be fulfilled proportion of practice that ougt to
experienced by the participant to educate. Burdened
the equipment of practice in learning will affect in
quality of competence that later will be owned the
participant to educate. Vocational training is
education for acquisition of knowledge and skill that
having the economic value, according to need of
market with education of labor of coefficient high.
Realistic unitary costs of providing technical and
vocational education and training, the evidence
suggests technical education is a cost-effective
modality. (Almeida, 2015). Implication for
vocational training is: a) apprentice or internship
Program must become part of system of education of
vocational, because there are many technical skills,
stand, habitual, and emotional can only be gained
through the on of the of job of training. b) In on of
the of job of training of is studied skill to included
that having the character of general and specific, c)
Because general of training have the value of longer
economic and to be foundation, then it need the
strong, d) Spesific training must always be in up of
to of date according to need of market, e) Training to
have skill of way gain and dig the information to
become be important to up of dating including the
lesson base of digital technique.
Acquisition of knowledge and performance of a
skill or stand that is developed from vocational
lesson, is as a rule shown with value of the given
number teacher, all scope of cognitive domain and
the psychomotors that are study result of participant
educate. Present that study result is ability that is
owned the student after the s(he receive experience
to learn it. Technical, vocational, education and
training (TVET) plays a vital role in a society’s
economic growth and social development. (Azizi N.,
et all, 2015). So acquisition of knowledge and skill
of participant educate can be happened when
experiencing the experience to study in school is all
received theoretically and the practices.
Research is done at the SMKN 2 Manado with
method of experiment with approach of learning
uses instrument for practice of virtual simulator and
digital trainer. Settlement of sample randomly
counted trainers 30 students for group by means of
practice the digital simulator and group that using
instrument for practice of digital trainer 30 students.
Testing the requirements be to be conducted the test
of normality, homogeneity tests significance of
regression. Settlement of sample at research is
random stage sampling. Each of participant educates
the group of is chosen experiment has the whole
sample 60 Participants educate.
Declaring main effect: study result Base of digital
technique at group of participant educates that is
taught with approach of learning uses the simulator
higher than in participant educates that is taught with
approach of learning uses the digital trainer. Result
of analysis is gained F
= 4,354 while F
= 4.02 (Fh=
4.354 > Ft = 4.02), mean Ho be to be refused or
hypothesis of research is received. This means there
is difference of study result of participant educates
learning of digital technique by using the simulator
and trainer. Descriptive analysis got that score of
average of study result of base of digital technique at
group of participant educates that is taught with
approach of learning uses instrument for practice of
simulator are 77.66 while score of average of study
result at group of participant educate that is taught
with approach of learning uses instrument for
practice of trainer are 72.53. This indicate that the
study result of base of digital technique with
approach of learning uses the simulator higher than
at group of participant educates that is taught with
approach of learning uses the trainer.
Learning of Vocational area including productive
subject of base of digital technique with approach of
learning uses instrument for practice of simulator by
teacher can increase the study result because of
response of participant educates in internal
motivation, response to try to understand the matter
of base of digital technique so when participant
educates the practitioner to conceptualize the logic
from transfer of knowledge that is experienced on
assembling of digital network in phases can be
assembled quickly if compared to using instrument
for traditional practice (trainer). This in line with
that is declared by Taghavi and Colen (2009) that
integration of learning of laboratory of computer of
simulation with method of traditional learning
(trainer) significantly increases understanding of
student about concept of network of digital
electronic. Strategy learning of vocational area
aimed at the formation of skill matching with need
of employment. Teacher strives to manage the class
with selection of approach of learning uses
instrument for practice both simulator or trainer to
fulfill demand learns it, so participant educates is
able to give the feedback in resolving the assembly
of network matching with task to be resolved.
As also with that is declared by Kim, Park, Lee,
Yuk and Lee (2016) in result of research about