10 Kab. BolTim 1 2 3
11 Kab. BolSel 1 2 3
12 Kota Manado 5 27 32
13 Kota Bitung 4 7 11
14 Kota Tomohon 1 4 5
15 Kota
1 5 6
Province 47 70 117
From these data, the most vocational schools are
in Manado City, both State 5 and private 27. Most
are State Vocational Schools in Minahasa and
Bolaang Mongondow, because there are districts
with relatively large numbers of students. In the
survey conducted the existence of vocational
education is still partial and also not directly related
to the LPTK, so that the availability of human
resources and competency evaluation systems still
do not meet the aspects of accountability as well as
measurable competency guarantees. Vocational
schools that are built are still short-term oriented, so
that in the next few years will experience an HR
crisis to meet needs. The role of government through
the education office is still very limited, because in
general vocational education is managed by the
foundation independently. Each Vocational School
also seems to have the authority in determining the
guided study program, so that in the search of the
author is very varied. In some findings there are
several vocational schools that have technical
tendencies, but principals come from vocational
schools that are irrelevant such as accounting, on the
contrary there are tourism vocational schools whose
principals come from agricultural graduates. The
condition in question certainly disrupts the
development of education, as well as the quality
In the context of the availability of human
resources, it is still very limited, in addition to the
unavailability of permanent teachers in most of the
study programs; the average vocational school in the
survey only has 1-2 teachers who are competent.
The survey also found most principals who were not
in accordance with vocational competencies so that
in turn it would be difficult to develop schools both
in terms of roles and quality in order to exist as a
vocational school. The competencies that are also
taught are very varied, making it difficult to provide
facilities that can be used together. There are
vocational schools in which there are accounting /
office competencies, then there is Information
Technology, then there are also automotive and
nursing techniques. Such variations will lead to
greater facility costs, and less economical.
The concept of vocational education, from the
aspects of education, training and development is
explained as follows: Buckley and Caple (2004), in
Kuswana (2013), states that education is a process
and a series of activities that direct potential,
individual opportunities to assimilate and develop
knowledge skills and attitudes. Training is a
systematic effort that is planned to modify or
develop knowledge, skills and attitudes through
learning experiences, to achieve effective
performance in an activity (Kuswana 2013).
Development is a general improvement of an
individual's ability, skills through learning both
consciously and unconsciously. (1978 department of
employment). Vocational education has a
characteristic so that on the management side it will
show different characteristics of general education.
3.1 Management of Vocational and
Vocational Technology Education.
Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the national
education system, article 15 states that the type of
education includes general, vocational, academic,
professional, vocational, religious and special
education. Academic education, profession and
vocational education are managed by the directorate
general of higher education and in the explanation,
among others: vocational education as secondary
education to prepare students to work according to
their fields. Professional education is higher
education after undergraduate education and
preparing students to have special skills
requirements. Vocational education is a tertiary
education that prepares students to have jobs with
certain applied skills at a maximum equivalent to an
undergraduate program. In this explanation means
vocational education is not the same as
undergraduate education or lower. Management of
technology and vocational education includes broad
problems, namely leadership issues, planning,
organizing, supervision, HR management,
performance management, student management,
curriculum, counselling guidance, preventive care of
facilities and infrastructure, integrated finance and
quality in context and characteristics special.
(Wibawa, B. 2017). Characteristics of vocational
education in terms of management are very clearly
seen in the planning including the preparation of
facilities and infrastructure, providing relevant