Demonstration Learning Method in Business Multimedia Study:
Practice Approach
Novita Indah Hasibuan
, Thamrin
and Pasca Dwi Putra
Department of Business Education, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Multimedia, Demonstration Learning Method, Business Education
Abstract: Business learning multimedia is a subject that is demand for students in making learning media using
software. Lack of understanding in using software as an obstacle in understanding and achieving the
ultimate goal in making business-learning media. This research conducted on students of business
concentration in economic education in the multimedia course of business learning. Students do not have
the basic in making multimedia learning using software so that they have trouble. Therefore, a
demonstration learning method is needed where the lecturer provides theory and exemplifies the
technology-based learning media. Based on testing, it was obtained the results that the use of demonstration
learning methods in courses that require technical is very useful to facilitate students to better understand
and achieve learning objectives. Besides that, it is a technical course that requires skills, with these method
students had better understand the process of making learning media without having to have a basic
In class learning, the use of methods will influence
students' understanding of receiving learning
material. So that the mistakes in choosing will have
an impact on the achievement of the expected
competencies in the subjects taught. The use of
learning methods is based on the characteristics of
the course so that an understanding of the
characteristics and characteristics of the subjects to
be taught is needed. This means that each subject
cannot be treated equally in the use of the learning
method. So that the mastery of learning methods by
educators is very important to understand how the
subjects can be delivered to students well.
One of them is in the business learning
multimedia course. This course aims to enable
students to prepare technology-based learning
media. This course prepares students as educators in
making learning media. This is based on an era of
disruption where every activity that is usually
carried out manually or in the real world and is now
diverted to the digital world according to the goal of
reaching Making Indonesia 4.0. Therefore, this
course is very important in achieving these goals.
But in bringing this course, it takes understanding in
the field of engineering and the use of technology
due to the demands of understanding the
programming language and creativity. Lecturers and
students are required to be able to use technology so
that basic science is needed in its use.
Previously this course was called the learning
media due to technological developments and
market demand, there were adjustments. The
difference is that this course emphasizes the use of
technology in making learning media so that
students are required to produce learning media
using software. Whereas in the learning media
subject, students are only required to produce
creative learning media.
But if we look at the educational background of
students, there are differences where these courses
are taught in study programs that have a social basis.
While this course requires an understanding of
programming and thinking logic. Basically social
science is more demanded for creativity while in this
course more logic is demanded so that there are
problems during the lecture process. Therefore, it is
necessary to choose the right learning method in
delivering material about multimedia business
Hasibuan, N., Thamrin, . and Putra, P.
Demonstration Learning Method in Business Multimedia Study: Practice Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0009493301960201
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 196-201
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In addition to the current curriculum
development, educators prioritize the use of student
center methods where students are required to be
more active in the teaching and learning process.
During this time in the social field, students are
more active and independent in the teaching and
learning process which emphasizes independence in
learning to find learning material.
This course has a scientific basis so that the right
learning method is needed to convey learning
material. There are problems that occur during the
teaching and learning process in this course. This
course is a new subject in the IQF-based curriculum
so that students do not get basic programming in
making learning media. Different in the subject of
computer applications that have basic competencies
for using Microsoft office where students have
gained knowledge about the use of Microsoft offices
while multimedia courses in business learning have
not yet obtained the basic use of programming. So
that students find it difficult to make learning media.
At the beginning of learning, a general description of
the process of making learning media is given. The
software used to make this learning media is Adobe
Flash Professional. In the initial survey of software
use, students were required to be able to make early
introductions of programming. The method used is
conventional student learning where lecturers give
more lectures and read text books so that students
lack skills. The use of this method causes students to
experience difficulties. In addition, this course is
taught in social fields which basically do not have
knowledge about programming so that most students
experience difficulties.
Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right
method in teaching this course. During this time,
students are more often taught with conventional
methods which are limited to speaking, writing, or
reading text books (Gbamanja, 1999). In addition,
this traditional method also cannot solve problems in
encouraging problem solving, critical thinking, and
creative thinking (Belen, 2014; Wood & Gentle,
2003). The use of traditional methods also causes
learning conditions to be more passive than active
(Bello, 2011). So it is necessary to do an evaluation
in the use of learning methods.
This research was conducted on social study
programs that use more traditional methods.
Students rarely practice directly because most of the
subjects in the social field are cases of everyday life.
On the contrary in the field of science prioritizes
practices where more students are required to
experience directly the process of making.
Initial testing was also carried out by directly
practicing the use of adobe programs to ensure that
the use of the learning method was right because the
subject prioritized practicum. But the results of
using these methods are not effective so students do
not get maximum understanding. This is in line with
(Schaal, 1997) that practicum is better done first by
providing learning material. This has a negative
impact because students have not gained sufficient
understanding and material in solving problems.
Therefore, the choice of learning methods in this
course is very influential on the success in achieving
learning competencies. Because it is a new subject,
it is necessary to test the right learning method. One
of them is the demonstration learning method.
Demonstration learning methods are learning
methods that use teaching aids to facilitate the
delivery of learning material (Fartati, 2014). In this
method, educators are more active in giving
examples to students before they do it (McDermott,
2001). In this method, the participation of students is
very important because they have to replicate what
has been given so that an effective teaching and
learning process will be obtained (Maun &
Winnitoy, 1980; Simarmata, 2018; McDermott,
2001). Lack of student participation results in a lack
of feedback between students and lecturers so that
the use of demonstration methods is expected to
increase feedback, especially students' understanding
of the core competencies of the business learning
multimedia course.
The use of demonstration methods in multimedia
learning has benefits including: saving time and
costs, providing more motivation, providing
feedback, providing real situations and giving
attention and motivation to learning. Previously, that
this course was required to produce technology-
based learning media. The use of technology will
improve students' skills and readiness in increasing
competition. In addition, the use of technology will
make it easier to understand the core of learning.
Such a learning video is very helpful in conveying
learning material (Basheer, Hugerat, Kortam, &
Hofstein, 2017). In addition, the use of this method
also increases creativity and learning outcomes so
that it is very good to be used in multimedia
business learning courses (Sadewa, 2015). It is
expected that the use of this method will improve the
students' skills in achieving the basic competencies
of multimedia courses in business learning and
develop the use of demonstration learning methods
for the better.
There are several studies which show that the use
of demonstration learning methods is useful in
enhancing the abilities and skills and creativity of
students. Like the research conducted by (Ameh &
Dantani, 2012; Basheer et al., 2017; Fartati, 2014;
Giridharan & Raju, 2016; Iqbal, 2017; Maun &
Winnitoy, 1980; Tuah, Harrison, & Shallcross,
2010; Umar, Bala, & Ladu, 2016) which states that
the use of demonstration methods is very good in
Demonstration Learning Method in Business Multimedia Study: Practice Approach
improving student learning outcomes. This is also
supported by research conducted (Schaal, 1997) that
demonstration methods can solve learning problems.
But in research conducted by (Iline, 2013; M. Furo,
2014; McKee, Williamson, & Ruebush, 2007; Noah,
2013) show less effective use of demonstration
methods in the learning process. This is because the
demonstration method is more effective if done in
elementary or junior high school (M. Furo, 2014).
Therefore, in this study will be known the benefits
of using demonstration learning methods in the
teaching and learning process in the multimedia
course of business learning.
Demonstration Learning Method
Multimedia business learning is one of the
development subjects of the IQF-based curriculum
in the face of an era of disruption. In this course, it is
required to obtain the ability to create learning
media using software. Therefore, we need the right
learning method in the delivery process. One of
them is a demonstration learning method. According
to (Maun & Winnitoy, 1980), the demonstration
method is a technique where the teacher combines
formal learning and personal instruction. Besides
that, according to (Noah, 2013), that the
demonstration method where the instructor is an
actor while the students are observers where in the
end they act. According to (Yamin, 2010) the
method of demonstration can be done by
demonstrating the use or method of doing activities
so that it looks like a real activity.
This method is often done in science learning
where practicum is required to practice the process
of occurring an event (Tuah et al., 2010). This
method is also required to use teaching aids and
teaching materials that serve as proof of theory and
concept (Toernaliyah, 2012). According to
(Djamarah, 2006) there are advantages and
disadvantages of the demonstration method, namely:
the advantages of the demonstration method are as
follows; (a) Can make teaching more clear and
concrete, (b) Students more easily understand what
is learned, (c) The teaching process is more
interesting, (d) Students are stimulated to actively
observe, adjust the theory with reality and try to do it
themselves. While the shortcomings of the
demonstration method are as follows; (a) This
method requires teacher skills specifically, because
without being supported by it, the demonstration is
not effective, (b) Facilities such as equipment, places
and adequate media are not always available. The
demonstration method causes students to be more
active and follow instructions compared to
traditional methods (McDermott, 2001).
The type of this research is quantitative descriptive.
The location of the study was conducted in the
Business Education Study Program, Faculty of
Economics, Medan State University. The course that
will be conducted is multimedia business learning
which is a new subject based on the IQF-based
curriculum. This study follows a research model
from (Arikunto, 2006) where research between one
cycle and another cycle. The stages are by planning,
implementing, observing, and reflecting. The steps
in this research are by planning which is then
evaluated and revised, implemented, and final
evaluation through reflection. The data used is
activity data during the teaching and learning
process, learning outcome test data.
This study looks at the difference in treatment
between before and after an action is given. The
comparison is also made to the difference between
the sexes to the value so that a comparison between
the sexes is obtained before and after the treatment.
Pre Test
Table 1: Average Value
Group Statistics
Mean Std.
Male 22 67.4545 8.55641 1.82423
Female 70 70.5286 8.85425 1.05829
Based on table 1 above can be seen the average
value of men and women before being given
treatment. It can be seen that the number of men as
many as 22 people with an average value before
being given treatment amounted to 67.45 while the
number of women as many as 70 people had a
greater average value of 70.52.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
Table 2: Results of Levene's Test
Independent Samples Tes
Test for
t-test for Equality of
F Sig. t df Sig.
.032 .859 -1.432 90 .156
36.263 .154
Based on the results of Levene's Test, the
significant value of F is 0.859 or above 5%, so it can
be concluded that there is no difference or has the
same variance between men and women before
being treated. While the average value of students
before being given treatment there was no difference
between men and women seen from the t value of
0.156 or greater than 5%.
Post Test
Table 3: Treatment
Group Statistics
Mean Std.
Male 22 80.8182 6.09946 1.30041
Female 70 84.9429 4.80605 .57443
Based on Table 3 above, after the treatment,
there was an increase in the average value obtained
by students, which was 67.45 men before being
80.81 while the previous 70.52 women became
Table 4:. Independent Samples Test
Independent Samples Tes
Test for
Equality of
t-test for Equality of
F Sig. t Sig. (2-
Based on the results of Levene’s Test obtained a
significant F value of 0.004 or less than 5% so that
the results obtained are differences after being
treated between men and women. While the
significant t test value was 0.001 or less than 5% so
that the average score between men after being
given treatment had differences with women.
Same Sample Difference Test
Table 5: differences and increases
Paired Samples Statistics
Pre 69.7935 92 8.83616 .92123
92 5.40637 .56365
From table 5 above, the results show that there
are differences and increases in values between
before and after treatment. Before being treated,
students obtain an average score of 69.79. After
being given treatment there is an increase in value to
Demonstration Learning Method in Business Multimedia Study: Practice Approach
Table 6: Significant result
Paired Samples Test
Paired Differences t
Pre -
14.16304 9.12342 14.890 1 .000
Based on table 6 above, it is obtained a significant
result of 0,000 or smaller than 5% so that there is a
difference between before being treated with after
being treated.
Based on the results of the above research, it was
concluded that before being given treatment there
was no difference between male and female
students. So it can be concluded using conventional
methods that there is no variance that is different and
students do not get graduation in multimedia
courses. Whereas after being given treatment there is
a difference in value between men and women
where the value obtained also increases from before
being given treatment (Crouch, Fagen, Callan, &
Mazur, 2004). These results indicate that the use of
demonstration methods in business learning
multimedia learning leads to an increase in student
learning outcomes (Basheer et al., 2017; Fartati,
2014). In addition, the use of demonstration learning
methods enhances students' creativity and their
learning outcomes so as to produce interactive
learning media (Basheer et al., 2017; Iqbal, 2017;
Sadewa, 2015; Tuah et al., 2010; Umar et al., 2016).
In addition, the use of this method in the teaching
and learning process requires educators to play an
active role in the learning process (McDermott,
2001; Tuah et al., 2010). In this method it is also
useful in giving students a sense of thinking so that
they make them more creative (Maun & Winnitoy,
1980). The use of this method must be based on
planning and must be adapted to the needs and
characteristics of the course so that effective value
and learning enhancement for students will be
produced. Like the research conducted by (Iline,
2013) that the use of demonstration methods that
lack planning will lead to less effective results. This
result is also supported by research conducted by
(M. Furo, 2014; McKee et al., 2007).
Based on the results and discussion above, it can be
concluded that the use of demonstration learning
methods in which the teaching staff gives examples
and then the students pay attention and take actions
taken by the teacher will lead to an increase in the
value of learning and student creativity. The use of
this method also requires students to be more active
in the learning process in class. The results of this
study also provide suggestions for some subjects that
prioritize practitioners more recommended the use
of demonstration methods to increase creativity and
ease in receiving material. In addition, in the use of
demonstration methods it is recommended that the
material be given beforehand before carrying out the
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Demonstration Learning Method in Business Multimedia Study: Practice Approach