in the field, which is difficult PLN
electricity but very much got sunlight during the day.
The result of converting solar light energy into
electrical energy will be stored on the accumulator /
battery so as to provide energy requirements on the
device at night.
After doing this research it is suggested the
following things: In the selection of sensors must be
considered accuracy so that when applied to the
detection device the resulting error value is not too
large; to obtain data that is real time and can be stored
(restore) it needs to be equipped with computer
database so that can be reviewed historical data; need
the existence of solar tracking or sun tracker that is
able to follow the movement of the sun to obtain
maximum light emission for charging accumulator /
The research team expressed their greatest thanks to:
Kemenristekdikti, Rector Unnes, Chairman of LP2M, Head
of Department of Electrical Engineering and Head of
Laboratory of Control System, for its permission and
assistance so that this research can run well and smoothly
DiBiagio, E., Kjekstad, O., 2007. EarlyWarning,
Instrumentation andMonitoring Landslides. 2nd
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Humidity and Vibration of Solar Energy Supply
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First, measurement of the output voltage of the solar cell module.
Second, measurement distance of data delivery of landslide detector.
06.00 –
09.00 –
12.00 –
15.00 –
17.00 –
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
EIC 2018 - The 7th Engineering International Conference (EIC), Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and
Application on Green Technology
Third, measurement time taken of buzzer nad SMS gateway.
0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0
SMS gate way
Sounds of buzzer (sirine)
The Application Performance of Landslide Detection Devices based on AT89S51 Arduino Microcontroller using Extensometer Sensor,
Humidity and Vibration of Solar Energy Supply