Building Television Brand Image through Public Relations
Regarding Technology Innovation
Mochamad Syaefudin
, Umaimah Wahid
, Indah Suryawati
and Darmawan Napitupulu
Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Budi Luhur, Petukangan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Univesitas Budi Luhur, Petukangan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Public Relations, Brand Image, Innovation, Citizen, Journalist
Abstract: As the new TV, NET comes with a variety of formats and content that is different from the existing
television, this makes the strategy that must be done to build a brand image must be different from other
televisions. This study aims to find out the public relations strategy to build a brand image in technological
innovation and the production of a case study television program on a citizen journalist program on NET
TV. The focus of the problem is on how the strategies used to build brand image in technological innovation
and the production of case study television programs in citizen journalist programs on NET TV. The theory
used is the theory of diffusion of innovation and SWOT analysis. The research paradigm is post positivism,
the qualitative approach and the method used are case studies. Data collection is done by interviews and
observation. The results of the study show that the public relations strategy carried out has been going well,
but it is not yet in line with the good share and television ratings.
The television industry in Indonesia is currently
developing. This development was marked by the
emergence of stations both local and national scale.
But the pace of development of the homeland
television industry is currently not balanced with
good broadcast quality. This is evidenced by the
number of public complaints about television
programs that have entered the Indonesian
broadcasting commission, which has increased from
year to year.
Television is essentially a cultural phenomenon
and medium for cultural activity (Burton, 2000: 1).
McQuail (2005: 4) explains that television is the
main channel and embodiment of a culture, as an
illustration of social reality of social identity, ideas,
beliefs, and values. As one of the most popular types
of mass media, television forms a way of thinking,
disseminates messages that reflect culture in society,
and provides information for diverse communities.
Amid the rapid progress and tight competition in
the homeland television industry, NET TV with
today's television slogans is one of the alternative
entertainment shows. NET TV is transformed into a
format and program content that is different from
other television stations. In accordance with the
development of information technology, NET TV
was established with the spirit that entertainment and
information content in the future will be increasingly
connected, more popular, more profound, more
personal and easier to access. Because of that, since
the beginning, NET TV came up with the
multiplatform concept so that viewers can access
shows indefinitely, anytime and anywhere.
But as a new television station, NET TV does not
escape various problems and obstacles in realizing
its idealism. This makes the NET TV brand image in
the community not well developed. This can be seen
from the acquisition of a small number of viewers
and low ratings and shares.
Public relations is one division in an organization
that has a very vital role. PR is a management
function that helps create and maintain reciprocal
lines of communication, understanding, acceptance
and cooperation between an organization and its
people. PR is very necessary in building and
maintaining the image and reputation of a company
that in a crisis situation, PR is the spearhead of the
problems faced by the company. Therefore building
an image or image of a company is not an easy
matter because through a long process, many steps
must be done starting from the introduction of the
Syaefudin, M., Wahid, U., Suryawati, I. and Napitupulu, D.
Building Television Brand Image through Public Relations Regarding Technology Innovation.
DOI: 10.5220/0009491800350038
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 35-38
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
program and maintaining the consistency of the
quality of the television program.
Regarding image development, especially for
new companies and using kabaharuan ideas, many
companies have to do things in building brand image
in the eyes of the public, both directly and indirectly.
Based on the research focus, the problem of this
research is: How does the Public Relations strategy
build a brand image in technological innovation and
the production of television programs (case studies
in the citizen journalist program on NET TV)? The
purpose of this study was to find out and explain
"How does the Public Relations strategy build a
brand image in technological innovation and the
production of television programs (case studies in
the citizen journalist program on NET TV)".
Diffusion Theory Innovation is a process of
spreading the absorption of ideas or new things in an
effort to change a society that occurs continuously
from one place to another, from a period of time to
the following period of time, from a particular field
to other fields to a group of members of the social
system. (Rogers, 1983; 227).
SWOT is an acronym for strengths (weaknesses),
weaknesses (weaknesses), opportunities
(opportunities), and threats (threats) from the
external environment of the company. According
Jogiyanto (2005: 46), SWOT is used to assess the
strengths and weaknesses of resources owned by the
company and external opportunities and challenges
According to David (Fred R. David, 2008.8), all
organizations have strengths and weaknesses in the
functional area of business. No company is as strong
or weak in all business areas. Internal strengths /
weaknesses, combined with opportunities / threats
from external and clear mission statements, form the
basis for setting goals and strategies. Objectives and
strategies are set with the intention of utilizing
internal strengths and overcoming weaknesses.
This study uses the Post-Positivism paradigm.
Postpositivism is a flow that wants to improve
weaknesses in positivism by using qualitative
research methods with a case study approach.
According Sugiyono (2009; 225) in his book
entitled Quantitative Research Methods, Qualitative
and R & D, states that in qualitative research, data is
obtained from various sources, using various data
collection techniques (triangulation) and carried out
continuously until the data is saturated .While other
opinions are still according to Sugiyono (2009; 225)
data collection techniques can be done by
observation (observation), interview (interview),
questionnaire (questionnaire), documentation and
the fourth combination (triangulation).
Primary data is the source of data obtained
directly from the original source (not through
intermediary media). Primary data can be in the
form of subject opinion (people) individually or in
groups, the results of observations of an object
(physical), events or activities, and the results of
testing. Secondary data is a source of research data
obtained by researchers indirectly through
intermediary media (obtained and recorded by other
parties). Secondary data is generally in the form of
historical evidence, records or reports that have been
arranged in archives (documentary data) published
and unpublished.
According to Sugiyono in his book Quantitative
Research Methods, Qualitative & RD (2011: 267)
states that the validity of the data in a qualitative
study refers more to the extent to which the data
obtained is accurate and in accordance with the
reality in the field.
In this study researchers used source
triangulation. According to Moeleong (2005: 330)
triangulation of sources is comparing and checking
both the degree of information obtained through
different time and tools in qualitative research,
checking data obtained from employees, then
checking the data by asking other employees
continuously until it occurs data saturation which
means no new data is found.
Since officially airing in early 2013, NET TV has
been broadcast with a multiplatform concept so that
the strategy used in building a brand image or its
corporate brand image not only conducts
conventional public relations activities but also puts
forward an integrated process. An integrated strategy
means combining several strategies that are
interrelated with each other with the aim of
achieving all targets that have been set. Like the
special concept of an event held by NET TV, it was
given different content and packaging that had never
existed before.
The innovations made by NET TV are not only
limited to the use of technology tools that have used
high definition broadcast formats from upstream to
downstream, but innovation is also carried out on
every content or show on NET TV. A new, unique
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
and different program from other television is 3
important points that must be included in each NET
TV program.
NET citizen journalist or NET CJ is a television
program as well as a digital program that allows
citizens from various regions and abroad to share
information around them. In addition to airing on
television, NET CJ also airs on various
multiplatforms such as on the website,
NET Z programs and social media application
platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
Line, YouTube, Zulu and others.
As a television today that targets AB market, the
content or issues discussed in the NET citizen
journalist are also diverse and prioritize content that
is preferred by young people. Starting from
moments or events, traveling, culinary, hobbies,
unique, inspiring, culture, environment, public
affairs, and so on. In addition to the content of the
show that prioritizes young people, innovation is
also carried out in the packaging package program
using a contemporary approach or treatment
coverage as made into a blog/vlog video, drones,
unique videos and video tutorials.
The acquisition of awareness or the level of
public awareness of NET TV is quite high at 90
percent. the share of television stations and ratings
also influences the success of a brand image because
this television rating and share is often the main
reference for advertisers or advertisers to advertise
on the television. But the level of awareness that is
quite good has not been in line with the acquisition
of shares and ratings.Based on the SWOT Matrix, 4
steps of the strategy are obtained as follows:
1. SO (Strenghts-Opportunities) Strategy: There
are 2 strategies used, namely a.) As the only
TV that focuses on working on the market and
the majority of young people's human
resources and the growing community of
spectators in the area, it can be used to achieve
two opportunities at a time like progress
technology and social media that can provide
convenience in accessing TV programs and
there are still few television programs
targeting young people. b.) With good brand
image capital on social media, it can be used
to seize opportunities to get 2 opportunities at
once, such as technological advances and
social media that can provide convenience in
accessing TV programs and there are still few
television programs targeting young people.
2. ST (Strenghts - Threaths) Strategy There is
one strategy that is used as the only TV that
focuses on working on the market and the
majority of young people's HR and the
beginning of the growing community of
spectators in the area can be used to overcome
the same TV programs on other televisions.
3. WO (Weakness-Opportunities) strategy there
is one strategy that is used, namely
technological advancement and social media
that provides convenience in accessing TV
programs and there are still few TV programs
targeting young people, can be used to cover 2
weaknesses at the same time rating and share
still low and television programs that have not
been much liked.
4. WT (Weakness-Threaths) Strategy There is
one strategy that is used that is by increasing
rating and sharing and creating more creative
TV programs so that it is preferred to reduce 2
threats as well as the development of the
digital world that makes young viewers lazy to
watch TV and similar programs many appear
on other TVs.
Based on the result and analysis conducted in this
research, there are some conclusions could be
1. NET TV's public relations strategy in building
a brand image as a television today, by
targeting the AB class as its main target is to
carry out an integrated special event and
maximize the use of social media in each
event it holds. Besides holding special events,
NET TV also still relies on conventional
public relations activities such as press
conferences, media gatherings and so on.
2. The NET TV in the theory of innovation
diffusion has carried out various innovations
ranging from technology tools that have used
digital formats with high definition image
quality (HD) from upstream to downstream to
television program production innovations.
3. Technological innovations and television
program production occur in all NET TV
television programs in both entertainment and
news programs. Specifically in the NET
Citizen Journalist program, innovation is
carried out from the production process to the
post-production program.
4. The production innovation of the NET Citizen
Journalist program is done by promoting
content that is liked by young people such as
traveling, culinary, hobby, unique, inspiring,
Building Television Brand Image through Public Relations Regarding Technology Innovation
culture, environment, public affairs. and
package it with the style and usage of words
typical of young people such as made video
blogs or vlogs, drones, unique videos and
video tutorials and promote their shows in
various social media applications such as
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Line, YouTube
and Zulu.
5. Evaluation of programs for NET Citizen
Journalist programs is always done
periodically both on chat on whats app, daily
and weekly evaluations followed by the entire
editorial board. This evaluation is to discuss
overall about content, technical, pre to post-
production processes, share and rating
acquisition, the obstacles and souls carried out
and everything related to the NET Citizen
Journalist program so that in the future it can
continue to make improvements in a better
In this study there are still many deficiencies in the
presentation of valid and accurate data. Therefore
for those who want to do research using the same
research object, it is expected to be able to present
more valid and accurate data. The NET Citizen
Journalist program is expected to remain due to the
huge enthusiasm of the citizens, this can be seen
from the increasing number of members or citizen
journalist members from year to year who come
from various regions starting from within and
outside the country. Then, NET must also keep
abreast of the times, especially the latest
content/trends that are in demand among young
people and adopt it on all media platforms.
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UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science