Effect of Democratic Leadership Style and Bureaucratic Leadership
Style against Teacher Work Motivation in Dolok Batu Naggar
State 1 State School
Antonius Gultom
and Benjamin Situmorang
Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan -Indonesia
Keywords: Democratic Leadership Style, Leadership Bureauctaric Style, Motivation Work Teachers
Abstract: The problem in this research is the motivation of teachers is not optimal. This study aims to identify the
Democratic Leadership Style and the Bureaucratic Leadership Style of Teachers Work Motivation In SMA
Negeri 1 Dolok Batu Naggar TA. 2017/2018. Included in this study used a technique of random sampling
with 69 respondents. Technique of collecting data using questionnares. All tested quessioners are valid and
reliable. The values of democratic leadership style coefficients are 0,787 and bureaucratic leadership style
give 0,276 value. The results showed the Democratic Leadership Style and Bureaucratic Leadership Style
have positive and significant influence, either partially or simultaneously on Motivation of Teachers Work.
Based on the estimated of multiple regression the result obtained calculation with coefficient determination
(adjusted R2) receive is 0,55,6 (55,6%). It is suggested that the headmaster of SMA Negeri 1 Dolok Batu
Nanggar must remain give a push strong to teachers in achieving its objectives, increase the working spirit,
trigger initiative and creativity, and shed light of understanding that all teachers have a sense of
Teachers are become the role models for students.
The spirit of teachers in teaching will give effect to
students’ out comes. Unfortunately, some teachers
have low motivation and cause low performance at
The reason of the low motivation of teachers in
work is expressed by education observer
Mohammad Abduhzen. According to him, many
teachers who do not run the profession based on
their passion. After becoming a teacher, they almost
never tested, trained, and never tried to get adequate
information or upgrade their knowledge and
competence, so they have no spirit to teach, and
government should have a program to increase
teachers' motivation.
Indemocratic leadership, a teacher should be
placed as the most important factor in leadership
based on and prioritizes the orientation of
relationships with members of the organization to
achieve the goal of the organization.
In a democratic leadership, a teacher must
always work with other teachers and leaders, either
in making decision or determining the business
strategy of achieving common goals. (Mayan
Ilahisa, 2011). There fore, teachers should be able to
use the style of leadership appropriately so can
directly motivate. The democratic leadership style
run by a teacher in influencing others behavior in
accordance with his wishes is influenced by the
nature of his leadership and basically have different
behavior in leading.
Like wise with bureaucratic leadership style, this
style can be described with the sentence "lead by
rule". Teacher behavior is characterized by the strict
implementation of applicable procedures.
Bureaucratic teachers generally make rigid rules-
based decisions without flexibility. All activities are
almost centered on leader and few people's freedom
to create and act, and even then, should not be
separated from the existing provisions.
It seems that the increasingly complex future
tendencies require education to be able to prepare
students in the face of the real world (Sutrisno,
Gultom, A. and Situmorang, B.
Effect of Democratic Leadership Style and Bureaucratic Leadership Style against Teacher Work Motivation in Dolok Batu Naggar State 1 State School.
DOI: 10.5220/0009494703060313
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 306-313
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2005). At school, students need to be reminded of
the expectations they endure, the challenges they
face and the abilities they need to master. However,
any improvement efforts undertaken to improve the
quality of education will not contribute significantly
without the support of qualified teachers (Mulyasa,
Low public recognition of teachers’ work
motivation has reached the worst point, it is
characterized by the following phenomena:
1. There is a partial view of the public, that anyone
can be a teacher if they just only knowledge able.
2. Lack number of teachers in remote areas,
providing an opportunity to appoint someone
who does not have adequate skills to become a
3. Many teachers who have not appreciated the
profession. Feelings of inferiority due tobe a
teacher, a misuse of the profession for his
personal satisfaction and self-interest, so that the
authority of the teacher is declining.
Various studies and research results as cited by
Mulyasa (2007) among others put forward as
1. Murphy (2002) states that success of school
renewal is largely determined by teacher,
because teacher is learning leader, facilitator and
the center of learning initiativ eat the same time.
Therefore, teachers should always develop
themselves independently and do not depend on
the principal's initiative and supervisor.
2. Supriadi (2004) revealed the quality of education
that assessed from the learning achievement of
learners is determined by the teacher, which is
34% in developing countries and 36% in
industrialized countries.
3. Jalal and Mustafa (2008) conclude that teacher
component greatly influences the quality of
teachers through: (1) providing more time for
learners, (2) more intensive/frequent interaction
with students, (3) high responsibility of teaching
of the teacher. Because of that, quality of the
school is very dependent on the role and function
of teachers.
This is also supported by the results of research
conducted by Norma Rosalia Dian P about the
relationship between democratic leadership style
with teacher work motivation in SMK Negeri 1
Juwiring. Teacher’s work motivation is a process
where by an educator carries out activities that aim
to achieve certain goals related to the process of
teaching and learning activities, where the need can
cause the impetus to work. One of the factors that
influence work motivation is democratic leadership
style. The proposed hypothesis was there wasa
positive relationship between democratic leadership
style and teachers’ work motivation in SMK N 1
Juwiring. The opulation of this research is all
teachers of SMK Negeri 1 Juwiring. Sampling
technique used in this study is the population study.
Data collection in this study wasusing a
psychological measurement tool that is the scale of
democratic leadership style and work motivation
scale. A product moment correlation used for data
The conclusions in this research are: (1) There
was a positive relationship between democratic
leadership style and work motivation. This is
indicated by the result rxy = 0.378 with sig. = 0.001
(p ≤ 0.01). (2) Category of democratic leadership
style was high, with Mean of Empirical(ME) =
114.75 and Mean of Hypothetical (µ) = 87.5. (3) The
category of work motivation was high, with Mean of
Empirical (ME) = 59.20 and Mean of Hypothetical
(µ) = 45. (4) the effective contribution of democratic
leadership style to work motivation was 0.143 or
14.3%. This means that there was still 85.7% of
some other variables, in addition to the democratic
leadership style variables that affect teacher work
For instance, Imam (2009) conducted a research
about the influence of democratic leadership style
and bureaucratic leadership style to the motivation
of teachers of SMA Negeri in Tanjung Pinang. This
study aimed to explore the influence of democratic
leadership style (X1) and bureaucratic leadership
style (X2) on teacher work motivation (Y) simple
regression and multiple regression at SMA Negeri in
Tanjungpinang City. In this research the hypothesis
tested were: (1) there was positive influence between
democratic leadership (X1) with teacher work
motivation (Y), (2) there was positive influence
between bureaucratic leadership style (X2) to
teacher work motivation (Y), (3) there was a positive
influence between the democratic leadership style
(X1) and bureaucratic leadership style (X2)
simultaneously on teacher work motivation (Y).
This research is quantitative explanative that
trying to explain the factors that cause a
phenomenon by using data in the form of data that
was suspected. The population of this research was
225 (two hundred and twenty five) teachers of State
Junior High School Tanjungpinang year 2008 and 75
(seventeen five) teacher as sample with stratified
random. The research instrument used for each
variable was a questionnaire containing questions /
statements answered by respondents. Before the
submission in the experiment, the experimental
study was conducted to determine the validity and
reliability as well as analysis of the items.
The result of research shows: Firstly, this
research found that there was positive influence
between democratic leadership style (X1) on teacher
work motivation (Y) where from the calculation of
Effect of Democratic Leadership Style and Bureaucratic Leadership Style against Teacher Work Motivation in Dolok Batu Naggar State 1
State School
individual test obtained value Py1 = 0.305 means
probability value Py1 = 0.305>.005 at level a = .05.
Second, along with the findings, also found positive
influence between bureaucratic leadership style (X2)
on teacher work motivation (Y) based on individual
test calculation obtained value Py2 = 0.4406 mean
probability value Py2 = 0.4406>0.05 at level a =
0.05. Third, the study found a positive influence
between democratic leadership style (X1) and
bureaucratic leadership style (X2) simultaneously on
teacher work motivation (Y) expressed in terms of
regression equation Y = 47.065 + 0.342 X1 +
According to the results of the research, there are
at least seven indicators that indicate the weakness
of teacher's work motivation in carrying out their
main task (teaching) they are: (1) Low
understanding of learning strategy; (2) Lack of
proficiency in classroom management; (3)
Insufficient ability to conduct and utilize Classroom
Action Research; (4) Low achievement motivation;
(5) Lack of discipline; (6) Low professional
commitment and (7) Low time management
Similarly, what happened in SMA Negeri 1
Dolok Batu Naggar resulted in low teacher
performance among others is caused by: 1) There
are still many teachers who do not pursue the
profession as a whole. This are the cause of by some
teachers who learn outside working hours to meet
the needs of everyday life, so they do not have the
opportunity to improve themselves, like read, write
and learnt from book or internet. 2) The absence of
professional standards of teachers as demands in
developed countries. 3) some private university that
produced haphazard teacher, or unprepared, without
considering their output in the field, causing many
teachers who are not obedient to their professional
ethics. 4) Lack of teachers’ motivation in improving
quality because teachers are not required to research
as applied to lecturers in universities.
Based on these conditions, there are at least two
categories of competencies that the teachers should
have, namely:
1. Professional competence is the ability to
design, implement and assess the task as a
teacher, which includes mastery of science
and technology education.
2. Personal competence that includes ethics,
morals, devotion, social and spiritual ability.
To be professional, a teacher is required to have
at least five things as follows:
1. Having a commitment to learners and
learning process.
2. Mastering in-depth the materials/subjects
taught and how to teach it to learners.
3. Responsible fthe learning outcomes of
learners through various ways of evaluation.
4. Beingable to think systematically about what
it does and learn from the experience.
5. Being apart of the learning community in
their professional environment.
Teachers as one component in teaching and
learning activities (KBM), has a very decisive
position on the success of learning. Because the
main function of the teacher is to design, manage,
implement and evaluate learning. In addition, the
position of teachers in teaching and learning
activities is also very strategic and decisive. It is
strategic because the teacher will determine the
depth and breadth of the subject matter, while it is
decisive because the teacher who chooses and sort
the lesson material that will be presented to the
students. One of the factors that influence the
success of the teacher's task is the performance in
planning/designing, implementing and evaluating
the teaching and learning process.
According to Suparlan the function of teachers in
teaching and learning process is as educator, teacher,
mentor, and as coach (Suparlan, 2005).
Teachers must have a good performance so that
their duties and responsibilities can be implemented
properly. Performance is a visible attainment or
achieved performance (Badudu, 2006). In order to
produce a good performance, a teacher must have
the ability, willingness, and effort in teaching and
learning process that includes planning, organizing,
implementation, and evaluation of learning
outcomes. Teachers’ performance related to work
motivation, performance and productivity.
SMA Negeri 1 Dolok Batu Nanggar is an
educational institution that struggles to educate the
children in nationto succeed the national
development goals of Indonesia. With a democratic
leadership style and bureaucratic leadership that is
still low resulted in teacher’work motivation needs
to be considered. Democratic and bureaucratic
leadership is the style or type of leadership of a
person who try to place human beings as the main
and most important factor in improving teachers’
performance and solving various problems that
occur in a bureaucracy in certain situations.
The nature of this research is explanatory research.
This research will prove the causal relationship
between democratic leadership style and
bureaucratic leadership (independent variable) to the
teachers’ work motivation (dependent variable).
This research is also a correlational researchthat
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
seeks to see whether between two or more variables
have a relationship or not, and how big the
relationship is and how the direction of the
relationship (Yasa, 2006). Explanatory research is
used to develop and refine existing theories so that it
has the credibility to measure and test the causal
relationships of two or more variables using
statistical analysis tools.
This study was conducted using a survey
research as a research method. Survey research is a
method of collecting primary data conducted based
on the interviews on respondents. Survey research
collects samples from a population using data
collection tools aimed at generating a thorough
conclusion of a population. This research was
conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Dolok Batu Naggar,
Simalungun Regency, in academic year of
The population in this study is all teachers who
teach in SMA Negeri 1 Dolok Batu Nanggar (69
respondents). With this number of teachers, the
entire population is sampled (respondents).
Therefore, this research will use the census method.
Data collection techniques were conducted by direct
interviews, a list of questions given to teachers who
became respondents and documentation studies.
This study used 2 (two) types of data, namely:
Primary data and secondary data.
Characteristics of respondents as follows:
Table 1: Based on Age
No. Age
ge (%)
< 30 5 7
31 – 35 11 16
36 – 40 5 7
41 – 45 17 25
>46 31 45
Total 69 100
Source: Research Data processed in April2018.
Table 2: Based on Gender
No. Gender Frequency Percentage
Male 43 67
Female 23 33
Total 69 100
Source: Research Data processed in April 2018
Table 3: Based on Group
No. Group Frequency Percentage
1. III-B 4 6
2. III-C 8 12
3. III-D 15 22
4. IV-A 37 54
5. IV-B 5 7
Total 69 100
Source: Research Data processed in April 2018
Table 4: Based on Education
No. Education Level Frequency Percentage
1 D3 24 35
2 S1 43 62
3 S2 2 3
Total 69 100
Source: Research Data processed in April 2018
Table 5: Based on Length of work
Length of
work (years)
1 0 – 5 5 7
2 6 – 10 11 16
3 11 – 15 5 7
4 16 – 20 17 25
5 > 20 31 45
Total 69 100
Source: Research Data processed in April 2018
Respondents' explanation on the Variable of
Teacher’s Motivation
Percentage of respondents' answers to teachers’
work motivation variable about the question of
encouragement to achieve the goal 4% answered
strongly disagree, 13% answered less agree, 38%
answered not know, 26% answered agree and 22%
answered strongly agree. The lack of aims of the
respondents due to the teacher is less trying to
achieve the goals that have been set.
The answer to the statement of work morale; 7%
answered strongly disagree, 17% answered less
agree, 38% answered did not know, 22% answered
agree and 16% answered strongly agree. The lack of
a goal occurs because the teacher does not give
morale to fellow teachers.
The next statement is about initiative and
creativity; 1% answered strongly disagree, 23%
answered less agree, 42% answered did not know,
20% answered agreed and 13% answered strongly
agree. As for one person who states strongly
disagree because the teacher gives less opportunity
to create initiative and creativity during the learning
The last statement is about responsibility, 10%
answered strongly disagree, 9% answered less agree,
30% answered did not know, 29% answered agree
and 22% answered strongly agree. The lack of a goal
Effect of Democratic Leadership Style and Bureaucratic Leadership Style against Teacher Work Motivation in Dolok Batu Naggar State 1
State School
occurs because the teachers lack a sense of
responsibility in carrying out its duties.
Respondents' Explanation on The variable of
Democratic Leadership Style.
Percentage of respondents' answers to the variables
of democratic leadership style. In responding to the
statement of believing to the others, 4% answered
strongly disagree, 14% answered less agree,45%
answered did not know, 20% answered agreed and
16% answered strongly agree. Among the
respondents still stated that teachers do not believe
in running their work.
In answer to the statement of prioritizing
common interests, 4% answered strongly disagree,
9% answered less agree, 33% answered not know,
30% answered agree and 30% answered strongly
agree. There are still respondents assume that
teachers are less in prioritizing common interests.
In answer to the wise statement, 3% answered
strongly disagree, 16% answered less agree, 43%
answered did not know, 22% answered agree and
16% answered strongly agree. There are still
respondents assumed that teachers have not been
wise in their performance and decision making.
In answer to the statement of success is the result
of work together, 3% answered strongly disagree,
23% answered less agree, 43% answered not know,
19% answered agree and 12% answered strongly
agree. There are still respondents assume that the
success obtained is not the team work result of all
school element.
Respondents’explanation on The Variable of
Bureaucratic Leadership.
Percentage of respondents' answers to bureaucratic
leadership variables. In reply to statements have
many staff, 6% answered strongly disagree, 12%
answered less agree, 42% answered did not know,
25% agreed and 16% answered strongly agree.
Among the respondents still stated that teachers have
not been able to work optimally.
In answer to the statement of structured
organization, 10% answered strongly disagree, 17%
answered less agree, 36% answered do not know,
23% agreed and 13% answered strongly agree.
There are still respondents assumed that the teacher
has not been able to create regular organizational
levels and neatly arranged both from the form and
division of labor.
In answer to statements having the ordinances,
1% answered strongly disagree, 25% answered less
agree, 43% answered did not know, 20% answered
agreed and 10% answered strongly agree. There are
still respondents assumed that the teacher is not
guided by the rules in regulating the procedures of
bureaucracy implementation either inside or outside.
In answer to the statement understand the rules,
6% answered strongly disagree, 9% answered less
agree, 36% answered do not know, 29% answered
agree and 20% answered strongly agree. There are
still respondents assumed teachers have not directed
and run all the duties, yet understood and
implemented the rules or tasks as well.
In answer to the statement of owning a
communication line, 10% answered strongly
disagree, 16% answered less agree, 36% answered
do not know, 23% agreed and 14% answered
strongly agree. There are still respondents assumed
that teachers have not been able to establish a formal
communication line either inside or outside.
Test of Data Validity
The result of validity test on teachers’ work
motivation variable (Y), democratic leadership style
(X1) and bureaucratic leadership (X2) found that
corrected item-total correlation (r count) greater than
r table (0,423) for all instrument of proposed
statement in the study. This means that all
statements used are valid and can be used in this
Test of Data Reliability
The result of Cronbach's Alpha value is higher than
the required value. This, it can be concluded that all
the variables used can be trusted (reliable).
Test of Data Normality
The results of normality data testing can be seen
Table 6: Test Data Normality Using Kolmogorov-
Smirnov Test One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov
N 69
Mean 21.9275
Std.Deviation 3.51182
Most Extreme
Absolute .129
Positive .129
Negative -.088
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.069
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .203
Test distribution is Normal
Source: Research Data April 2018, processed.
Data Multicolinality Test
Table 7: The test results are done: Multicolinearity
test of Multiple Regression Equations
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant)
Democratic Leadership
0.499 2.005
Bureaucratic Leadership 0.499 2.005
Source: Research Data April 2018, processed.
Heterocedasticity Test of Multiple Regression
Figure 1: Heterocedasticity Test with Graph
Source: Research Data April 2018, processed
Simultaneous Testing Results
Tests of independent variables together with
dependent variables are done by F test using a 95%
confidence level or a 5% error rate.
Results of data processing:
Table 8: Simultaneous Testing Results (F Test)
Model Sum of
Squares f
F Sig
1 Regres
477.381 238.690 43.608
838.638 68
a. Predictors: (Constant), Democratic Leadership Style and
Bureaucratic Leadership
b. Dependent Variable: Teacher work motivation.
Source: Research Data April 2018, processed
From the data processing obtained Fcount value of
43.608 with 0.000 significance. The 0.000 signature
is smaller than the α of 5%.
This, both the independent variables (Democratic
Leadership Style and Bureaucratic Leadership)
influence significantly on the dependent variable
(Teacher Work Motivation). Combination of
democratic leadership styles and bureaucratic
leadership is inseparable in influencing teacher work
motivation. Realization of each style of leadership
is inseparable from the ever-changing influence of
conditions. This means that application of each style
of leadership depends on teacher's ability to analyze
and capitalize onchanging circumstances.
Results of the estimation of data collected have
shown results in accordance with existing theories,
in which style of democratic leadership and
bureaucratic leadership jointly affect motivation of
teachers in SMA Negeri 1 Dolok Batu Nanggar.
Results of this estimate should also be shown with
similarities to the facts. The values contained in
theory, it should be, are also seen in realities.
Every teacher who is a respondent in this
research is aware of the importance of democratic
leadership styles and bureaucratic leadership in
enhancing their work motivation. Such awareness is
put forth in the given list of contents and estimation
results have shown it. This, the teachers who exist
and work in SMA Negeri 1 Dolok Batu Nanggar
should follow results of data estimation conducted
by applying these results on the daily work so that
motivation of teachers in SMA Negeri 1 Dolok Batu
Nanggar will continue to increase every time if both
-two free variables (democratic leadership style and
bureau-cratic leadership) are executed as they should
The joint strengthening between the democratic
leadership style and bureaucratic leadership will be
excellent for sustaining the continuing improvement
of teacher work motivation. Continuous
development of teacher work motivation will be
greatly influenced by both variables (Democratic
Leadership Style and Bureaucratic Leadership). It
has also been demonstrated by relative strength of
diversity that can be explained by both variables
(Democratic Leadership Style and Bureaucratic
Leadership) is on Teacher Work Motivation in SMA
Negeri 1 Dolok Batu Nanggar.
Results of Multiple Regression Estimates
From the previous analysis it has been proved that
equation model proposed in this research has met
requirements of classical assumption so that
equation model in this research is considered good.
Regression analysis is used to test hypothesis
about partial influence of independent variable to
dependent variable.
Regression results indicate that both coefficients
of independent variables have a positive sign. This
means that increase of one or both variables of
democratic leadership style (X1) and bureaucratic
leadership (X2) will increase teacher work
motivation in SMA Negeri 1 Dolok Batu Nanggar or
reverse. From independent variables used,
Effect of Democratic Leadership Style and Bureaucratic Leadership Style against Teacher Work Motivation in Dolok Batu Naggar State 1
State School
democratic leadership style variables have a more
dominant influence thanprincipal bureaucratic
leadership variables. This can be seen
frommagnitude of coefficient and its t-count results.
Coefficient of Determination Value
From the result of data processing, coefficient of
determination Adjusted (R2) is 0.556 (55.6%) so it
can be shown that 55.6% diversity of teacher work
motivation variable can be explained by free
variable of democratic leadership style (X1) and
bureaucratic leadership style (X2) While the
remaining 44.4% influenced by other variables
outside the model, such as salaries, facilities and
Partial Test Results
The partial free variable test of dependent variable is
done by t test using 95% confidence level or 5%
error rate.
Test results are:
1. Democratic Leadership Style. From data
processing known regression equation
formed is: Y = 2,955 + 0,787 X1. Means
style of democratic leadership has a positive
and significant influence in improving
teacher work motivation in SMA Negeri 1
Dolok Batu Nanggar AY. 2017/2018.
2. Bureaucratic Leadership Style. Fromdata
processing known regression equation
formed is: Y = 2,955 + 0,276 X2. Means,
bureaucratic leadership style has a positive
and significant influence in improving
teacher work motivation in SMA Negeri 1
Dolok Batu Nanggar AY. 2017/2018.
3. Simultaneous Test. Fromdata processing
known regression equation formed is: Y =
2,955 + 0,787 X1 + 0,276 X2. Means style
of democratic leadership and bureaucratic
leadership style both have a positive and
significant influence on teacher work
motivation in SMA Negeri 1 Dolok Batu
Nanggar AY. 2017/2018.
Count value for each variable. From democratic
leadership style variable, it is seen that the t count
value is 5.003 with the significance of 0.000. Level
of significance level 0.000 less than 0.05. This
means that variable of democratic leadership style
significantly affects teacher work motivation.
Bureaucratic leadership variable has its count of
2.027 with significance of 0.047. The level of
significance level of 0.047 is smaller than 0.05. This
means that bureaucratic leadership variables
significantly influence teacher work motivation.
This, partially, it can be concluded that the two
independent variables (Democratic Leadership Style
and Bureaucratic Leadership) significantly influence
the dependent variable.
The Democratic Leadership style of a teacher is a
way of leading that will affect achievement of the
established goals. Formulation of democratic
leadership style SMA Negeri 1 Dolok Batu Nanggar
shows, an organization there are people who can
influence, direct, guide and some people who have
activities to influence the behavior of others to
follow what they want. Therefore, democratic
leadership style of SMA Negeri 1 Dolok Batu
Nanggar can be understood as an ability to
influencecooperation within group to achieve goal.
Bureaucratic leadership style is a style of
leadership that emphasizes compliance with rules
that exist within organization, as characteristics
inherent inclassical bureaucracy. This leadership
style is still widely encountered at this time and
more shacklecreativity of a leader in achieving
results, because more limited by bureaucratic rules.
In addition to that, conceptually, leadership
emphasizes more on changes in subordinate
behavior. In this case, it is more related to the
problem of affecting a person so that his goal is
Democratic style is a more effective leadership
style compared to other leadership styles, autocracy
and out of control. Reason, because style of
democratic leadership involves subordinates in
decision-making. Bureaucratic leaders work "by the
rules", ensuring their staff follow procedures
appropriately. This is a very appropriate style of
engaging serious security risks.
Through this research, it has been tested together
and partially, it can be said that free variable,
democratic leadership style (X1) and bureaucratic
leadership (X2), have significant influence on
dependent variable, teacher work motivation. This, if
there is an increase in democratic leadership style
(X1) and / or bureaucratic leadership (X2) it will
increase teacher work motivation in SMA Negeri 1
Dolok Batu Nanggar.
Based on the results of testing and discussion of
research data, there is a positive and significant
influence betweenstyle of democratic leadership and
bureaucratic leadership style of teacher work
motivation in SMA Negeri 1 Dolok Batu Nanggar
AY. 2017/2018. Overall, democratic leadership style
variables and bureaucratic leadership style can
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
explain the effect on teacher work motivation by
55.6%, while 44.4% influenced by other factors such
as salary, facilities provided and others.
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Effect of Democratic Leadership Style and Bureaucratic Leadership Style against Teacher Work Motivation in Dolok Batu Naggar State 1
State School