responded through positive changes or have
influences in allocation of Capital Expenditures.
Another test shows all four variables together
Regional Taxes, Regional Levies, DAU and DAK
have positive and significant effect on the allocation
of Capital Expenditures. This means certain
increases/decreases in Regional Taxes is responded
through positive changes or have influences in
allocation of Capital Expenditures. While regional
levies alone do not have a significant effect on the
allocation of Capital Expenditures. The study results
showed that Population as a moderating variable has
a significant level, which means that the population is
able to moderate all variables on the allocation of
capital expenditure.
The study is far from conclusive on variables to
capital expenditures allocation nor the reasons to why
regional levies which is also a revenue sources, does
not follow the same trend as the other three variables.
Which might require a more in-depth study. Another
area could also be explored by adding another
moderating variable such as economic growth and
inflation rates or expanding the scope beyond 3
(three) years as used in this study, and inclusion those
district/cities absence from the respondent lists.
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UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science