This study tried to investigate the kind of social
media dominantly used by the students as their
applications in working on the assessment. The other
intention of this research is to know how is the
implementation of social media as the assessment of
the six tasks of KKNI based curriculum in writing
Based on the instrument used to take the
students’ perception on using social media as their
assessment materials, writer made some conclusion;
(1) the first data have shown that English is
importance to study. 70% students thought that
English should be mastered for the intention of
working, social communication, developing the
language skills and a tool to understand what going
on around the world and become one of the part of
the world communication, (2) They consider social
meia as the an media which help them in improving
their language skills, especially writing skill. 40 %
of the students agree using social media like FB, IG
and WA will develop their competences in learning
English, (3) Their motivation on learning English is
quite low since the materials used as the assessment
in writing class is inappropriate and didn’t met the
students’ need.
Next result from the second data explain the
students expectation in learning English is 25% of
the students prefer in the writing class is to have the
assessment material based on the real situation that
happen these days (authentic assessment) with the
adequate assessment and colorful text.
Further, the data from the third table indicates;
(1) Students considered that the existing material
was uninteresting to be read, since they have the
difficulty of exploring their ideas in writing, (2)
They also thought the content of the assessment
materials were out of date and unsuitable to the
students’ need in this era, (3) The students found
some unfamiliar words which no longer used this
day and the pictures were monotonous.
At last the final data from the fourth table shows;
(1) 90% of the students have familiar with the
materials consist of social media text, (2) The most
common used of social media was Instagram, and
(3) The students agree that Instagram is the potential
application used as the source of assessment
We can conclude that the used of social media as
the writing assessment material has a big impact to
the achievement of implementation of KKNI based
curriculum in UNIMED.
Move over, the selected materials should be
revised and controlled to avoid the misused of social
media among the students.
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