Revealed the Effect of Savi Learning Model using Powtoon
Animation Media on Learning Results
Ivo Selvia Agusti
and Noni Rozaini
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan -Indonesia
Keywords: SAVI Learning Model Using Powtoon Animation Media, Conventional Learning Method, Learning
Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of the SAVI learning model using powtoon animation media on the
learning outcomes of students of SMKN 7 Medan Academic Year 2018-2019. sample was taken by
purposive sampling, so that the class XI-PM1 was chosen as the experimental class with the number of
students 34 people taught with the SAVI learning model using powtoon animation media and XI-PM2 class
as the control class with 34 students taught with the learning model conventional.The results showed that
the learning outcomes taught by the SAVI learning model using powtoon animation media were higher than
students' learning outcomes taught by conventional methods. Statistical test results show student learning
outcomes with SAVI learning model using powtoon animation media is a pre-test of 45.58, Standard
Deviation = 18.65 and post-test is 78.97, Standard Deviation = 12.41, while student learning outcomes using
conventional methods are pre-test for 46.76, Standard Deviation = 16.46 and post-test at 65.88, Standard
Deviation = 10.69. The results of testing the hypothesis obtained by t_ (count)> t table is 6.48> 1.668 at
95% significance level and α = 0.05Based on the results of the analysis and statistical test data and
discussion, it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant instructor of the SAVI learning model
using powtoon animation media on the results of learning the merchandise structuring of students of Medan
7 SMKN Academic Year 2018-2019.
The development and rapid growth in various
aspects of life requires the availability of human
resources with knowledge and skills so as to support
the development and growth itself. Superior human
resources will lead a nation to be developed and able
to compete globally. Education is an important tool
in preparing human resources to be able to face the
era of globalization and industrialization. Through
education, quality human resources can be produced
that can realize national development and be able to
compete against the challenges of advancing the
One of the goals of education is to help students
develop their potential to become members of the
community who have academic or professional
abilities that can apply and develop science and
technology. Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the
national education system states,
National education serves to develop the ability
and shape the character and civilization of the
nation's dignity in order mencerdasakan life of the
nation, is aimed at developing students' potentials in
order to become a man of faith and fear of God
Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled,
creative, independent and become a democratic and
responsible citizen.
The purpose of education can be achieved if the
education process has been well systemized. One
important part of the educational process that can
support the achievement of educational goals is the
learning process. A quality learning process will also
produce quality education graduates. Factors that
influence the learning process include teachers and
students. In the learning process the teacher and
students make reciprocal relationships that are
educational in order to achieve the learning
objectives. The reciprocal relationship requires
students to be more active while the teacher acts as a
mentor, manager and facilitator in the learning
Agusti, I. and Rozaini, N.
Revealed the Effect of Savi Learning Model using Powtoon Animation Media on Learning Results.
DOI: 10.5220/0009493600770082
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 77-82
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
process. Thus the teachers are required to present
learning materials, prepare a variety of media, as
well as using a learning approach that enables the
creation of an atmosphere of active learning,
interesting, fun and motivating students to learn and
conduct a proper evaluation in order to improve
But the reality in the field is different, learning
activities that should be active, interesting, creativity
and bright ideas are less visible. The learning
process is still centered on the teacher (Teacher
Centered) that the learning activities are dominated
by teachers, presentation of the material is still often
done with the lecture method, and students are still
low engagement in learning activities. Where the
mind of a child is considered a blank white paper
that is clean and ready to wait for the graffiti of his
teacher. In other words, children are considered
empty bottles that are ready to be filled with all
knowledge by their teachers.
This can be seen from the average score of
students' replication in the subject of marketing class
XI merchandise structuring (PM). In accordance
with the KKM that has been established in schools if
student learning outcomes <70 then students do not
meet the KKM. Students who complete 41 and those
who do not complete 56 students
Many factors influence student learning
outcomes, including those that can come from
within students (internal factors) and from outside
students (external factors). According to Slameto
(2013: 54) one of these factors is the teaching
method used by the teacher as one of the external
factors that influence student learning so that student
learning outcomes are not low.Of the many
difficulties and obstacles faced by students of
SMKN 7 Medan Class XI Marketing in mastering
learning and researchers assume based problems that
occur, it takes effort to improve student learning
outcomes with a better learning design, thus the
teacher is required to choose a model or learning
media that suits the character and needs of students.
Rusman (2012: 133) argues that learning models can
be used as a choice pattern, meaning that teachers
may choose an appropriate and efficient learning
model to achieve educational goals.
Learning Model
To overcome various problems in the
implementation of learning, of course we need
models that are considered able to overcome the
difficulties of teaching teachers and also the
difficulties of students . Through the teaching model,
the teacher has the task of stimulating and improving
the course of the learning process. The learning
model and process will explain the meaning of
activities carried out by educators and students
during the teaching and learning process and
students can respond more quickly to the material
Istarani (2012: 1) states "The learning model is a
whole series of presentation of teaching materials
that cover all aspects before the medium and after
learning conducted by the teacher and all related
facilities used directly or indirectly in the teaching
and learning process".Istarani and Pulungan (2015:
271) stated "The learning model is a plan or pattern
that we can use to design face to face class or study
outside the classroom and to arrange learning
material". Lubis (2015: 20) said "The learning model
is the whole design or design of the delivery of
learning material covering all aspects and facilities
used in the teaching and learning process".
This study tries to overcome learning problems
with SAVI learning models (Somatic, Auditory,
Visual, and Intellectual). Is a learning model that
focuses on the active use of sensory devices both
body activity, listening activities, viewing activities,
and active activities in the brain that can provide
learning experiences for students. SAVI learning
consists of 4 characteristics, namely: Somatic
(learning by doing and moving); Auditory (learning
by speaking and listening); Visual (learning by
observing and drawing) Intellectual (learning by
solving problems and thinking). This means that
students in the classroom do not just sit quietly
listening to explanations that are dominated by the
teacher, but also active during the learning process.
In addition to the right learning model, media is
also needed that supports the SAVI learning model
to attract students' attention and make students more
active so they do not feel bored. Media is one of the
learning resources in learning activities that can
deliver the material on target, including one of them
is an animation made with powtoon animation
software. This media was chosen because according
to the character of students who will pay attention to
something that they consider new and can attract
attention can also be used in understanding learning
material more easily. Hamdani (2011: 244) states
that "In addition to generating motivation and
interest in students, learning media can also help
students improve understanding, present data with
interesting and reliable, easy to interpret data and
condense information". The following picture is a
postoon animation that will be used in research.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
Figure 1: Display of Powtoon Animation
This research was carried out at Medan 7 Vocational
High School which is located at Jl. STM No.12 E,
Sitirejo II, Medan Amplas, Medan City. The
research is carried out in the event of the 2018/2019
Academic Year semester.The population in this
study were all students of Class XI Marketing at
SMK 7 Medan and in 201/2019 Academic Year
which amounted to 100 out of 3 classes. While the
sample was taken by purposive sampling totaling 68
students. The instrument used to collect data is a
multiple choice test.
Before this research was conducted, the
researchers first tested the tests in the form of
validity test, reliability test, different test power and
the level of difficulty of the test. The questions were
found to be valid 20 questions and 5 questions were
declared invalid and invalid. The questions were
considered to be null or discarded.
Homogeneity test is done to find out whether the
sample comes from the same or homogeneous
variance. Homogeneity test using the formula:
variancel smallest
variance Biges
From the results of the homogeneity test for the pre-
test value contained in Appendix 12, the following
data are obtained:
Table 1: Homogenitas Value Pre-Test dan Post-Test
Value Varians
3485,12 271,03 1,28 1,78 Homogen
154,21 114,34 1,34 1,78 Homogen
Sumber : Data Olahan
Based on the table above obtained Fcount
<Ftable so that the conclusion is that all groups, both
the experimental group and the control group are
homogeneous or the sample comes from the same
After the data requirements are made, then the
research hypothesis is tested. Hypothesis testing is
carried out to find out whether there is influence of
the learning model applied to increasing the value of
the eyes of the arrangement of merchandise.
Therefore, t test was conducted to compare the post-
test scores in the experimental class and control
Tabel 2: Uji Hipotesis
Data Class
78,97 154,
Control 65,88 114,
Source: Processed Data
From the calculation above obtained tcount of
6.48 and t table of 1.668, at the significance level α
= 0.05. After comparing the criteria for testing
hypotheses, tcount> t table is 6.48> 1.668.
Thus it can be concluded that "There is a positive
and significant influence on the use of SAVI
Learning Model. Using powtoon animation media
on the results of learning the merchandise
structuring of students of Medan 7 SMKN Academic
Year 2018-1919. Thus the hypothesis is acceptable.
The complete calculation can be seen in app endix
This research is an experimental study by placing
research samples in two groups (classes), namely the
experimental class and the control class. The
experimental class was treated with the SAVI
learning model using powtoon animation media and
the control class was treated using conventional
methods. At the beginning of the research activity,
students were given to know the students' initial
abilities and at the end of the post-test to find out the
Revealed the Effect of Savi Learning Model using Powtoon Animation Media on Learning Results
This research was carried out in the class XI
Medan 7TH SCHOOL, 2018/2019. Which involves
two classes by giving different treatments to both
classes. Class XI PM-1 is used as an experimental
class which is treated with SAVI learning models
using powtoon animation media and class XI PM-2
is used as a control class given conventional learning
model treatment.
Before the lesson begins, a pre-test is held for the
two classes which aims to see the students 'initial
abilities in each class and post-test given to find out
the students' learning outcomes after being given
different treatment in both samples. Tests tested in
class XI PM-3 as many as 25 items in the form of
multiple choice with four answer choices, the results
of testing the validity of the test obtained as many as
20 questions that are declared valid and there are 5
items that are declared invalid this is due to the 5
items the problem is not too difficult this is because
when the 5th power test is no. 5, 10, 16, 21, 23 these
items have bad criteria or it is said that this problem
is not good to give to students to measure students'
ability to obtain learning outcomes of merchandise
structuring at SMKN 7 Medan Academic Year
The results of the pre-test obtained from both
classes have an average value for the experimental
class 45.58 with the description of 6 of 34 students
who passed the KKM score of 70 with a standard
deviation of 18.65, and the average value for the
control class. 46.76 with the description of 8 of 34
students stated to pass the KKM score with a
standard deviation value of 16.46. So it can be
concluded that the pre-test results that have been
tested on both to the class do not have a significant
difference, this means that before being given
different treatment to the two classes the students'
abilities are the same.
Furthermore, the two classes were given
different treatments, the experimental class used the
SAVI learning model using powtoon animation
media and the control class using conventional
methods. At the time the researcher conducted
research in the experimental class, at first
researchers experienced a little time consuming this
lesson because the researcher had to give
understanding to the students how the process of
learning activities proceeded using the SAVI
learning model using powtoon animation media.
During the ongoing learning process students can
actively participate in learning, although there are
still some students who still look confused because
they are not familiar with the learning model applied
by researchers. For the second day experiment the
researchers saw students who in the first experiment
tended to be less active seemed to start enjoying
both learning well and students were more active
than previous experiments.
After being given a different treatment for both
classes, the experimental class was given the
treatment of the SAVI learning model using
powtoon animation media and the control class with
the conventional model was given, then a post-test
was conducted to see how students' learning
outcomes changed. From the research obtained the
average value of the experimental class 78.97 with
29 of 34 students stated to pass the KKM score, and
the average value of the control class was 65.88 with
14 of 34 students stated to pass the KKM score.
From the results obtained it is clear that the learnin
outcomes obtained by students after the treatment is
given have increased compared to learning outcomes
before being treated.
Learning outcomes are a reflection of the level of
success or achievement of the objectives of the
learning process that has been carried out which at
its peak ends with an evaluation, learning is said to
be successful if the level of knowledge of students
increases from before, in order to achieve the
objectives of the learning process, the teacher must
be able to choose the teaching and learning
strategies appropriate for use in the teaching and
learning process. Rusman (2012: 133) argues that
learning models can be used as a choice pattern,
meaning that teachers can choose an appropriate and
efficient learning model to achieve learning goals
Learning SAVI embraces the flow of modern
cognitive science which states that the best learning
involves emotions, the whole body, all senses and all
the depth and personal breadth, respecting the
learning styles of other individuals by realizing that
people learn in different ways. Huda (2014: 284)
states that "Somatic is meant by Learning By Doing,
Auditory is meant by Learning By Hearing, Visual is
meant by Learning By Seeing, Intellectual is meant
by Learning By Thinking". SAVI is a learning
model that focuses on the active use of sense devices
both body activity, listening activities, viewing
activities, and active activities in the brain whose
application in the classroom students do not just sit
still and accept what is conveyed by the teacher, but
also students participate actively in learning so as to
provide learning experiences to students. SAVI
learning model which consists of several elements in
its application described above so that to be able to
fulfill the learning elements visually, it would be
nice if combined with powtoon animation media.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
Powtoon animation media is an alternative from
Ms. Powerpoint, a video presentation presentation
application consisting of a combination of motion,
sound, color, and image, where the purpose of
powtoon selection is as a learning medium that can
facilitate students in understanding the material
easily, and attract students' attention to the ongoing
presentation. Video presentations made from the
powtoon application to fulfill the elements of Visual
learning that contain instructional material for
display arrangement or product display in the eyes
of learning merchandise structuring. Ms. Powerpoint
has an elegant appearance, so in powtoon uses the
appearance of animated cartoons to make
presentations, therefore powtoon is good to use in
making percentages for learning activities because it
provides cartoon animation effects that are not found
in Ms. Powerpoint that can attract students' attention
to and can improve learning outcomes.
Based on the understanding stated above, the
SAVI learning model using powtoon animation
media is suitable to improve the learning outcomes
of merchandise structuring. This is supported by
previous research conducted by Hidayah (2016) who
conducted a study "The Influence of Learning
Models Make A Match Using Powtoon Animation
Media Against Economic Learning Outcomes of
SMAN 1 Kualuh Selatan 2015/2016 Academic
Year", there were significant differences in
experimental class learning outcomes and the
control class with the difference in the average value
of the two classes is 14.51. And the research
conducted by Nur who conducted the study "The
Influence of Word Squre and Somatic, Auditory,
Visualization, Intellectual (SAVI) Learning Models
on the Economic Learning Outcomes of New Class
X Students of Nurul Islam Indonesia High School
2015/2016 Academic Year" which had a significant
influence on economic learning outcomes.
Based on the learning outcomes shown from the
average value for both classes, the average value of
the experimental class is higher than the control
class or the experimental class learning outcomes are
higher than the control class. This shows that
learning the arrangement of merchandise using
powtoon animation media influences student
learning outcomes, where learning with SAVI
models using powtoon animation media students
learn to be easier, more fun and active for students to
understand learning material. This is because the
SAVI learning model using powtoon animation
media has the advantage of being able to increase
student activity in learning by involving all senses in
learning, and can easily understand learning material
because learning material is presented using
presentation videos made from powtoon applications
that can build themselves his knowledge through the
learning experience he experienced and the material
can be easily understood because the learning is
carried out independently by the students of the
researcher only as facilitators compared to
conventional models.
Based on the calculation to test the hypothesis
from the results of the post-test obtained tcount of
6.48 at the 95% confidence level the real level α =
0.05 with dk = (n_1-n_2) -2 = 66 obtained t table of
1.668. After comparing the criteria for testing
hypotheses, tcount> t table is 6.48> 1.668. This
means that the null hypothesis (H_0) is rejected and
the alternative hypothesis of research (H_a) is
accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that "There is a
positive and significant effect of the SAVI Learning
Model Using Powtoon Animation Media on the
learning outcomes of merchandise structuring of
students in Class XI Marketing SMKN 7 Medan
Academic Year 2018/2019 ".
Based on the results of the analysis and testing of
the data as well as the results of previous studies, the
researchers concluded that there was a positive and
significant influence on the use of SAVI learning
models using powtoon animation media on the
results of learning the merchandise structuring on
the monitoring material or display of class XI
Marketing products at SMK Medan 7 Academic
Year 2018/2019
Although this study has a significant influence
on the learning outcomes of students' merchandise
structuring, there are also weaknesses in this study,
namely: 1) students need guidance from the teacher
to do activities, 2) the right and left class is a bit
disturbed because students actively make noise
when activities take place.
Based on the results of the study and discussion, it
can be concluded that the learning outcomes of
merchandise structuring that are taught using SAVI
learning models using powtoon animation media are
positive and significant compared to the learning
outcomes of merchandise structuring using
conventional models in the XI Marketing-1 class of
SMK N 7 Medan Academic Year 2018/2019. This is
evidenced by the results of calculations to test the
hypothesis of the results of the post-test conducted
obtained tcount of 6.48 at a 95% confidence level
the real level α = 0.05 with dk = (n_1-n_2) -2 = 66
Revealed the Effect of Savi Learning Model using Powtoon Animation Media on Learning Results
obtained t table of 1,668. After comparing the
criteria for testing hypotheses, tcount> t table is
6.48> 1.668.
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Lubis, Eka Liany Harnum. (2015). Effect of Problem
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UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science