(known as Avogadro's constants), and e
is the
electron charge. F is the Faraday constants (Kaloko,
B. S., et al., 2016), (Kaloko, B. S., et al., 2011)
. The
values for the constants are 6.022 10
1.601 10
and 96412.2/ .The
calculation of the capacity in Ah:
Where is the mass of the reactant which mR limit
(in kg), and Mm is the molar mass of the limiting
reactant (in g/mol). The cells in the battery typically
connected in series and the battery capacity is
determined by the capacity of the smallest cell.
Therefore, QT = QT battery cell. Then discharge rate
the current situation where the battery is depleted.
The discharge rate is expressed as Q/h rate, where Q
is the rated battery capacity, and h is the discharge
time in hours. For rechargeable battery has a capacity
of QT Ah and are depleted is divided with the
formula Q t/T then:
Lead Acid Battery secondary battery is often
used. In the calculation of the lead acid battery
capacity battery has a larger capacity than nickel
cadmium batteries. In the calculation of the lead acid
battery, capacity of 397.993 Ah in one battery and
nickel cadmium batteries while the capacity of the
battery in Ah one 306.001. Jember Substation had
nickel cadmium battery witch the most widely in use
as protection systems 84 battery and 40 batteries for
SCADA. Then 20 Lead acid batteries just for PLC
(Power Line Carrier). In the calculation of the lead
acid battery capacity battery has a larger capacity
than nickel cadmium batteries. In the calculation, the
lead acid battery capacity Ah 397.993 in one of the
battery and the battery required battery voltage with
as many as 121.358 v. Whereas nickel cadmium
battery has a capacity of 306.001 Ah in one and
batteries that are needed as much as 8 batteries with
voltage V 2.099.
Results of the two methods yield differences are not
far away. From the results of the comparison of
simulated neural network with cyclic voltammetry
test methods, then there is a difference, and that
difference is the error that occurred. If the value of
the error is smaller than the resulting data better.
On the battery capacity calculation of lead acid
batteries have a larger capacity than nickel cadmium
batteries. In the calculation, the lead acid battery
capacity Ah 397.993 in one of the battery and the
battery required battery voltage with as many as
202.099 V. While the batteries are nickel cadmium
has a capacity of 306.001 Ah in one and batteries
that are needed as much as 84 battery with voltage
1.358 V.
This research was supported by grant of Higher
Education Program University of Jember. I would
like to express my thanks to everyone who helped
me faithfully to finish the job. I would also like to
thank the reviewers who gave very useful
suggestions which help me improve the quality of
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