So that the results are not optimal and sports injuries
occur which of course are very detrimental to the
athlete itself, so that all efforts become futile. In
addition, the trainer does not pay attention to the
dosage which is a parameter to determine the
quantity and quality.
Therefore, this research is formulated around is
how much influence the jump training technique
soars upwards with the same dose increasing the leg
muscles' explosive power of SMK Negeri 1
Tondano in 2018.
Radcliffe and Farentinos (1985) distinguished
three groups of plaiometric exercises, namely: a)
exercise for lower limbs, b) exercise for the torso, c)
exercise for upper limbs. Exercises for downward
motion consist of bounds, hops, jumps, leaps, skips,
ricochets. So in principle, plaiometric training is an
exercise that has a special characteristic, which is to
build strong muscle contraction as a response to
dynamic loading or rapid strain of the muscles
involved. This training is commonly known as
stretch reflex.
According to Harre (1982), training for the hips
and legs consists of bounding exercises and depth.
Meanwhile, according to Chu (1992), the training
consists of jumping-in-a place, bounding box drills
and depth jumps. So the goal of plaiometric training
is to allow the muscles to achieve maximum strength
in the shortest possible time. Stretch shortening
cycle is another term for plaiometrics. The definition
stated in principle is the same.
Plaiometric is a training method that is intended
to increase explosive power or explosive power.
Nala (1998) as quoting Radcliffe and Farentinos
(1985), plaiometry has leg and hip muscles, by:
a. Jump with both footprints on the floor, soaring
maximum upwards to achieve a horizontal jump
(tread with two feet) as far as (bounds);
b. Maximum vertical jump (two footprints) by first
bending the knee, which is important is the
extent of the knee joint movement;
c. Jump (two feet) wherever possible regardless of
how far horizontally jumps forward;
d. Jump as vertical and horizontal as possible, with
two jumps or one leg;
e. Jump or step alternately, with both jump height
(one foot) and horizontal jump distance;
f. Jumping up and down (two footprints) quickly,
where height and distance jump to a minimum.
Upward jumping training techniques are
included in plaiometric training that emphasizes leg
muscles (Nala, 1998). Upward jumping is a
specialization of training, due to an adaptation that
changes the shape and function of the body system,
especially those that are closely related to the sport
involved (Nala, 1998). Likewise the vertical form of
plaiometric training jumps with repulsion of both
feet, the position of the knees folded and lift high
and the palms touching the knees (Radcliffe and
Farentinos, 1985). Where the movement jumps from
both feet simultaneously.
Pliometric training will stretch the muscles. The
aim of administering stretch before contracting
physiologically is to give the optimum initial length
to the muscle, obtaining elastic power, causing a
stretch reflex. Plyometric training must be applied
specifically which is to train muscle groups or
neuromuscular specificities. It is specific to the main
energy system and to the pattern of exercise
Anatomically, the main muscles involved in
jumping upward and jumping exercises are not
different in the lower limbs (upper leg muscles and
lower limb muscles).
a. Upper limb muscles: gluteus maximus, biceps
femoris, semi tendinosus, semimembranosus,
gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, adductur
b. Lower leg muscles: gastrocnemius, soleus,
perineus longus, peroneus brevis, calcaneus,
plantaris (Jensen and Fisher, 1979).
Judging from the principles of training, the type
of jump training soars upwards more in accordance
with its movements with the measuring instrument
to be used (upright jump). In addition, the movement
from jump training soars up higher than the runway
surface. With a high jump distance, the speed of free
fall from the jump training is higher.
The more frequent jumping up training is done
the stronger is patterned in the nervous system. With
this training, physiologically there will be a process
of conditional reflex formation, process of learning
to move and process of adaptation.
The aim for this study is to prove whether
jumping training techniques soar upwards with the
same dose can increase the leg muscles' explosive
power of SMK Negeri 1 Tondano in 2018.
This experimental research method uses the
Randomized Pre-test Post-test design (Zainuddin,
1988) with the male student population of SMK
Negeri 1 Tondano in 2018. Those taken as samples
are 20 people aged 15-18 years, simple random and
divided into two groups equally based on the initial
test results.