enthusiasm in becoming a teacher, moreover with a
saying that says "Teacher is a Selfless Hero".
A teacher, as a professional, must be able to
implement the national education system and realize
the national education objective, which is to develop
the potential of students to become a human who is
faithful and fearful of God Almighty, noble, healthy,
knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and
a citizen who is democratic and responsible.
There are many reasons that motivate a student
to become a teacher when he/she graduated
(Redhoparamita, 2013), including:
1. Get to know various characters. Being a teacher
means getting to know various characters,
starting from students who are smart, kind,
diligent, to the lazy extraordinary ones. Being a
teacher means he/she must be able to
communicate with various kinds of characters.
2. Become a source of knowledge. A teacher is
considered as a storehouse of knowledge.
Therefore, the teacher should have broad
knowledge. Students will certainly be delighted
immeasurably when the teacher is able to
answer all questions they inquire.
3. Train the patience. Teachers should be grateful
because they can learn to control themselves in
facing students with various characters.
4. Expand the knowledge. Many students think
critically nowadays. Teachers should anticipate
this by expanding their knowledge through
various sources.
5. Share the knowledge. Sharing knowledge is
very, very special. When we share material
object, it can be shared. However, if we share
knowledge, it will never run out, but will be
even increasing.
6. A means to help others. Being a teacher is also a
means to help others, by sharing the knowledge
we have and helping to direct their lives towards
a better path.
7. A means to build a nation. The key to a nation's
progress lies in education
8. One learning means to educate and explore
children's potential. This potential is an
interesting thing because every year new
challenges will always emerge followed by new
potential to succeed. It means educating new
seeds with new innovations and improvisations
by guiding the, in order to create a qualified
9. Helping student to become successful. Students’
success will lead to the continuation of a
teacher's career. Every student who does not
know a matter and then learn to know it through
the help of the teacher, will give the teacher a
feeling of happiness, and when a student who is
predicted not bright in the class can be
successful in the hands of the teacher, this can
eliminate the stress due to the work. Let us
imagine the feeling when a student is successful
because of the hard work of the teacher.
Daoed Yoesoef (1980-
anitaiskhayati.wordpress.com) says, a teacher has
three main tasks, which are professional, human, and
social task. When related to a discussion regarding
culture, then the first task relates to logics and
aesthetics, the second and third tasks relate to ethics.
The professional duties of a teacher are to continue
or transfer knowledge, skills and other similar values
that are unknowledgable for children and should be
known by them.
Human tasks means the tasks of helping students
to fulfill their main and humanity tasks as well.
These human tasks consist of self-transformation,
self-identification and self-understanding,
comprehensive and integrated. Teachers, through
education, should be able to help students to develop
the power of thinking or reasoning in such a way
that they are able to participate creatively in the
process of cultural transformation that leads to
civilization in order to improve their own lives and
the lives of the entire community in which they live.
Educating children does not mean teaching them
only a set of knowledge. Educating means teaching
the children from an early age the ability to be ready
and capable to face the challenges of the future
world that will become their place of life. This
means instilling curiosity and a sense of love for
lifelong learning, creativity, courage to express
opinions and expression, and appreciation of all
forms of difference (among people).
Based on the background of the problem, the
formulation of the problem from the research
conducted are:
1. What is the level of motivation to become a
teacher a student majoring in Family Welfare
Vocational Education Department of UNNES,
either Culinary Education Study Program,
Fashion Study Program, Beauty Education
Study Program graduates?
2. What is the choice of work that is prioritized by
students majoring in Family Welfare Vocational
Education Department of UNNES when they
3. What is the main reason behind the choice of
work area that is prioritized by students
majoring in Family Welfare Vocational