Figure 7: Chart of Longitudinal Strength of PVC Ship.
If the two results of the calculation of bending stress
from the two types of ships are compared, then the
bending stress of the PVC vessel has a greater value,
or in other words the wooden material vessel has
better strength than the PVC vessel. The difference
is caused by different loading factors carried by each
ship with a factor of different size of profile section
(modulus). The difference in the distribution of
loading causes a difference in moments, as well as
the influence of its layout. The difference in cross
section modulus is due to differences in construction
systems and profile sizes. All of these factors will
determine the value of the longitudinal bending
Incompatibility in the size of the construction
profile on traditional ships which are generally wood
material is very possible. This is because the
manufacture of the wooden ship is based on
knowledge obtained from generation to generation,
without detailed calculations and design drawings.
A study has been carried out on wooden ships from
the fishing vessel in Gresik. Based on the BKI
reference, several measures of construction that are
appropriate and not appropriate are obtained. This
discrepancy results in a difference in stress values.
The stress that occurs in the construction of fishing
vessel in the field is greater than the stress that
occurs in the construction of fishing vessel, the
calculation of BKI, such as the tension that occurs
on the deck beam, keel, and bow height. While the
tension in ivory and wrangles is smaller than the
BKI calculation stress (Rachman, 2012). Yudo
H & Yoshikawa (2015) were obtained the maximum
bending moment for pipe under bending load shown
in equation:
Mmax= 0.52MCR1 = 0.314πErt2 (4)
So, by entering the pipe data will be obtained the
maximum moment that can be received by the PVC
Mmax = ( 7,01.105 + 5,4.105) N m
= 1,241.106 Nm
The maximum moment we get from PVC pipe data
is D = 14 "as many as 10 pieces and D = 12" as
many as 9 pieces with pipe thickness each t = 10
For maximum moments in hogging and sagging
conditions of PVC ships, the maximum moment that
occurs is equal to 8.8.104 Nm. So the safety factor is
The results of longitudinal bending stress analysis
that occur from the use of two different materials,
namely wood and PVC material, as a shipboard
material, are obtained:
a. Referring to the strong standard size of
materials from BKI, all stresses arising from
calculation results are below the material stress
value set by BKI..
b. The longitudinal bending stress resulting from
the calculation shows the stress of the PVC
vessel is greater than the stress that arises on
the wooden ship, thus the wooden vessel has a
better level of security than PVC ships.
c. PVC pipes can be used as ship hulls, by
arranging pipes. Lengthening strength depends
on how many pipes are arranged on the hull
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