This research was carried out in the class XI
Medan 7TH SCHOOL, 2018/2019. Which involves
two classes by giving different treatments to both
classes. Class XI PM-1 is used as an experimental
class which is treated with SAVI learning models
using powtoon animation media and class XI PM-2
is used as a control class given conventional learning
model treatment.
Before the lesson begins, a pre-test is held for the
two classes which aims to see the students 'initial
abilities in each class and post-test given to find out
the students' learning outcomes after being given
different treatment in both samples. Tests tested in
class XI PM-3 as many as 25 items in the form of
multiple choice with four answer choices, the results
of testing the validity of the test obtained as many as
20 questions that are declared valid and there are 5
items that are declared invalid this is due to the 5
items the problem is not too difficult this is because
when the 5th power test is no. 5, 10, 16, 21, 23 these
items have bad criteria or it is said that this problem
is not good to give to students to measure students'
ability to obtain learning outcomes of merchandise
structuring at SMKN 7 Medan Academic Year
The results of the pre-test obtained from both
classes have an average value for the experimental
class 45.58 with the description of 6 of 34 students
who passed the KKM score of 70 with a standard
deviation of 18.65, and the average value for the
control class. 46.76 with the description of 8 of 34
students stated to pass the KKM score with a
standard deviation value of 16.46. So it can be
concluded that the pre-test results that have been
tested on both to the class do not have a significant
difference, this means that before being given
different treatment to the two classes the students'
abilities are the same.
Furthermore, the two classes were given
different treatments, the experimental class used the
SAVI learning model using powtoon animation
media and the control class using conventional
methods. At the time the researcher conducted
research in the experimental class, at first
researchers experienced a little time consuming this
lesson because the researcher had to give
understanding to the students how the process of
learning activities proceeded using the SAVI
learning model using powtoon animation media.
During the ongoing learning process students can
actively participate in learning, although there are
still some students who still look confused because
they are not familiar with the learning model applied
by researchers. For the second day experiment the
researchers saw students who in the first experiment
tended to be less active seemed to start enjoying
both learning well and students were more active
than previous experiments.
After being given a different treatment for both
classes, the experimental class was given the
treatment of the SAVI learning model using
powtoon animation media and the control class with
the conventional model was given, then a post-test
was conducted to see how students' learning
outcomes changed. From the research obtained the
average value of the experimental class 78.97 with
29 of 34 students stated to pass the KKM score, and
the average value of the control class was 65.88 with
14 of 34 students stated to pass the KKM score.
From the results obtained it is clear that the learnin
outcomes obtained by students after the treatment is
given have increased compared to learning outcomes
before being treated.
Learning outcomes are a reflection of the level of
success or achievement of the objectives of the
learning process that has been carried out which at
its peak ends with an evaluation, learning is said to
be successful if the level of knowledge of students
increases from before, in order to achieve the
objectives of the learning process, the teacher must
be able to choose the teaching and learning
strategies appropriate for use in the teaching and
learning process. Rusman (2012: 133) argues that
learning models can be used as a choice pattern,
meaning that teachers can choose an appropriate and
efficient learning model to achieve learning goals
Learning SAVI embraces the flow of modern
cognitive science which states that the best learning
involves emotions, the whole body, all senses and all
the depth and personal breadth, respecting the
learning styles of other individuals by realizing that
people learn in different ways. Huda (2014: 284)
states that "Somatic is meant by Learning By Doing,
Auditory is meant by Learning By Hearing, Visual is
meant by Learning By Seeing, Intellectual is meant
by Learning By Thinking". SAVI is a learning
model that focuses on the active use of sense devices
both body activity, listening activities, viewing
activities, and active activities in the brain whose
application in the classroom students do not just sit
still and accept what is conveyed by the teacher, but
also students participate actively in learning so as to
provide learning experiences to students. SAVI
learning model which consists of several elements in
its application described above so that to be able to
fulfill the learning elements visually, it would be
nice if combined with powtoon animation media.