Validity of Critical Factors Scale for SMEs Readiness in
Implementing Quality Management System
Darmawan Napitupulu
, Krisna Adiyarta
and Zulvia Khalid
Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Budi Luhur, Petukangan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Univesitas Budi Luhur, Petukangan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia
Keywords: Validity, Reliability, Critical Factors, ISO 9001, SMEs
Abstract: To be able to survive amid intense organizational competition, Small Medium Entrepreneurs (SMEs)
require strategies to improve the quality of products/services offered. Quality improvement is clearly needed
so that companies have high competitiveness. Good product/services can be produced by good internal
processes. ISO 9001 Quality Management System is a framework that has been used extensively by SMEs
to ensure the quality of the process. But not a few SMEs have successfully implemented and obtained QMS
certification. Many factors influence the process of implementing ISO 9001 QMS, especially in the context
of SMEs that have many limitations. This study aims to test the validity and reliability of scale for
implementing ISO 9001’s Critical Factors in SMEs level. The method used is a quantitative survey of four
SMEs that have successfully implemented and obtained ISO 9001 certification. Data from the survey were
analysed using the Aiken approach to show the level of validity and reliability. The results showed that of
the 20 items tested, only 19 items were met the criteria. Item of Employee Acceptance was eliminated from
scale because the implementation of ISO 9001 is mandatory for all stakeholders so the factors could be
To be able to survive in the midst of tight
organizational competition, every organization needs
a strategy to improve the quality of products /
services offered. Quality improvement is clearly
needed so that companies have high
competitiveness. Good product / services can be
produced by good internal processes. ISO 9001
Quality Management System is a framework that has
been used widely by various organizations to
improve performance and competitiveness.
Quality Management System (QMS) as a
framework certainly requires large resources and a
number of procedures that must be implemented
correctly so that the running process in the
organization is carried out consistently according to
agreed standards, where the objectives to be
achieved are the quality and productivity of the
organization (Maranhao, 2005) Based on the above
understanding, QMS does not only focus on
organizational structures that describe the duties and
responsibilities of personnel, but also explains how
and what each personnel must do to achieve
organizational goals. This is closely related to
process management in organizations (Moura,
2003). In other words, process management is
important to optimize all available resources and
QMS helps organizations to manage business
processes that run better (Psomas, 2010). The
process is standardized so that there is harmony
between process objectives and customer needs
(Conti, 2004; Miguel, 2001). The success of an
organization is not related to the choice of certain
standards but rather to how the standard
implementation process is carried out properly so
that it can finally obtain recognition in the form of
certification. Among the existing standards, QMS
ISO 9001 has been adopted globally and recognized
by various organizations in the world. The QMS ISO
9001 is designed based on a process model that can
be applied to various business or organizational
models. The ISO 9001 standard is written in general
(not technical) language so that it can be understood
by various parties (Pearch & Kitka, 2010) This can
be shown by the growth of ISO 9001 QMS
penetration every year where the system is adopted
with motivation that is improving efficiency,
competitiveness, satisfaction customers (Psomas,
Napitupulu, D., Adiyarta, K. and Khalid, Z.
Validity of Critical Factors Scale for SMEs Readiness in Implementing Quality Management System.
DOI: 10.5220/0009491400130018
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 13-18
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2010; Magd, 2008). In the early years, ISO 9001
QMS was widely applied to industrial scale, but
currently almost all sectors have implemented this
standard including the SMEs sector (Boiral, 2003).
Figure 1 below illustrates the growth of ISO 9001
QMS penetration in recent years as follows:
Figure 1: Growth of ISO 9001 Penetration (ISO, 2014)
The implementation of ISO 9001 QMS correctly can
provide benefits exceeding the costs incurred
because QMS can improve performance and build
sustainable competitive advantage (Lin & Jang,
2008; Augustyn & Pheby, 2000). The advantage of
implementing QMS according to some literature is
increasing awareness of the importance of quality
and customer satisfaction, reducing costs and
customer complaints, standardizing work procedures
and improving communication and increasing
market share (Cebeci & Beskese, 2002; Dwyer,
2002; Herasm 2002; Arauz & Suzuki , 2004).
However, it should be noted that the implementation
of QMS in an organization will not produce optimal
results if not done correctly (Psomas, 2010).
Undeniably, many organizations are implementing
ISO 9001 QMS just to get certification so that the
quality of the process is ignored (Claver & Molina,
2003). Certification is often the demand of
customers or organizations that must be fulfilled as
one of the business requirements. As a result, many
organizations prioritize certification and override
product / service quality improvements that should
be the focus of the organization. Although this
certification is actually much criticized, because this
is not a riskless job.
In fact, many SMEs have difficulties in
implementing QMS 9001 to obtain certification
(Gustafsson, 2001; Trust, 2006; Yuwono, 2012).
Many obstacles faced by SMEs range from limited
resources, expertise and skills to rejection from
internal stakeholders (Nwankwo, 2000; Hudson,
2001; Garengo, 2007). In order to ensure the
deployment of an ISO 9001 effective QMS, it is
intended to identify and validate some critical
factors to ensure the successful implementation of
ISO 9001 QMS. Researchers have already found
twenty (20) Critical Factors from literature-based
and in this research, The validity of all factors has
been certified in QMS ISO 9001.
Validity in research is a very important problem
because it involves the accuracy of the measuring
instrument used. It can be interpreted that an
improper instrument will have implications for the
validity of the results of the research itself. Validity
determines the extent to which a measuring
instrument actually describes what is being
measured. In practice, psychometrics experts have
developed various ways, techniques and methods to
improve the validity of items on instruments, one of
which is through content validity which is the first
step in assessing the suitability of the scale items
used. This evaluated the significance of critical
factors of ISO 9001 implementation for SMEs
context is proposed through its content validity.
Content validity reflects the representation and
relevance of a set of items used to measure a concept
that is carried out through a rational analysis of the
content of the test through an expert panel
assessment. Content validity refers to the accuracy
of measurements based on instrument content to
ensure that the scale items used have fulfilled the
entire contents of the concept or the suitability of the
Content validity is the validity estimated through
testing of the feasibility or relevance of the test
content through rational analysis by a competent
panel or through expert judgment. Content validity
ensures that measurements include a sufficient and
representative set of items that reveal the concept.
The more the item scale reflects all the concepts
measured, the greater the validity of the contents. In
other words, content validity is a function of how
well the dimensions and elements of a concept have
been described (Sekaran, 2006). Content validity is
done to ascertain whether the contents of the
questionnaire are appropriate and relevant to the
purpose of the study. The validity of the content
shows the contents reflecting the complete range of
attributes under study (Devon et al, 2007). Estimates
of the validity of the content of the tests are obtained
thoroughly and systematically in examining test
items to determine the extent to which they reflect
and do not reflect the content domain (Kowsalya,
2012). Thus, content validity shows the high and
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
low agreement among experts who assess the
feasibility of a measurement scale (Azwar, 2012).
As said, content validity is the representation of
content that should be to evaluate (Napitupulu,
2005). Content validity should be conducted in the
instrument development stage and also judgmental
one (Burns, N., & Grove, 1993). Developing
instrument had the purpose of understanding the
construct that is being measured. The constructs
could be obtained from qualitative ways such as
literature reviews, interviews, and focus groups.
Selecting the domain of constructs will bring
undoubtedly research variables, scope and elements
of the subject could be obtained.
In the other hand, the instrument judgment stage
is based on expert opinion that surveyed with a
questionnaire in quantitative ways (Yaghmaie,
2003). In this case, during testing, the validity of an
item, an expert gave opinion or agreement according
to the measurement item that is being assessed.
Content validity is determined by professional or
expert and assessed through an expert agreement,
not by the researcher (Yang, 2011). In another word,
content validity shows the extent of expert
agreement toward item or construct in the instrument
being assessed. Involvement of at least five to ten
experts in the same domain was valuable to evaluate
each item or construct of the instrument (Yaghmaie,
2003). Conducting the content validity become the
main activity in testing instrument had been
designed. Therefore, this study used quantitative
survey to explore expert agreement or opinion about
critical factors of ISO 9001 implementation as items
proposed in the instrument. Based on expert
comment or rating quantitatively, the statistical
approach used to measure the extent of instrument
validity. In this research, we tested the validity using
Aiken approach (1980, 1985) that widely used to
validate a scale (Yu, 1993; Lai & Chang, 2007;
Aiken, 1980; Aiken, 1985). The extent of agreement
between experts indicated the significance of items,
and it was calculated symbolized by V coefficient.
Content validity coefficient (V) has a value
between 0 to 1 where the higher the value of the
coefficient V, the higher the validity of the contents.
In other words, if the content validity coefficient (V)
is large and reaches the standard of significance
specified for a number of experts (expert) it can be
said that the item tested has good content validity.
The value of the coefficient V depends on the rating
category or scale (c) which has a range from 2 to 7
and the number of items (m) or experts as an
appraiser (n) that has a range of 2 to 25 (Aiken,
1985). V coefficient based on Aiken was formulated
(Aiken, 1980; Aiken, 1985):
V = S / [ n (c-1) ] (1)
S = r lo (2)
With n is the number of experts. The coefficient of
V had a value from lowest 0 to maximum of 1.
According to Aiken Table (Aiken, 1980; Aiken,
1985), content validity index (V) required of the
item is significant if above the cut off value 0.75
(V>0.75). It means if the validity index of the item
below 0.78 (V>0.75). It means if the validity index
of the item below 0.70 (V<0.75), an item doesn't
have a good content validity or not significant (Yu,
1993, Lai & Chang, 2007; Aiken, 1985; Cohen,
In the other hand, V Coefficient was confirmed by
the extent of consistency of items namely
homogeneity reliability. Homogeneity reliability is
used to test how much consistency among experts in
giving the same inter-rater agreement to a
measurement item. Homogeneity reliability was
calculated symboliezed by H coefficient. H
coefficient based on Aiken was formulated (Yu,
1993, Lai & Chang, 2007; Aiken, 1985; Azwar,
H = 1 - S / (c-1) (n
-k) (3)
With n is some experts.
The reliability coefficient of homogeneity (H) also
has a range of values between 0 to 1 where the
higher the value of the H coefficient, the higher the
reliability of the homogeneity. In other words, if the
reliability coefficient of homogeneity (H) is large
and reaches a standard of significance determined
for a number of experts, it can be said that the tested
item has good internal reliability or consistency. The
value of the H coefficient also depends on the rating
category or scale (c) which has a range from 2 to 7
and the number of items (m) or experts as an
appraiser (n) that has a range of 2 to 25.
Another approach to testing content validity is
the CVR (content validity ratio) proposed by
Lawshe (1975). The weakness of the CVR approach
proposed by Lawshe (1975) is that the coefficient
value generated by this approach can be negative
because it ranges from -1 to +1. In addition to the
Lawshe approach, there is no assessment standard
that shows the coefficient can be considered
significant or not. In other words the standard of
Validity of Critical Factors Scale for SMEs Readiness in Implementing Quality Management System
significance is not explicitly defined so that the
justification of the importance of an item in
measurement becomes unclear (Yu, 1993). In
another side, some researchers proposed Cohen’s
kappa introduced by Jacob Cohen (1960), as a robust
method for nominal scale collecting data comparing
to Aiken (Cohen, 1960). However, we use Aiken
approach since we collect and analyze data based on
five points scale yaitu 1 (strongly disagree), 2
(disagree), 3 (netral), 4 (agree) and 5 (strongly
agree) for each item asked.
Instruments containing 20 items using a Likert
scale were distributed to five SMEs who had
implemented and managed to get international
recognition in the form of ISO 9001 certification. Of
the four SMEs there were 8 people surveyed and
asked for their level of approval of the list of critical
factors submitted. All 8 people are owners and
managers who understand the application of ISO
9001 in their organizations.
At this stage, each item is validated in the form of
critical factors in the instrument that has been
obtained with the help of expert judgment. A total of
8 experts were involved in the instrument validation
activities using the Delphi technique. The Delphi
technique has been widely used and accepted to
achieve convergence of opinions about real-world
knowledge requested from experts in certain topics.
Delphi technique is designed as a group
communication process that conducts detailed
examinations and discussion of specific issues aimed
at setting goals, research policies or predictions of
future events (Hsu & Sanford, 2007). Unlike the
Focus Group Discussion (FGD), the experts were
not met face-to-face, and the identities of each
expert were hidden so that each expert did not know
the identity of the other expert. This aims to avoid
the domination of other experts and can minimize
biased opinions (Boar, 2001) as often happens in
FGDs (Afiyanti, 2008).
To reach an agreement regarding critical factors
that are considered important by experts, the Delphi
process is carried out up to 2 rounds. The results of
the instrument validity test with Aiken approach in
round 1 can be shown as follows:
Table 1: Instrument Validity Test (Round 1
Critical Factors of
ISO 9001 in SMEs
Validity (V)
Customer Focus
Top Management Support
Information & Analysis
Strategy & Planning
Training & Development
Design Quality
Process Control
Continuous Improvement
Enough Funding
Supplier Quality
Infrastructure &
Team Involvement
Clear Job Responsibility
Awareness of ISO 9001
Quality Oriented Culture
Employee Acceptance
Cooperation &
In Table 1, the validity of the instrument has been
tested, especially each item in the form of critical
factors ISO 9001 for SMEs. The test results with the
Aiken approach show the validity coefficient (V) has
a range from 0.66 to 0.90. Based on Aiken's
minimum significance requirement, for 8 experts
with 5 rating scales, each item must have a greater
coefficient value of 0.75 (V> 0.75). Of the 20 items,
five invalid items were found based on expert
opinions, namely the Involvement Team (0.72),
Employee Acceptance (0.66), Cooperation &
Teamwork (0.69), Communication (0.72) and Audit
(0.72). This indicates that the coefficient V does not
exceed 0.75 (V <0.75) according to the minimum
requirements. In other words, the five items are not
considered significant by expert opinion so the
consequences can be eliminated from Table 1 above.
However, after seeing that not all experts have the
same opinion or reach agreement on these five
factors, considering this matter should be carried out
by Dephi round 2 to obtain consensus. Validity test
results of round 2 instruments can be shown in Table
2 especially for the five items that have not reached
an expert agreement.
Table 2: Instrument Validity Test (Round 2
Critical Factors of
ISO 9001 in SMEs
Validity (V)
Team Involvement
Employee Acceptance
Cooperation & Teamwork
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
Based on Table 2 the instrument validity testing
process was carried out on some invalid items in the
first round. After being re-confirmed to the expert
with an explanation, finally an agreement or
consensus can be found where only the Employee
Acceptance item is invalid with a coefficient of V
0.50 (V <0.50). This is in the opinion of experts that
the application of ISO 9001 is an obligation that
must be carried out by all stakeholders. Because it is
mandatory or mandatory, the Employee Acceptance
factor is no longer important. Even more important
is preparing employees through training and
socialization so that they are capable of carrying out
tasks related to ISO 9001. Furthermore, the next
stage will also be tested the level of reliability or
consistency of experts. Instrument reliability test
results can be shown in Table 3 as follows:
Table 3: Instrument Reliability Test
Critical Factors of
ISO 9001 in SMEs
(H) Aiken
Customer Focus
Top Management Support
Information & Analysis
Strategy & Planning
Training & Development
Design Quality
Process Control
Continuous Improvement
Enough Funding
Supplier Quality Management
Infrastructure & Technology
Team Involvement
Clear Job Responsibility
Awareness of ISO 9001
Quality Oriented Culture
Employee Acceptance
Cooperation & Teamwork
The reliability coefficient value in Aiken is called
the homogeneity-reliabilty coefficient (H). Based on
Table 3 above, it can be shown that the reliability
coefficient has a range between 0.88 to 0.90. Based
on Aiken's minimum significance requirement, for 8
experts with 5 rating scales, each item must have a
greater coefficient value of 0.67 (H> 0.67). In Table
3 it can be seen that the entire item has met the
threshold value of the coefficient that is considered
significant, namely H> 0.67. But for Employee
Acceptance items with a high coefficient value of
0.93. This shows that all experts consistently agree
to issue the item on the proposed scale. Thus it can
be said that the instrument has been tested for
reliability and shows good internal consistency. The
total of 19 items obtained in this study have met the
required validity and reliability criteria so that this
paper contributes. The importance of this research
can provide information regarding what key factors
should be considered by SMEs in order to support
the successful implementation of ISO 9001 in their
This study contributes to critical factors in
implementing ISO 9001 in SMEs. The results of the
validity and reliability test show that there are 19
critical factors that meet the minimum criteria or
requirements. Other contributions are the use of
Delphi techniques and Aiken's approach in testing
the validity and reliability that had not previously
been used especially in critical factors studies on the
application of ISO 9001 in SMEs. Further research
is in the form of elaborating operational definitions
and measurement indicators because critical factors
are generally still latent so that instruments can be
used to evaluate the success rate of SMEs in
implementing ISO 9001.
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UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science