Evaluation of the Regional Election Commission Performance in
Implementing the Socialization Program in Simultaneosly General
Election in Karawang Regional District
Sitti Hikmawatty
, Bedjo Sujanto
Doctoral Program, Management of Science Jakarta State University
Keywords: Evaluation, Performance, Socialization Program, Human Capital Management
Abstract: This study is an evaluative research, aiming to describe the performance of the regional ELECTION
COMMISSION in carrying out simultaneously election socialization program in Karawang district. The
research uses a qualitative approach, with the method using evaluation model from Discrepancy Evaluation
Model (DEM) model developed by Malcolm Provus.The place of study in Karawang. The data collected
using the methods of observation, documentation and interviews, where the results of the validation of the
instrument is carried out with the method of triangulation. Analysis of the evaluative basis by using DEM
model. The research show: (1) Results of evaluation and analysis of the design components of the 2015
simultaneous Pilkada socialization program are accordance with the regulation and law Number 1 Year
2015 concerning Election of Governors, Regents, and Mayors. (2) Results of evaluation and analysis of
installation components to support the 2015 simultaneous regional socialization program. KPU Karawang
need a Mastery of Material, they did a number of things in an effort to master the material related to local
elections simultaneously, the effort was carried out through the dissemination of information related to
simultaneous local elections conducted in Karawang Regency. (3) Results of evaluation and analysis of
implementation components are still less from the expectation. both in terms of quality and quantity. (4).
The observation results illustrate that the socialization media is still not reliable.
The democratic system as applied in Indonesia is
known that the people have an important role in the
affairs of the state (Akbar, 2016), this gives an
opportunity for the people of Indonesia to give their
participation in political activities. The Pilkada was
carried out in realities where the simultaneous
elections were followed by 9 (nine) elections for the
Governor and Deputy Governor, 36 (thirty six)
elections for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, 224 (out
of twenty-four) elections for the Regent and Deputy
Regent. Whereas in West Java which has a dense
population in the title 7 (seven) regional and district
head elections. These areas are Depok City,
Sukabumi Regency, Cianjur Regency, Bandung
Regency, Indramayu Regency, Pangandaran
Regency and Karawang Regency (Chaniago, 2016).
The Karawang regency is a regency that has a large
number of voting rights, namely 788,935 male
voters, 774,347 female voters, with a total of
1,563,282 select people, with 30 PPK and 2628
polling stations.
The amount of voting rights placed Karawang
regency has the potential for conflict, the potential
for such conflicts due to the number of candidate
pairs participating in the elections in Karawang
Regency is relatively large where there are 6 (six)
candidate pairs. As for the population, Karawang
occupation has a heterogeneous population, which
allows conflict between supporters at the time of the
elections. Confirmation of the vulnerability of
conflict in the elections in Karawang was confirmed
by the Chief of Police at the time when Karawang
District was mapped as a conflict-prone area in the
implementation of 2015 Regional Head Elections in
West Java Province(Adjats, 2015). Interestingly, the
election results show that there is no meaningful
conflict in the simultaneous regional elections in
Karawang Regency, while the problem is the
Hikmawatty, S. and Sujanto, B.
Evaluation of the Regional Election Commission Performance in Implementing the Socialization Program in Simultaneosly General Election in Karawang Regional District.
DOI: 10.5220/0009492602830288
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 283-288
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
unoptimal voter participation rate. Data from the
Regional Election Commission of Karawang
Regency stated that the level of community
participation was 1,044,416. (66.80%) in the Regent
and Deputy Regent of Karawang District Election.
This legitimate vote number shows that there is still
a low level of public awareness in Karawang
Regency in using political rights and voter turnout.
Some of the problems related to the simultaneous
socialization of 2015 Election in Karawang Regency
in reality hinder at each stage of the elections which
of course needs to be overcome by evaluating the
implementation of simultaneous election
socialization programs in Karawang Regency. The
research is important to do in order to provide
concepts / models regarding the simultaneous
election socialization program that is ideal in
Karawang Regency.
Based on the description of the background
above, the focus of the research is formulated on
several things as follows:
1. What is the design component of the 2015
simultaneous election socialization program?
2. What is the availability and quality of the
components of the installation of the 2015
simultaneous local election socialization
3. What are the components of the implementation
of the 2015 simultaneous Pilkada socialization
What are the components of the 2015
simultaneous local election socialization program?
Program evaluation is a systematic method for
gathering, analyzing, and using information to
answer questions about projects, policies and
programs specifically about their effectiveness and
efficiency (Wirawan, 2011). In both the public and
private sectors, stakeholders often want to know
whether the program is in funding, the
implementation of the activity process can be
accepted or rejected with the desired results and
level of influence and power. While the first
program evaluation focuses around this definition of
the effect under consideration. Questions about the
budget efficiency of each program, how the program
can be improved, is this program valuable and
meaningful, are there better alternatives, if there are
unwanted results, and whether there are appropriate
and useful goal programs Likewise evaluation helps
to answer these questions useful for evaluators and
stakeholders.(Creswell, 2009)
There are various models of evaluation research
proposed by evaluation research experts. The models
compiled by these experts are used as guidelines for
systematically evaluating a program and each model
has a different approach. Each of these models has
its own advantages and disadvantages, so it cannot
be noted that this model is better than others, but
adjusted for the needs needed in the study.
According to Fitzpatrick et al(Fitzpatrick, Sanders
and Worthen, 2004). Provide a category for each
evaluation model that shows that evaluation
activities refer to:
a. Purposes-based evaluation approach;
b. Management-based evaluation approach;
c. Client / service user based evaluation approach;
d. Expertise-based evaluation approach; and
e. The evaluation approach is based on
participation in the program.
Simultaneous elections are far more efficient.
One important aspect that is considered in the
implementation of general elections is time and
budget efficiency. Based on this, a system needs to
be created so that elections are only carried out in
one round, but by still taking into account the
legitimacy aspects of the elected regional head
candidates. Based on this, the Law stipulates that the
candidate pairs who get the most votes are
determined as the elected candidate pair.
Definition of Political Socialization
Political socialization is "the study of developmental
processes in which people of all ages and
adolescents acquire cognition and knowledge about
politics, attitudes, and behavior".(Powell and
Cowart, 2017) This refers to the learning process in
which norms and behaviors that can be accepted for
the political system that run by being transmitted
from one generation to another. This is a result that
individuals are promoted into political culture and
their orientation towards political objects is
formed.(Ruhela, 2003)
a. Purpose of Simultaneous Local Election
The purpose of the simultaneous regional election is
the creation of effectiveness and efficiency(Akbar,
2016). The budget saving point arises when the KPU
finances the fees for TPS officers because in the
Governor election, together with the election of the
Regent or Mayor, the financing for TPS officers
only needs to be paid once including the cost of
technical guidance, socialization costs, and other
costs of financing one election times. Concurrent
elections also had a positive impact on the party.
The party has time to take care of its constituents
because it is not bothered to have to prepare for
elections every time like now. Simultaneous
elections will also encourage the party to work
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
seriously in winning the hearts of voters. If their
performance is not good, voters can punish them in
the next election.
b. Legal Basis for Socialization of Local Election
and Position of Simultaneous Local Election
Article 5 paragraph (1) of Law Number 8 of 2015
concerning Amendment to Law Number 1 of 2015
concerning the Establishment of Government
Regulations in lieu of Law Number 1 Year 2014
concerning Election of Governors, Regents and
Mayors as Laws stipulating that Elections are held
through 2 (two) stages, namely the preparation and
implementation stages. In paragraph (2) describes a
number of stages of simultaneous regional elections,
namely: 2) Preparation stages as referred to in
paragraph (1). The evaluation model used in this
study is the Discrepancy Evaluation Model (DEM)
model developed by Malcolm Provus.(Wirawan,
The steps taken in the gap evaluation model
include processes a). Approve standards, b).
Determine whether there is a gap between the
appearance of the program and the standard
implementation program that has been set, c). Use
gap information to determine the attitude of whether
to improve, improve or stop the program or just a
few aspects. Extracting gaps on the display of
program implementation in the field will go through
benchmarking steps with established standard /
program criteria. The process of comparing each
step experiences rotation as shown in the chart
The figure above shows that S is the standard /
program criteria, P is the display of program
implementation in the field, C is the comparison of
standard / program criteria with the appearance of
program implementation in the field, D is the gap
information, and A is the change of new program or
program standard actions.
This study aims to explain the mismatches that
might occur in the implementation of the program of
disseminating the Regional Head Elections (Pilkada)
Simultaneously in Karawang Regency in 2015.
Research Evaluation of the Implementation of the
Socialization of Regional Head Elections (Pilkada)
Program in Karawang Regency in 2015 using the
post paradigm -positivism.
Analysis of the data on the Evaluation of the
Implementation of the Program for the Promotion of
Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) in
Karawang Regency in 2015 is the process of
compiling and combining data into patterns, themes,
categories.(Creswell, 2009) Whereas the
interpretation of the Evaluation of the
Implementation of the Socialization of the Regional
Head Election (Pilkada) Program in Karawang
Regency in 2015 aims to give meaning to the
analysis, explain patterns or categories, and look for
relationships and interpretations between concepts.
Results of evaluation and analysis of the design
components of the 2015 simultaneous Pilkada
socialization program.
a. Juridical Platform Design Program
1) The legal basis for simultaneous election
socialization in Karawang Regency is based on
the mandate of the Law of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 1 of 2015 Concerning the
Establishment of Government Regulation in
Lieu of Law Number 1 Year 2014 concerning
Election of Governors, Regents, and Mayors.
2) The design of the level of conformity of the
socialization rules with the conditions /
characteristics of the area can be seen that there
are conformity rules in the types of socialization
Results of evaluation and analysis of installation
components to support the 2015 simultaneous
regional socialization program.
b. Mastery of Material
1) KPU Karawang Regency did a number of things
in an effort to master the material related to
local elections simultaneously, the effort was
carried out through the dissemination of
information related to simultaneous local
elections conducted in Karawang Regency.
Information dissemination is carried out through
various methods such as sending letters
containing various notices about the material,
up to face-to-face through technical guidance
conducted at the KPU Office in Karawang
2) Installation carried out by KPU Karawang
Regency in increasing the mastery of material to
the implementers of PPK and PPS is
constrained by a variety of educational
backgrounds and the quantity of experience they
have. Technical counseling and guidance are
still constrained by the amount of counseling
and technical guidance. For more details, the
following are the number of installations in
Evaluation of the Regional Election Commission Performance in Implementing the Socialization Program in Simultaneosly General
Election in Karawang Regional District
increasing mastery of materials to PPK and
Table 1: Types of Socialization in efforts to
Strengthen Material to KDP and PPS in Karawang
No Type of
1. Training All officers
2. Technical Guidance All officers
3. Seminar Community
4. FGD Community
3) Support training / guidance for the implementor.
The training / guidance support of the
implementor was carried out to PPK and PPS,
but based on observations it was seen that in
fact not all PPK and PPS received direct
training and guidance by KPU Karawang.
Table 2: Quantity of Activities in efforts to
Strengthen Material to PPK and PPS in Karawang
No Sedcription Quality Trainning Activitie
1. PPK Held 10 times
2. PPS Held 15 timesli
c. Socialization Media
1) Flow of selection of media installations is
carried out through the KPU and Bawaslu
working meeting in Karawang Regency
regarding several alternative media to be
chosen. The choice of media flow is determined
through the level of need and availability of
funds contained in the KPU of Karawang
Regency. The other considerations are related to
the large area of Karawang Regency which of
course the selection of socialization media has
been adapted to the media's ability to inform the
simultaneous local election in Karawang
2) Networking of socialization media in rural areas
was chosen in accordance with the conditions of
media availability in various sub-districts and
villages in Karawang Regency. This installation
is very concerned about the capabilities of
media facilities and infrastructure and
information needs of the community, especially
studies on community participation in previous
elections. Networking media is in accordance
with the pockets of voters who have not
exercised their right to vote in the previous
elections and this is where the media network is
strengthened by the KPU of Karawang
3) The results of the observation show that the
installation on the intensity of the socialization
media is limited and only focuses on the
substantive matters, this occurs because it is
constrained by the limited budget for
socialization with the limited budget ceiling.
Table 3: Socialization Media Intensity
No Type of
Intensity Number
1. TV Ads None
2. Radio Ads 2 times
3. Billboards 5 pieces
4. Banner 344 pieces
5. Phamphlet 6040 sheets
Based on the table above, it can be explained
that the socialization held by the Karawang
Regency Election Commission was not optimal.
Constraints seen: first, lack of maturity of
socialization planning in the Karawang Election
program. Second, limited human resources.
Third, coordination between institutions is the
main obstacle to lack of optimal socialization.
The four budget allocations, scheduling budget
4) The observation results illustrate that the
socialization media is still not reliable because it
only focuses on the election schedule, not to the
essence of the importance of using voter voting
d. Fund Mangement
1) The level of availability of funds with needs in
the field based on interviews does not meet
various socialization needs.
2) Transparency of the use of funds in the
socialization of elections is still not transparent
where publications of the use of funds to the
public as supervisors of socialization have not
been conducted.
3) Accountability for the use of funds is only
normative, this is seen from the existence of a
budget that is deemed not in accordance with
the conditions in the field.
e. Infrastructure arrangements
1) Conformity of facilities and infrastructure to the
needs in the field. The suitability of facilities
and infrastructure to the needs of socialization
in the field is still constrained by the budget,
facilities such as banners are so limited and in
fact there is no even distribution, not even every
village has banners regarding regional elections.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
2) Quality of facilities and infrastructure. The
quality of facilities and infrastructure is not
good enough, there are still facilities and
infrastructure far from the standard and even
means of damaged banners due to the quality of
the material and the ink banners that are not of
good quality.
3) Quantity of facilities and infrastructure.
Quantias facilities and infrastructure are still
limited, especially regarding vehicles,
personnel, up to materials on banner, billboards
and some socialization events such as seminars,
workshops, training and simulations.
4) Maintenance of facilities and infrastructure.
Maintenance of facilities and infrastructure is
relatively not carried out considering that the
current issue will be different from the issue of
the next activity, however, for certain media
facilities such as computers etc. it is still an
asset of the Karawang Regency Election
5) Results of Evaluation and Analysis of the
Implementation Components of the 2015
Simultaneous Local Election Socialization
f. Election Program Socialization
1) The level of participation of constituents on
socialization activities is still limited and there
are even several points of dissemination that are
not fulfilled.
2) Number of socialization points. The number of
points of socialization can be seen in the
following table:
Table 4: Socialization Media Quantity
No Kind of
1. Seminar 3 Location
2. Workshop None
3. Training Every Mounth
4. Simulation
Introduction of
List Vote
Based on the table above, it can be explained that the
simultaneous dissemination of local elections carried
out by the Karawang Regency Election Commission
is far from being detected.
3) Form of socialization. Forms of socialization of
seminars, workshops, training and simulations.
g. Administration of Results of the 2015
Simultaneous Local Election Program
1) Administration system of socialization.
Administration of socialization is generally
planned, tailored to the needs or aspirations of
the community. However, this fact has a lack of
preparation so that preparation is considered
minimal which has implications for results that
are not optimal.
2) Accuracy of administration. Accuracy of
administration in the socialization program is
still problematic, this is related to several
administrative requirements that have not yet
been fulfilled, especially related to some
evidence of budget expenditure.
3) Administrative compliance with rules is still not
optimal where there is a shift in administration.
The point is that the administration is done after
the event is done, even though the
administration must be at the beginning and at
the end of the socialization event (after the
event as a report).
h. Conduct Monitoring and evaluation, as well as
the Implementation of the 2015 Simultaneous
Local Election Socialization Program.
1) Compliance with reports with rules. In the
accountability report there are still discrepancies
related to some operational expenditure that
have not been proven in detail. This is because
the administration process is still manual.
2) Clarity and detail of the report. There is still no
clarity regarding the details of the accountability
report for the socialization event.
i. Provide feedback on the incompatibility of the
2015 Simultaneous Local Election Socialization
1) Responsiveness to problem solving.
Responsiveness to solving socialization
problems is still felt to be lacking, this is evident
in the accountability report on election
socialization that has not been corrected as
detailed as the ceiling rules.
Reliability of problem solving is still not
resolved where it can be seen from the
inefficiency of election socialization in several
points so that the participation of constituents is
so far from the target.
Based on the evaluation, analysis and discussion of
the results of the study can be concluded as follows:
First, the component of the design of the election
for socialization simultaneously in principle has
been in accordance with the rules as in the Law of
Evaluation of the Regional Election Commission Performance in Implementing the Socialization Program in Simultaneosly General
Election in Karawang Regional District
the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2015
concerning the Establishment of Government
Regulations in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2014
concerning the Election of Governors, Regents, and
Mayors. As for this rule, it can be seen that KPU in
Karawang Regency, PPK and PPS are actors as
instruments of socialization, the findings show that
this foundation does not yet have a design that
explicitly regulates the preparatory stages related to
simultaneous local elections, this results in
unpreparedness of the Karawang Regency KPU in
applying socialization because juridical rules are too
general. The design of remembrance of the
understanding of the constituents of the
simultaneous local election against voters is done
through the design of forms of socialization. The
design of this socialization is related to the efforts of
KPU Karawang Regency to socialize information to
the needy constituents. The socialization design was
carried out in all the points divided into sub-district
centers in the Karawang regency area. The findings
illustrate that this design is still focused on what is
done, but not paying enough attention to how this
design is relevant to what is owned such as human
resources, budget and means of parasana KPU
Karawang Regency.
Second, the installation component in
simultaneous regional elections in Karawang
Regency is constrained by the mastery of the
material from PPK and PPS where PPK as a very
law has the obligation to socialize the election. In
addition to the socialization program, which only
focused on billboards and banners, the mandate of
the law such as seminars, workshops and training
was only limited and focused in the city center. The
reason behind this is the limited funds and
infrastructure owned by the Karawang regency
Third, the component of the implementation of
pikada socialization is still experiencing various
problems such as administration that are still
conventional in nature, the accountability report is
still not detailed related to the use of the budget. In
addition, the focus of the dissemination was only on
the candidate pairs and the date of the pilakda, even
though as research findings needed political
education such as the importance of using voting
rights by the constituents.
Fourth, components of results in Pilakada can
still be said to be not optimal, this is seen from the
number of voters who do not do breakthroughs (still
above 30%). But on the other hand the absence of
conflict from the candidate pair including the lawsuit
is an achievement in itself for the performance of the
socialization of KPU Kabupaten Karawang.
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UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science