Std. RMR which are not good fit while p-value,
RMSEA, AGFI, CFI, IFI, RFI, and GFI shows the
good conclusion of the Goodness Of Fit Index
At present, online store such as tokopedia, grab,
gojek, bukalapak, traveloka etc. is indeed a trend
among young people. The increase the number of
online stores, make it easier for consumers to choose
the preferred product. But all that will not be
realized if the student does not have the required
equipment. The prices of affordable gadgets are
important in realizing online purchases. The students
in this study did not have permanent employment or
had not worked so that they still relied on
remittances from parents. Likewise the purchase of
gadgets is also still very dependent on parents as
According to students in this study, it has been a
long time to have a smart phone, but the use of smart
phones is limited to communication needs and using
social media such as Instagram, Facebook and
Instagram. After many online shops appear, then
they try to buy products online. First time ordering
online, they order food using go jek, and then start to
go to other online stores like tokopedia, bukalapak,
lazada and others.
Consumer ability to buy smart phone is one of
factor going online shopping. The usefulness of
online store applications is a very important thing
that must be considered. As the usefulness
application of online store increases, and the
consumers making decisions to become users of
online store also increases as well. Variable buying
intention online is also important in making online
buying decisions. The decision to buy online must
be based on strong intentions before actually buying
online using an application. From the results of the
study, this research model can be concluded that
gadget price, perceived usefulness are the most
important variable in the formation of intention to
buy at online store.
By using a gadget, it has an impact on student
behavior in shopping because it is useful and fast.
This has an impact on shopping patterns. Although
the number of online purchases is still not dominant,
it is estimated that the use of online applications will
continue to increase along with the increasing
perceived benefits.
The conclusion in this study as follow:
1. There is a significant influence of price of smart
phone on perceived usefulness in the change
from a conventional store to an online store
among students.
2. There is a significant influence of usefulness on
Intention to switch in the change from a
storefront to an online store among students.
3. There is a significant influence of Intention to
switch to the Actual system use from the store
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