Sudjana and Rival (2013:2) said that the medium
of learning can improve student learning outcomes,
such as: (1) Learning process will attract more
attention so as to motivate students to learn; (2) The
study materials will be quite vague so that it can be
understood by students, and allow students to master
learning goals better;(3) The method of teaching will
be more varied, not merely verbal narrative through
the narrative of words by the teacher. So students do
not get bored, and teachers do not run out of steam,
especially when teachers teach for every lesson; (4)
Students learn a lot more activities, because not only
listen to the description of the teacher, but also other
activities such as observing, doing, demonstrating,
and others.
Hamalik (1986) in Arsyad (2013:19) argues that
the use of instructional media in teaching and
learning can stimulate desire and interest. It can
escalate the motivation and stimulation of learning
activities and even bring psychological effects on
students. Furthermore, Levie & Lentz (1982) in
Arsyad (2013:20) argues that there are four
functions of instructional media :(1) the function of
attention; (2) affective function; (3) cognitive
function; (4) compensatory function. The function of
attention is the media's ability to boost students'
attention to learning. Affective function is the ability
to be seen and enjoyed by students when studying.
Cognitive function can be obtained throughout
findings on information from the media. And
compensatory functions provide context to help
students understand the material.
2.2. Android Concepts
Sugeng Purwantoro, Heni Rahmawati and Achmad
Thermizi (2013:177) say "Android is a software
which is used in mobile devices that includes an
operating system, middleware and core
applications". Android according to Wikipedia
(2018) is an operating system for smartphones and
tablets. The operating system can be illustrated as a
bridge between the device and the user, so the user
can interact with his device and run applications that
are available.
The Android operating system is open source so
that programmers flocked to create applications or
modify this system. The programmer has a huge
opportunity to be involved in developing Android
apps, hence its open source. Most of the applications
available at the Google Play Store are free and some
are paid.
This study is a research and development that seeks
to produce and test the effectiveness of the product
(Sugiyono, 2010). The development model used in
this study is an adaptation of the Borg and Gall
model (1983, pp. 589-594). The results of the model
adaptation region contribute to the five stages of
development:(1) the collection of information; (2)
the planning of products; (3) product development;
(4) validation of the product and (5) evaluation of
the product.
Time and Place
This study was conducted in the Department of
Accounting, State University of Medan (UNIMED) .
All stages of evaluation, individual testing, limited
testing, and field trials were conducted from July
until November 2018.
The study consisted of media validation subjects
and trial subjects. Media validation subjects include
two experts: (1) content experts and (2) media
experts. Product testing used field trials. Subject
field trials are students who take courses in Cost
Accounting that consist 50 students.
Procedures and Data Collection Techniques
This research was conducted with 5-step adaptation
of the development model of the Borg and Gall
(1983, pp. 589-594). Steps taken in this study,
namely (1) the collection of information (literature
studies, field surveys, needs analysis, curriculum
analysis), (2) planning product (making flowchart,
storyboard, script material, evaluation questions, as
well as collecting images, sounds, and music), (3)
product development, (4) validation of products
(subject matter experts, media experts, and (5)
evaluation of the product (field trial).
Collecting data in this study uses instrument
validation of media and instrument testing. The
media validation instrument consists of (1) sheet
media validation for instructional media experts and
(2) sheet material validation for subject matter
Testing instruments is a sheet quality assessment
of student learning media (used in field trials).
Instrument validation and assessment instruments
adapted from Anggraeni & Kustijono (2013, pp. 14-