decisions. Decision Support System as a system that
is ready to be developed and expanded so that it can
support data analysis and modeling a decision,
oriented towards future planning, and used in units
of irregular and unplanned time intervals(Simarmata
et al., 2018).
2.2 Simple Additive Weighting Method (SAW)
Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making
(FMADM) is a method to find optimal a alternatives
from a number of alternatives that exist with certain
criteria by determining the weight value on each
attribute, then proceed to the ranking process for
selecting (Limbong and Limbong,
2018)(Nofriansyah and Defit, 2017). There are 3
(three) approaches looking for attribute weight
values, namely with a subjective approach, with an
objective approach and with an integrated approach
between subjective and objective. With a subjective
approach the value of weight is taken based on
subjectivity so that several factors the alternative
ranking process can be determined freely(Limbong,
2013a). While the objective approach, the weight
value is calculated by mathematical formula must
ignore the subjectivity of the decision maker.
The Simple Additive Weighting method is also
known as the weighted addition method. The
concept of the Simple Additive Weighting method is
to find a weighted sum of each performance rating
on each alternative on all attributes.
……. (2.1)
Under the condition :
a. The profit attribute if the attribute gives a
benefit to the decision maker and the cost
attribute is the attribute that provides
expenditure if the value increases for decision
makers [5].
b. In the form of profit attributes, the value (X
) of
each attribute column is divided by the value
) from each column, while for the cost
attribute using the MIN value (X
) of each
attribute column divided by the value (X
) for
each column.
Specifies the Preference value:
A higher V
value indicates that the alternative
is a better alternative.
2.3. Quality of Teaching Teachers
Teacher quality is the ability possessed by a teacher
to be transferred to his students. Important activities
that are needed by a teacher in improving the quality
of teaching so that they can continue to support their
promotion to the highest level. First, teachers must
exchange ideas about matters relating to experience
developing a knowledge of subject matter and
interaction with students (Limbong, 2013b). This
exchange of ideas can be carried out in the teacher
in a teacher's work studio, or in seminars related to
that (Sudarsana et al., 2018). Scientific activities
must always raise the topic of discussion about all
that is applicable. That is, each meeting result must
be used directly to improve the quality of the
teaching and learning process. It should be noted, in
a scientific activity such as this, it is better that
factors which are of a structural administrative
nature must be ignored and not included. For
example, it is not necessary and is not mandatory
that the head of each meeting must be the principal.
3.1. Problem analysis
Assessing the quality of teaching teachers in schools
is not a simple matter. There needs to be good ability
in making a standard of assessment. The standard for
evaluating the quality of teaching good teachers does
not just appear. Need agreement from the party that
will assess (the principal) and the teacher to be
assessed. Thus the process of assessing the quality of
teaching teachers is achieved, not to find fault but to
improve quality so that learning activities in the
school can run better, and how the school can help
teachers better in conducting learning in the
Table 1: Percentage values for criteria