unoptimal voter participation rate. Data from the
Regional Election Commission of Karawang
Regency stated that the level of community
participation was 1,044,416. (66.80%) in the Regent
and Deputy Regent of Karawang District Election.
This legitimate vote number shows that there is still
a low level of public awareness in Karawang
Regency in using political rights and voter turnout.
Some of the problems related to the simultaneous
socialization of 2015 Election in Karawang Regency
in reality hinder at each stage of the elections which
of course needs to be overcome by evaluating the
implementation of simultaneous election
socialization programs in Karawang Regency. The
research is important to do in order to provide
concepts / models regarding the simultaneous
election socialization program that is ideal in
Karawang Regency.
Based on the description of the background
above, the focus of the research is formulated on
several things as follows:
1. What is the design component of the 2015
simultaneous election socialization program?
2. What is the availability and quality of the
components of the installation of the 2015
simultaneous local election socialization
3. What are the components of the implementation
of the 2015 simultaneous Pilkada socialization
What are the components of the 2015
simultaneous local election socialization program?
Program evaluation is a systematic method for
gathering, analyzing, and using information to
answer questions about projects, policies and
programs specifically about their effectiveness and
efficiency (Wirawan, 2011). In both the public and
private sectors, stakeholders often want to know
whether the program is in funding, the
implementation of the activity process can be
accepted or rejected with the desired results and
level of influence and power. While the first
program evaluation focuses around this definition of
the effect under consideration. Questions about the
budget efficiency of each program, how the program
can be improved, is this program valuable and
meaningful, are there better alternatives, if there are
unwanted results, and whether there are appropriate
and useful goal programs Likewise evaluation helps
to answer these questions useful for evaluators and
stakeholders.(Creswell, 2009)
There are various models of evaluation research
proposed by evaluation research experts. The models
compiled by these experts are used as guidelines for
systematically evaluating a program and each model
has a different approach. Each of these models has
its own advantages and disadvantages, so it cannot
be noted that this model is better than others, but
adjusted for the needs needed in the study.
According to Fitzpatrick et al(Fitzpatrick, Sanders
and Worthen, 2004). Provide a category for each
evaluation model that shows that evaluation
activities refer to:
a. Purposes-based evaluation approach;
b. Management-based evaluation approach;
c. Client / service user based evaluation approach;
d. Expertise-based evaluation approach; and
e. The evaluation approach is based on
participation in the program.
Simultaneous elections are far more efficient.
One important aspect that is considered in the
implementation of general elections is time and
budget efficiency. Based on this, a system needs to
be created so that elections are only carried out in
one round, but by still taking into account the
legitimacy aspects of the elected regional head
candidates. Based on this, the Law stipulates that the
candidate pairs who get the most votes are
determined as the elected candidate pair.
Definition of Political Socialization
Political socialization is "the study of developmental
processes in which people of all ages and
adolescents acquire cognition and knowledge about
politics, attitudes, and behavior".(Powell and
Cowart, 2017) This refers to the learning process in
which norms and behaviors that can be accepted for
the political system that run by being transmitted
from one generation to another. This is a result that
individuals are promoted into political culture and
their orientation towards political objects is
formed.(Ruhela, 2003)
a. Purpose of Simultaneous Local Election
The purpose of the simultaneous regional election is
the creation of effectiveness and efficiency(Akbar,
2016). The budget saving point arises when the KPU
finances the fees for TPS officers because in the
Governor election, together with the election of the
Regent or Mayor, the financing for TPS officers
only needs to be paid once including the cost of
technical guidance, socialization costs, and other
costs of financing one election times. Concurrent
elections also had a positive impact on the party.
The party has time to take care of its constituents
because it is not bothered to have to prepare for
elections every time like now. Simultaneous
elections will also encourage the party to work