Rights is required to maintain service quality and
integrity in order to maintain the status of Corruption-
Free Zone (Wilayah Bebas Korupsi) and Clean and
Serving Bureaucracy Zone (Wilayah Birokrasi Bersih
dan Melayani) from the Ministry of Empowerment of
State Apparatus and Bureaucracy Reform, which has
been achieved since 2016. Several complaints in
public service must of course be minimized because
it can disrupt the objectives of the organization that is
oriented to excellent service. Since the existence of
“E-LAPOR” application in 2015, there were 242
complaints entered the system where the complaints
can also be seen and connected with the system
General Secretary of each Ministry. Meanwhile, for
the first semester of 2018 there have been 60
complaints, where Immigration service received the
most complaints, 55, then Correctional with 4
complaints, and legal services contribute to one
complaint. Moreover, according to recent data in the
third quarter, there were 8 complaints entering the
system (according to the office’s Public Relations
data ), and of course this is a boomerang if the report
/ public complaint is not immediately followed up.
In addition to service, accountability and
structuring HR is also a very important thing to assess
employee performance in supporting performance
achievements because inside of it there is a part of
employee performance targets that will support it,
including commitment, cooperation and leadership
factors. The work plan should be carried out
according to the schedule, that is, at the time of the
initial preparation of the activities, the
implementation must be given more attention,
because there are still many activities carried out after
the second semester. In fact, in evaluating the
achievement of good performance, the work calendar
that has been prepared is really in accordance with the
target to be achieved. The activities compiled in the
first semester should be carried out in the first
semester as well, otherwise they will reduce the
quality of output from the performance achievements
that has been prepared at the beginning of the year.
The fact is that there are still many activities that have
been boosted at the end of the year with the aim that
the budget absorption achieved gets good percentage
in accordance with the performance target. This must
be evaluated so that the work plan and work calendar
are in accordance with the performance targets so that
the output produced in the performance achievement
is truly high quality.
To realize the quality of public services and the
achievement of performance in accordance with the
target and work calendar and HR arrangement in an
organization contained in 8 (eight) areas of change,
surely the role of the leader has a considerable
contribution. The role of leadership is very strategic
and important in an organization as one of the success
determinants to achieve the mission, vision and goals
of an organization. Therefore, the challenge in
developing a clear organizational strategy mainly lies
in the organization on the one hand and depends on
leadership (Porter, 1996).
The right leadership style in moving and directing
all potential employees to realize organizational
stability and increasing productivity oriented to
organizational goals is transformational leadership
because it describes a process where leaders bring
significant positive changes to individuals, groups,
teams and organizations (Avolio, et al., 1990).
Transformational leadership is described as a
leadership style that motivates employees by giving
individual attention to each follower (Bass, 1985).
Transformational leadership is also able to provide a
positive example to subordinates. Positive behavior
can be in the form of taking risks together and
instilling a sense of pride in their subordinates and
always motivating their employees to perform higher
than the expected.
However, the goal or success of an organization
is not only from a transformational leader, it also
requires employees as driving forces as well as targets
for change. Transformational leadership must be able
to give more freedom to employees who lack the
freedom to be more creative and innovative and to be
involved in making organizational decisions.
Previously, creative and proactive culture in
bureaucratic organizations was less developed and
employees were merely technical implementers who
were in the lowest structure of bureaucracy and
worked after orders/dispositions from superiors.
To realize competency, employees need to be
more empowered to develop their existing potential
and provide other ways of working, which is by
giving empowerment to employees (Lovelock and
Wirtz, 2010). Empowerment is a time when
organizations equip employees with autonomy or
power to make decisions when they face everyday’s
life in the work environment (Haas, 2010). With the
provision of empowerment, of course, employees are
expected to be able to improve their abilities,
knowledge, creativity and quality of work.
Employees can be motivated, motivated to believe in
their ability to do the tasks given to succeed.
Employees must be able to make decisions and
employees must be able to think correctly and quickly
when facing problems that occur right away.
Empowerment is part of the process and also the
organizational context. Empowerment not only
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science